Ismail Haniyeh’s Journey of Resistance: From Exile to Martyrdom

The Hamas Resistance movement mourned on Wednesday the martyrdom of the head of its political bureau and leader, Ismail Haniyeh, in a “treacherous Zionist strike” and assassination targeting his place of residence in Tehran, Iran. Haniyeh was in the country participating in the swearing-in ceremony of the newly elected Iranian president.

Ismail Haniyeh was born in the al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza, on May 23, 1963, after his parents were displaced from Asqalan during the 1948 Nakba.

He received his degree in Arabic Literature in 1987 from the Islamic University, then earned his doctorate from his alma mater in 2009.

Political activism

Haniyeh’s political activism began within the Islamic Bloc, the student branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Gaza Strip, from which the Hamas Resistance movement was born.

He was a member of his university’s student council between 1983 and 1984, then acted as its president the following year.

In 1989, Ismail Haniyeh was arrested by the occupation forces for three years, then was exiled to the town of Marj al-Zuhur by the Lebanese-Palestinian border, alongside a group of Hamas leaders.

Following a year in exile, Haniyeh returned to Gaza and was appointed as the dean of the Islamic University.

In 1997, he was appointed as the head of the bureau of Hamas founder, Sheikh Ahmad Yassine, following his release from detention. He was later voted as the leader of the movement in Gaza, following the martyrdom of its previous leader, Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Rantisi, in 2004.

In December 2005, he headed the “Change and Reform” list, which won the second legislative Palestinian elections in 2006, with a majority vote. Shortly after, on February 16, 2006, he was nominated to take over the position of prime minister in Palestine and was officially instated on the 20th of the same month.

In May 2017, he succeeded Khaled Mashal to be the head of Hamas’ Political Bureau.

Ismail Haniyeh has been a target of multiple political assassination attempts, the latest being in 2003, when the occupation launched an airstrike against a group of Resistance leaders following a martyrdom operation carried out by al-Qassam Brigades.

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

When Hamas launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, a cheerful Haniyeh appeared in a broadcast video, alongside several of the movement’s leaders, from his Doha office. He had been following reports of the fighters of the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam, the military wing of Hamas, seizing Zionist military vehicles, before leading a prayer to “thank God for this victory.”

On April 10, six of Haniyeh’s family members, including three of his sons and a number of his grandchildren, were killed in an airstrike targeting their car, after they had taken it to drive around the al-Shati refugee camp and celebrate with its residents in the spirit of Eid al-Fitr.

On June 24, 10 of his family members, including his sister, were killed in a Zionist attack that deliberately targeted their home in al-Shati refugee camp.

Amid their martyrdom, Haniyeh said, “Nearly 60 of my family members rest as martyrs, like the children of Palestine, they are no different,” adding that the occupation thinks targeting the sons of Resistance leaders would break the will of the people of Palestine.

‘We declare victory’

“My sons’ and grandchildren’s blood is not more precious than the Palestinian people’s children’s,” Haniyeh said when his family members were murdered by “Israel”, thanking God for the “honor” he was generously awarded, upon their martyrdom.

In a speech he gave in 2014, blasting the ongoing siege on the Gaza Strip, the martyred leader said, “We are a people who declare victory should you declare a siege upon us. If you wish to break the will of Gaza and its people, then [know that] we only kneel before God. Every decision-maker, inside and outside Palestine, should grasp the message of our people: We are a people that cherish death the way our enemies cherish life, we cherish martyrdom on the path of our leaders the way others cherish political offices. Take all the offices you wish and give us our nation.”

Below we compile a compilation of statements from the Resistance.


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their vow, and some are still waiting, and they have not changed in the least.”

With all the meanings of pride and honor, and with more faith, patience, and determination to continue the path of the righteous martyrs and the heroic journey of the Al-Aqsa Flood, we mourn to our Palestinian people in all arenas of the homeland and beyond, and to our Arab and Islamic nation and the free people of the world, the leader and struggler, the great national symbol, and a luminary of the nation, the leader of the resistance, and the former Prime Minister of Palestine:

Martyr of Gaza, Al-Quds, and Palestine, and Martyr of the Al-Aqsa Flood, the fighter leader Ismail Abdul Salam Haniyeh (Abu al-Abd), head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas),

who ascended to his Lord as a martyr early this Wednesday morning in the Iranian capital, Tehran, following a cowardly and treacherous assassination operation carried out by the zionist enemy, violating all laws, customs, and treaties, confirming its criminal and fascist behavior against our people in the homeland and diaspora, and against our Arab and Islamic nation.

