The Most Recent American Mandate Might Very Well Be the Last for the Zionist Entity

Netanyahu has spent the past year pursuing a military victory to compensate for the intelligence failure…

On the Subject: The Storm and the Day After. Afterword. Part One. The Hypothesis (Or Was it the Hypotenuse?)

Part One.  The Hypothesis (or was it the hypotenuse?) You will excuse me if I do…

Flood the Belly of the Beast

First, we find it necessary to establish that the wave of revolutionary action in support of…

Mapuche Nation. Wallmapu and Palestine: Occupation and Dispossession

Analysis by Héctor Llaitul Carrillanca In the context of October 12, an obligatory analysis on what…

Colombia. Comandante Antonio García: “The ELN Is Always Open to Continue Looking for Solutions”

In response to a questionnaire sent by GARA before the Arauca attack, the first commander of…

Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis: For Comrade George Angeletakis

On Wednesday, October 9, comrade George Angeletakis died. George Angeletakis was the constant comrade in the…

Uprising Forces Martinique Airport to Close

The international airport in the Caribbean island of Martinique was forced to close by an uprising…

Call for International Meetings of Rebellions and Resistance 2024-2025. Theme: The Storm and the Day After

The Assembly of Collectives of Zapatista Autonomous Governments (ACEGAZ), the Zapatista communities and the EZLN call…

(Missolonghi, Greece) Explosive Attack on Police Interrogation Van

The mire of defeatism and misery sucks us deeper and deeper as we remain passive in…

The Zionist Regime Cannot Fight Hamas and Hezbollah at the Same Time

After all of its gloating, the Zionist entity appears to have fallen for its own propagandistic…