Central Africa remains the bastion of counter-revolution in Africa, due to its blind submission to Western imperialism. Several political leaders play a major disastrous role in the series of genocides in the Great Lakes region. What to do?
The DRC is flooded with anti-Lumumba propaganda. In December 1960, individuals mandated by American imperialism decided to deport Lumumba to Katanga to assassinate him. Lumumba, an anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist and anti-fascist, became the symbol of world anti-imperialism thanks to his political struggle.
It should be noted that anti-Lumumbism in the DRC is a major project of the imperialist systems to stifle the independence of the country. Anti-Lumumbism is an anti-communist ideology. On October 2, 1968, the prestigious communist leader Pierre Mulele will be physically liquidated in an extraordinary bestial barbarity.
Comrade Pierre Mulele was killed at Camp Kokolo with a bestial cruelty that will forever shame the regime that ordered this savagery. While alive, his ears were torn off, his nose cut off, his eyes were pulled out of their sockets. While still alive, his arms were amputated, then his legs. While still alive, his arms were amputated, then his legs. The human remains were thrown into a bag and immersed in the Congo River. The Lumumbist ideologue, Comrade Théodore Bengila, will also be liquidated in the same barbaric manner.
In the eyes of US imperialism, the DRC cannot succeed and prevent Africa from taking off. Thus, it has become a major area of turbulence in Africa.
The DRC is the bastion of assassinations of progressive leaders. It is an imperialist strategy to block the development of our country. The land of our ancestors is perfumed by the blood of martyrs who fought for the independence and sovereignty of our country. On June 2, 1966, the hanging of Mahamba, Kimba, Anany and Bamba. An action that led to the establishment of a totalitarian system in the DRC.
No one will forget the secession of Katanga and South Kasai, a CIA action to prevent Lumumba’s government from functioning properly. The Belgian aggression against Congolese territory was supported by the UN and several Western powers.
The hunt for Lumumbists was validated by several Western powers to take the political and economic independence of the Congo hostage. Anti-Lumumba is a form of bloodthirsty ideology.
On February 9, 1961, seven prominent Lumumbist ideologues were savagely murdered. They were comrades Jean Finant, Christophe Muzungu, Jacques Lumbala, Fataki, Mbuyi, Yangala and Léopold Elengesa. They were buried alive in front of a common grave after their mutilation, to the great delight of the anti-Lumumba who witnessed this macabre spectacle. An unbearable scene, but one that the Lumumbists experienced in the DRC.
It should be noted that the Lumumbist cadres of great value were liquidated during the period of persecution of the Lumumbists, such as Thomas Mukwidi, Antoine TSHIMANGA, Albert Bushiri, Emmanuel Nzuzi, Pierre Elengesa, Jean Finant, etc. We have seen many others fall, often through poverty, while others have run out of steam through suffering and other deprivations of their rights.
You don’t cut a flame with scissors. Thus, the mystique of Lumumba crossed the oceans to America. The famous black American revolutionary, Malcolm X, identified with Lumumba, his idol, by taking on his look: his glasses and his beard. He was called the “Lumumba of Africa”. He had also given the name Lumumba to his only daughter as a testimony to his admiration for the leader of the Congolese revolution whose assassination had devastated him.
Malcolm X wanted to raise an army of black Americans to fight in the Congo alongside Congolese nationalists to avenge Lumumba’s assassination. The CIA brutally prevented him from doing so, as he was assassinated on February 25, 1965.
On December 11, 1964, Commander Ernesto Che Guevara declared at the UN podium: “All free men of the world must be ready to avenge the crimes committed in the Congo. […] The statue that commemorates Lumumba, destroyed today but which will be rebuilt tomorrow, also reminds us, through the tragic history of this martyr of the world revolution, that we cannot trust imperialism…”
Therefore, we note that Lumumbism, like Pan-Africanism, is a current that promotes unity and solidarity between Africans, American resisters and the African diaspora in America, for the decolonization of Africa and the emancipation of Africans. It is a movement that acts against international imperialism. It defends the democracy of the peoples. It eliminates colonialism or neocolonialism.
Malcolm X had not arrived in the DRC, but Ernesto Che Guevara left his Ministry of Industry to join the Congolese nationalist movement in Fizi Baraka. This clearly shows that Lumumba’s political ideas are circulating all over the world, except in the DRC, because the members of his government are under the control of imperialist powers hostile to the happiness of the Congolese people.
Desecrating the mausoleum of Patrice Lumumba is a crime against the world revolution. The Congolese government has an obligation to organize a public trial against those who desecrated the mausoleum of Lumumba. Sabotaging the memory of Lumumba is a way of tarnishing the image of our country and our people. The petty bourgeois reformists are on the wrong train and the wrong wagons, and it is difficult, if not impossible, to politically liquidate the mystique of Lumumba. The revolt against the reason of the Wazalendos’ fight is a form of Patrice Emery Lumumba’s politics. Their fight for the defense of the homeland clearly shows that Lumumbism is not running out of steam.
Lumumbism is not a political party, but a movement, a school, a doctrine, a movement, a political philosophy, a project of hope, a thought of national construction. It is both a theory and a method. Lumumbism, like Pan-Africanism, is not a dogmatic doctrine. It is a guide to action or a salutary and liberating spiritual nourishment. Lumumbism is a state of mind and not a political party.
Homeland or death, we will win!
Boswa Isekombe Sylvere,
Secretary General of the PCCO. The lion with the red heart