To the great Palestinian people, the free people of our nation and the world:
We affirm that the crime of the occupation in assassinating the leader, the fighter martyr Ismail Haniyeh, on Iranian soil, is a full-fledged terrorist act, a violation of the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a dangerous escalation, and an expansion of its aggression and criminality against our people and our nation. The zionist enemy and its supporters bear responsibility for this crime and its serious repercussions on the region, and it will not succeed in preventing the roar of the Al-Aqsa Flood from shaking the foundations of this usurping entity and destroying it, by Allah’s will.

To the great Palestinian people, the free people of our nation and the world:
The leader and great national symbol, the fighter Abu al-Abd, has gone to his Lord as a martyr today, on the path of the great martyr leaders, headed by the founding Sheikh Imam martyr Ahmed Yassin and his honorable companions. He achieved the highest aspirations he always wished for in the greatest heroic battle, the Battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood, for the sake of Palestine and Al-Aqsa, joining the caravan of great martyr leaders on the path of struggle and resistance. His sons, brothers, and men will grow stronger, more courageous, determined, and steadfast in facing the zionist occupation and its aggressive plans until its defeat and removal from our land and sanctities.

Allah has ended the life of the fighter martyr leader with the greatest conclusion, as he dedicated his life from his early years to serving his people and nation, raising the banner of resistance and jihad against the occupation, nurturing a great generation of heroes and resistance fighters, instilling in them the spirit of freedom, jihad, and martyrdom, making them a thorn in the throats of the zionists and a source of horror for their leaders.

To the great Palestinian people, the free people of our nation and the world:
We, in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), as we announce the ascension of the symbol of Palestine and the nation, and the leader of the resistance in Palestine, the fighter martyr Ismail Haniyeh, affirm that his spirit, brimming with love for Palestine, Gaza, Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa, unity, and national cohesion, will remain alive in the hearts of the sons of Palestine and the nation. The principles he instilled in our movement, people, and nation will remain steadfast, genuine, and everlasting. The movement, with its leaders, sons, and victorious Al-Qassam Brigades, along with all the great sons of our people, the Palestinian resistance factions, and their fighting Brigades, the free people of our nation and the world, will continue to strengthen the comprehensive resistance approach as the only option, continuing the glorious Battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood until achieving our people’s aspirations for complete liberation, return, and the establishment of the Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital, by Allah’s will.

We reiterate that a movement who offers its leaders and founders as martyrs for the freedom and dignity of our people and the liberation of its homeland and Al-Quds will never be defeated. These crimes will only increase our strength, steadfastness, and unwavering determination. This is the history of the movement and the resistance after the assassination of its leaders: they become stronger, more cohesive, more determined and persistent in their rights and principles, and more formidable and [painfully] impactful against the zionist enemy.

Let the blood of the martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh and the blood of all the martyrs of our people and nation today and always be a powerful motivator for all the sons of our Palestinian people, our Arab and Islamic nation, and the free people of the world to express their overwhelming anger and mobilize in all arenas and fields to confront the criminal occupation, condemn it, besiege it, and shake its foundations. Let it be a driver for more support and backing for our struggling people and its valiant resistance until the criminal occupation is expelled from our land and the independent Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital is established.

May Allah have mercy on the martyr leader, the symbol of Palestine and the nation, Abu Abdul Salam, accept him, and grant him the highest paradise, with the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous, and what excellent companions they are. May He grant patience and strength to his family, companions, brothers, and the sons of our people and our Arab and Islamic nation, and may He compensate us with the best of compensation.

Indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.

Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)
Wednesday: 25 Muharram 1446 AH
Corresponding to: 31 July 2024

Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“And do not think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”

With the highest expressions of pride and honor, the Martyr Izz El-Din al-Qassam Brigades exalt to our struggling Palestinian people, to the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation and its valiant resistance, and to the free people of the world, the martyr leader fighter, Ismail Abdul Salam Haniyeh – the leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, who was ascended in a cowardly zionist assassination operation that targeted his residence in the Iranian capital, Tehran. In light of this Nazi crime, we affirm the following:

Firstly: The martyr leader “Abu al-Abd” ascended after a life filled with giving, jihad, and sacrifices, during which he accompanied various stages of the movement’s development and its jihadist journey. He had clear contributions and imprints at various stations, offering much for our Palestinian cause. He played an important role in strengthening the resistance, unifying the efforts of the nation’s sons, mobilizing their energies, and directing the compass towards Al-Quds. His life was sealed with martyrdom in the most honorable of battles, the “Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood,” which our people and the free ones of our nation are fighting in defense of Al-Aqsa and the sanctities.

