The investigating judge’s decision came in the afternoon.
There is no place to proceed for Alfredo Cospito and 11 other anarchists. This is what the judge of Perugia, Angela Avila, decided today, January 15, in the afternoon, at the end of the discussion during the preliminary hearing. Cospito and Michele Fabiani from Spoleto, together with the other 10, were charged with various charges of apology and incitement to subversion and of some episodes of damage. In November 2021, the Perugia ROS had applied six precautionary measures against as many exponents of the anarchist sector. The charges were related to the publication of a newspaper considered clandestine, Vetriolo.
Lawyer Flavio Rossi Albertini, who defends Cospito, in the 41 bis at least until next year, declares: “We have obtained a result for which we have fought from the first hour. Here there was a tendency to mystify the free expression of one’s own political opinion, making thought pass for crime. Let us not forget that also thanks to the Sibilla operation, the 41bis was requested for Cospito and now that everyone has been acquitted, as well as in another investigation in Rome that had been used for the 41bis, I hope that this will induce the Minister who will be responsible for this decision, in the event that its renewal is requested, to deny it.”
Satisfaction was also expressed by the lawyer Carmelo Parente, who assists Michele Fabiani: “These are very delicate issues, crimes of opinion can affect everyone, not just the anarchists, it is important that the judge has evaluated them with due care and not considered it configurable.”
Lawyer Caterina Calia is also on the same wavelength: “Years ago they wanted to criminalize all activity attributable to that anarchist zone, but as always we have maintained that none of the crimes that the prosecution had challenged were committed.”
Via Presxs en Lucha