Popular heroes live forever. On January 4, 2025, it will be one year since the physical departure of our beloved companion Humberto, caused by the dirty war and state terrorism of the regime: the Colombian bourgeois oligarchy.
The comrade of peasant origin, with his characteristic humility, decided to walk the path of popular and revolutionary struggle in his homeland Casanare, leaving a legacy worthy of imitation in our revolutionary praxis; a legacy that corresponds to the new generations to follow and exalt as: revolutionary commitment, courage in combat, loyalty and the perseverance of a warrior of a thousand battles.
Captain Humberto leaves us a legacy, but also a wealth of victories that enhance the combative praxis of the Elenos and Elenas. His mysticism and morality continue to illuminate the libertarian path that commanders and combatants continue to follow alongside the working class and the proletariat.
To his family, our sincere embrace of solidarity and revolutionary affection; we should feel proud of having had a son, a brother, an uncle and a relative with the qualities of Humberto.
Our dear and remembered comrade, in practice embodied the love of the revolution and knew how to understand it so well, that the daily risk never mattered but rather his fighting spirit, courage and his deep commitment to the revolutionary cause will immortalize him in our plains, jungles, mountains and moors as a worthy example of struggle.
The class enemy could not break our hero’s will to fight and combat, and we will know how to compensate for this with firmness in the popular and revolutionary struggle, rising to the challenges of the present.
Honor on his grave Always Rebels!
Colombia for the workers,
Not One Step Back, Liberation or Death!
Neither Surrender nor Handover,
Always with the People!
Strategic Military Political Command
Eastern War Front
National Liberation Army.
Mountains, jungles, savannas and cities of eastern Colombia
January 4, 2025