Secondly: The criminal assassination operation against leader Haniyeh in the heart of the Iranian capital is a pivotal and dangerous event which moves the battle to new dimensions and will have major repercussions for the entire region. The enemy has miscalculated by expanding the scope of aggression, assassinating resistance leaders in various arenas, and violating the sovereignty of the countries of the region. The criminal Netanyahu, blinded by the madness of grandeur, is leading the zionist entity towards the abyss, hastening its collapse and removal from the land of Palestine once and for all.

Thirdly: The time has come for this zionist arrogance to stop, for this raging enemy to be curbed, and for its hand, which is wreaking havoc here and there, to be cut off to deter it from its aggression. The enemy’s continuous crimes in various arenas sound the alarm for all the countries and peoples of the region. This must motivate everyone to support and back the resistance in Palestine, as it is the advanced line of defense for the entire nation. Hence, the enemy is striving to break and subdue it to focus on the greater aggression against the nation’s countries and peoples.

Fourthly: The blood of our leader Ismail Haniyeh, which today mixes with the blood of Gaza’s children, women, youth, and elders, and with the blood of the sons and fighters of our people and nation, confirms that the resistance and its leaders are at the heart of the battle alongside their people. This pure and precious blood to Allah will certainly not be in vain but will be a beacon on the path of liberation. The enemy will pay the price for its aggression with its [own] blood in Gaza, the West Bank, inside its illegitimate entity, and wherever the hands of our people’s fighters and our nation reach, by Allah’s will.

“And Allah is predominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know.”

And it is indeed a jihad of victory or martyrdom.

Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades
Wednesday, 25 Muharram 1446 AH
Corresponding to 31/07/2024 AD

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

Leader Ismail Haniyeh passed on the path of martyrs in the battle to defend the Palestinian existence.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourned the brother, freedom fighter Ismail Haniyeh (Abu al-Abd), head of the political bureau of the Hamas Movement, who was martyred with one of his brothers following a treacherous and cowardly zionist raid that targeted him in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

The Front said that Commander Ismail Haniyeh passed on the path of martyrs in the battle to defend the Palestinian existence in the face of zionist genocide.

The Front called on the people of Palestine, the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation, and the free people of the world, to rise up and wage intifada in the face of a criminal enemy that continues its crimes to ignite the region and the entire world.

Glory to the heroic martyrs, and shame and disgrace to the traitors and detractors.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
31 July 2024

International Relations Officer of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Maher Al-Taher:

The martyr Ismail Haniyeh gave his most precious thing for the cause of Palestine.

The Palestinian people are fully prepared to offer what is dear and precious for their cause, whatever the sacrifices.

The “israeli” enemy crosses all red lines and is pushing things towards a comprehensive war with the entire Resistance Axis.

The Axis of Resistance is fully prepared for confrontation, and I see that things are developing in the direction of escalating the confrontation to its maximum extent.

The enemy government will regret the sin it committed by assassinating Ismail Haniyeh and attacking Iranian sovereignty.

The assassination of the martyr Ismail Haniyeh could not have been carried out without American cover.

We say to the martyr, Commander Ismail Haniyeh, sleep well and do not worry, and we promise you that we will continue the struggle and resistance.

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns the great national leader Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of Hamas, who was martyred in a cowardly assassination in the Iranian capital, joining the ranks of Palestinian leaders and fighters who have fallen as martyrs for Palestine and its freedom.

This crime, despite its harshness on our people, their resistance, and their national movement, reaffirms that we face a difficult and long struggle against a treacherous enemy that does not hesitate to commit crimes and massacres, whether against high-ranking leaders or against children and women. Once again, this enemy falls into its illusions if it believes that assassinating resistance leaders will stop the resistance, which has become deeply rooted among all the people of Palestine.

