We live in a world in which our existence is continuously threaten by the capitalist advances in all their expressions. Governments and businessman, mercenaries without scruples are responsible of keeping the status quo, while submitting all of us by means of state violence to a life of misery and resignation.Confronting such reality, those who rise up and resist head against this imposed reality, are turned immediately into terrorist.
This idea is sustained and reproduced thanks to the unconditional support of the dis-information media, which fulfills very well their role of deforming opinion. Nothing further from reality than the headlines of the local yellow press.
Who decides to attack?
There is no such things as a savior complex in those who decide to fight. It is rather a personal decision that keeps coherence with the chosen path in life. Tireless and stubborn, us who chose this way are the undesirable reflex of a society that thinks of it self in terms of the oppressor. Therefore, we will always be on the side of those who rise up, face the oppressor and attack. Making clear that these are not invulnerable monsters.
Self-defense is legitimate, the use of everything what it is on our hands and more, when in search of a life free of misery and violence is fully justified and rather than desirable, is necessary and urgent. The reality of millions of people is compromised day by day due to the decision of a few who hold power.
It is our turn, the nobodies, to take the floor and the action to turn into flesh a new way of being. A way of being worthy to live and die as sensitive beings and not alienated, servile and without reason of our own.
This gesture of solidarity , and this words of revolutionary love are dedicated to the memory of Kyriakos, to the comrade Marianna, and to all those comrades that are been persecuted by the greek state, as well as to all the comrades that we know are supporting this case closely. These are as well extensive to all those ho are on the run, or have been kidnapped by any murderous state.
For each of our fallen ones, thousands are born. Earlier than later, we will turn in light the night, and make the black sun of anarchy shine for us all.
Honor and glory to the fallen ones, strength and rebelliousness to all comrades.
Love and Anarchy 🖤
source: Act For Freedom