The martyrdom of the leader “Abu al-Abd Haniyeh” is a great loss to our people and their resistance, given the significant role he played in the resistance and unifying efforts. However, we are confident that the resistance project will grow stronger, and cowardly assassination attempts will only increase our resolve and belief in our rights to our land, and our determination to continue our struggle against the zionist enemy. All our leaders and people are martyrs on the path to victory and the liberation of our freedom.

Condolences to our brothers in Hamas and all resistance factions,

Condolences to our people and their national movement,

Mercy to the great martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh,

Victory to our people and their national cause.

31 July, 2024

Palestinian Islamic Jihad:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine mourns to our Palestinian people and our Arab and Islamic nation, the great national leader and head of the Hamas Movement, the martyr Ismail Haniyeh.

The sinful assassination carried out by the criminal enemy against a symbol of the resistance will not deter our people from continuing the resistance to put an end to the zionist crime that has exceeded all limits.

As we extend our sincere condolences from the brothers in the Hamas Movement, and from the family of the great leader, his supporters and loved ones, we affirm our cohesion with our brothers in the Hamas movement in resisting the usurping entity.

Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Wednesday 25 Muharram 1446 AH, 31 July 2024 AD

Fatah Al-Intifada:

We in the Fatah Al-Intifada movement mourn to the masses of our Palestinian people and our Arab and Islamic nation, the heroic fighter leader Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh, who ascended as a result of a cowardly air strike carried out by the zionist enemy to once again confirm his failure to crush the mighty resistance in the Gaza Strip, which buried his army in the mud and dust of the land of Gaza in the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

This cowardly operation is a miserable attempt by the Prime Minister of the zionist entity to shuffle the cards and search for an alleged victory to present to his audience, even if it is a fake victory, because all Palestinian leaders are projected martyrs, as are our people throughout the nation.

We in the Fatah Al-Intifada movement pledge to the martyr Ismail Haniyeh and to all the martyrs of our Palestinian people that we will remain on their path until complete liberation and the return of our people to their homes.

Glory and eternity to our martyrs. Victory for our resisting people.
It is a revolution until victory.

Fatah Al-Intifada Movement – Occupied Palestine
Leadership of the Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades and the Popular Resistance Committees:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

“Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration.”

With great pride, honor, and determination to continue the path of the martyrs, the leadership of the Resistance Committees in Palestine and their military wing, the Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, represented by their Secretary-General, brother Ayman al-Shashniya Abu Yasser, their central leadership, and their military council, mourn:

The martyr mujahid and great leader: Ismail Abdul Salam Haniyeh “Abu al-Abd”, 61 years old,

Who ascended on the path to liberate Jerusalem in a cowardly assassination operation this morning, Wednesday, in Tehran.

As we extend our condolences to our brothers in the leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas and bless the martyrdom of their Political Bureau Chief, we affirm that we remain true to his covenant and the covenant of all the martyrs who have ascended on this blessed path in defense of our holy sites and our cause.

The assassination of a great leader and a symbol of our Palestinian people and their resistance will not weaken the resolve of the resistance or its determination to continue on its path to expel this treacherous zionist enemy, who remains on our occupied land from the sea to the river.

The zionist enemy has not learned from the continuous confrontation since October 7 that the policy of assassinations will only increase the resistance’s strength and determination on all fronts and in all arenas to continue the resistance and open confrontation.

The blood of the great martyr leader Abu al-Abd Haniyeh will be a curse that shocks and burns the nazi enemy entity, which will be broken and humiliated by the blessed strikes of the resistance in all arenas of confrontation and engagement.

“And those who have wronged are going to know to what [kind of] return they will be returned.”

Leadership of the Resistance Committees in Palestine and their military wing, the Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

Martyr Abdulqader Al-Husseini Brigades:

The leader Ismail Haniyeh followed the path of the martyrs in the battle to defend Palestinian existence.
The Martyr Abdul Qader Al-Husseini Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement Fatah, mourns the leader and struggler Ismail Haniyeh (Abu Al-Abed), head of the political bureau of Hamas, who was martyred with one of his brothers as a result of a treacherous and cowardly zionist raid that targeted him in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

The brigades stated that the leader Ismail Haniyeh followed the path of the martyrs in the battle to defend against the genocide of the Palestinian people.

Glory to the heroic martyrs, and shame and disgrace to the traitors and the cowardly.

The Martyr Abdul Qader Al-Husseini Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement Fatah

July 31, 2024

Mujahideen Movement:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“And do not think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”

The Palestinian Mujahideen Movement mourns the martyr, the great national and jihadist leader, Ismail Haniyeh “Abu al-Abd,” head of the political bureau of Hamas, who ascended to the heights in a treacherous zionist assassination operation in Tehran.

Today we bid farewell to the leader Abu al-Abd Haniyeh after a long jihadist journey spent resisting the heinous zionist occupation and defending the just rights of his people. He joins the ranks of the martyrs of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood on the path to Al-Quds and liberation, alongside the martyr leaders Yassin, Shaqaqi, Abu Shareyah, Abu Ammar, Abu Ali Mustafa, and all the martyrs of our people who illuminated the path to victory, liberation, and salvation with their pure blood.

We in the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement, as we extend our condolences to the brothers in Hamas, the family of the martyr fighter, and all our people, confirm the following:

– The cowardly zionist assassination operations will only increase our determination and insistence on continuing the path of resistance and the path of suffering until the occupation is expelled from every inch of our land. They will only strengthen our adherence to our right in all of Palestine, no matter how great the challenges.

– We hold the American enemy fully responsible for this heinous crime, as it provides the green light and international cover for the criminal Netanyahu to continue his crimes against our people and violate the capabilities and sovereignty of the nation.

– The criminal enemy must realize that it is in an open battle with the entire nation, and the defeated zionist enemy and its fascist extremist government must pay a high price for this folly and new crime, which carries great significance.

– We call on all our people’s fighters and resistance to pour their wrath on the zionist enemy and its settler hordes, and let it be a comprehensive intifada towards liberation…

Palestinian Mujahideen Movement
Media Office
Wednesday, 25 Muharram 1446 AH
Corresponding to July 31, 2024 AD

Ansarallah Political Bureau:

We strongly condemn the heinous and cowardly assassination of Commander Ismail Haniyeh, which targeted one of the nation’s symbols and leaders of the resistance.

The assassination of Commander Ismail Haniyeh is a great escalation and a major violation, as well as a blatant breach of all laws, norms, and international treaties.

The assassination of Commander Haniyeh is a jewish terrorist crime that represents a severe loss to the nation at a critical stage of confrontation with the enemy.

We are determined to stand by Hamas and all resistance factions in confronting the American-backed zionist aggression.

The continued genocidal crimes and assassination of leading figures by the zionist enemy demonstrate its utter failure and incapacity in the war.

The complacent, especially the ruling regimes, must wake up from their slumber and work diligently to uphold the dignity of the nation and support Palestine.

We renew our pledge and determination to support Palestine and its cause, and to continue on the path of resistance until victory.

The crime of assassinating Commander Haniyeh will not deter the Palestinian people and will not prevent their continued resistance, but rather it will increase their firmness and steadfastness.


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their vow, and some are still waiting, and they have not changed in the least.”
This is the Truth of Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.

To the struggling, oppressed, and proud Palestinian people, to our honorable brothers in the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, to all the dear factions of the Palestinian resistance, to our Arab peoples, and to every free and honorable resistance fighter, we extend our deepest condolences on the martyrdom of the great, sincere leader and dear brother, Mr. Ismail Haniyeh, may Allah have mercy on him, the head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement. We particularly address his honorable and sacrificing family, which has offered dozens of martyrs from its men and women on the path to the liberation of Al-Quds and Palestine. We ask Allah Almighty to grant them patience, solace, and the best rewards in this life and the hereafter.

The martyr leader, Mr. Ismail Haniyeh, is one of the great resistance leaders of our present time who stood bravely against the American hegemony project and the zionist occupation. They carried their blood on their hands, ready for martyrdom for the cause they believed in, always anticipating their martyrdom along the way.

The martyrdom of leader Haniyeh (may Allah be pleased with him) will increase the determination and persistence of the resisting fighters in all resistance arenas to continue the path of jihad (struggle), and will strengthen their resolve in facing the zionist enemy, the killer of women and children, the perpetrator of genocide in Gaza, and the usurper of Palestine’s land and the nation’s sanctities.

We in Hezbollah share with our dear brothers in Hamas all the feelings of pain over the loss of this great leader, the feelings of anger over the enemy’s crimes, the feelings of pride that the leaders in our movements precede their people and fighters to martyrdom, and the feelings of confidence in Allah’s promise of victory to His believing and struggling servants.

We ask Allah to accept this great and dear martyr leader among the martyrs and to grant him His vast mercy and satisfaction.

Wednesday, 31/07/2024
25 Muharram 1446 AH

 Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
“And do not think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”
This is the Truth of Allah the Almighty.

Al-Aqsa Flood Battle.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – Palestine mourns to our Palestinian people and our Arab and Islamic nation the martyr leader and struggler, the head of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, Ismail Abdul Salam Haniyeh “Abu al-Abd,” who was passed today, Wednesday, 31/7/2024, in a treacherous zionist assassination operation in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

The assassination operation carried out by the criminal enemy against the leaders of the Palestinian people will only increase the resistance’s strength and firmness in continuing the path of resistance.

We, in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – Palestine, extend our condolences to our brothers in the leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas and congratulate them on the martyrdom of their head of the political bureau, affirming that we remain committed to the pledge of the martyrs who have risen on this blessed path in defense of our sanctities and cause.

And it is indeed a jihad of victory or martyrdom…

Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – Palestine
Wednesday, 31/7/2024

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command:

On the martyrdom of the great Palestinian leader and fighter Ismail Haniyeh

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
“And do not think of those who have been killed in the way of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”
This is the truth of Allah Almighty.

Our Palestinian people, its revolutionary forces, and its fighting factions mourn to all the free people of the world the martyrdom of the great national leader and fighter Ismail Haniyeh, who was assassinated by the zionist enemy in Tehran.

We, in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command, extend to our Palestinian people and the leadership of Hamas our highest congratulations, pride, and appreciation for the martyrdom of the great Palestinian leader Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of Hamas. We affirm that the martyrdom of the historical leader Haniyeh, who played an exceptional role in enhancing the capabilities of the resistance and leading the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, will ignite the flame of resistance, inspire our people and their resistance with all the meanings of pride and sacrifice, and accelerate the dismantling of the zionist entity.

The zionist enemy has previously assassinated founding leaders in the Palestinian arena and jihadist figures in more than one Palestinian faction. Those forces have not been broken but have become more rooted and effective. It is certain that the zionist enemy, which was broken, humiliated, and defeated in the great Al-Aqsa Flood battle, will find itself unable to face the rising flood of challenge and willpower despite the war of extermination it is waging against our people and the crimes of assassinating symbols and leaders of our people and the Axis of Resistance.

We, in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command, call on the masses of our nation and all its free people to actively engage in the liberation battle led by our Palestinian people and to the unity of all Palestinian national forces at this historical juncture without hesitation.

Glory to the martyrs, and together on the path to liberating the land and the people.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
General Command

National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces):

Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces mourn the great national leader, martyr Ismail Haniyeh

The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine) issued a statement mourning the great national leader, the head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), who was assassinated by the fascist occupation state in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces said: With the martyrdom of the great leader, Ismail Haniyeh, one of the prominent symbols of resistance against the occupation, we affirm that his martyrdom and his blood will not be in vain, and that the “israeli” occupation will pay the price for its crime.

As we bid farewell to our great brother, leader Abu al-Abd, we pledge, in the name of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), to continue the path of struggle and resistance, and to pursue our barbaric enemy in its war against our people on every inch of Gaza Strip land, until it carries its stick and departs humiliated from our land. By doing so, we will have fulfilled our sacred duty towards the leader Ismail Haniyeh, all the martyrs, and the steadfast people of our nation.

Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces – the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media

Palestinian Islamic Jihad spokesperson, Mohammed Al-Hajj Musa:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The enemy’s perpetration of a horrific massacre against journalists near the home of the great national leader martyr Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza is a crime against humanity and a blatant challenge to all human norms and values.

The rabid attacks launched by the government of the entity in all directions are evidence of the despair it has reached as it tries to restore deterrence capabilities after being exposed by the steadfastness of our Palestinian people and the supporting fronts.

We call upon the free people of the world to exert all means of pressure to punish the war criminals in Netanyahu’s government and the senior officers of his army.

We affirm that our resistance continues, and all the massacres committed by the government of the entity will only increase our steadfastness, resilience, and persistence in confronting this entity until the occupation is eradicated from our homeland.

Wednesday, 25 Muharram 1446 AH, 31 July 2024 AD.