On February 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or any other dates that in your own time you consider appropriate.
WHEREAS it has been 6 years of impunity since that February 20, 2019 in which our brother Samir Flores Soberanes was murdered at the hands of “organized crime with the bad government,” that promoted the bloody consultation of the Morelos Integral Project (PIM).
Megaprojects are a cancer that capitalism, in any of its populist or fascist faces, imposes on our territories, killing Mother Earth and killing us along with her.
Samir was murdered by the narco-state that Claudia Sheinbaum denies exists, but that millions in Mexico see and suffer.
Samir was killed by organized crime and the bad government for organizing and telling the truth about the Morelos Integral Project, and for defending life and denouncing the betrayal of Obrador who promised to cancel the PIM if he became President.
The increase in organized crime throughout the national territory is a reality, cities with curfews and “tolls,” displaced and besieged towns in Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Sonora, Michoacán, Morelos, Colima, Veracruz, Jalisco and practically the entire country, disappeared and disappeared… mega-projects of environmental destruction are accompanied by “organized” crime, but organized with the bad government, at the municipal, state and federal level, generating conditions of terror and war in the country.
War extends throughout the world, which brazenly intends to evict the Palestinian people from Gaza and repopulate it with Israeli and gringo capitalism; there they bomb us from above, here they attack us from below, but for the same reason of dispossessing us of our territories.
War is spreading with the massive deportation of our brothers from the north of the country who are in what capitalism calls the United States, without respecting the right that every human being should have, to live and work honestly in any part of the world.
That war, the storm, is everywhere, in thousands of towns and cities in America, Europe, Asia, Africa or Oceania. Instilling fear, disorganizing life, escalating in Mexico, in the period since the 4T, the murder and disappearance of more and more comrades who defend life, probe and spread the truth like Samir. That is why Samir is in many places, has many names and different genders, but with a common trait: rebellion.
Despite the storm and because of it, here we are, the struggle for life, the rebellious dignity, the forgotten heart of the earth.
In order to grow our word, our cry, our demand for justice for Samir and for the peoples of Mexico and the world, today we call to meet to build justice and memory for our brother Samir Flores Soberanes; registering to date the following activities:
Tuesday, February 11:
- Initiative for Samir-Kinoki, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas.
Saturday, February 15:
- Sharing of Zapatista experience 31 Years of Resistance and Rebellion, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Red de Solidaridad con Chiapas Buenos Aires, in conjunction with the Libertarian Federation of Argentina (FLA).
- Mural by Samir, Elaborarte Manos Vivas Querétaro, Comida No Bombas Qro.
- Echos of the Commons: Conversations about the Zapatista Encounters of Resistances and Rebellions, Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco sala 2, Red Universitaria Anticapitalista, CdMx.
Sunday, February 16:
- Cultural and informational day at Foro Abierto de la Casa del Lago, Bosque de Chapultepec, CdMx, CLETA.
- Talk and Video “JUSTICE FOR SAMIR FLORES SOBERANES”. Community of Xochitlanezi (114 El Molino St., La Planta neighborhood, Iztapalapa) (RAIS) Iztapala Sexta Support Network and its member collectives, community of Xochitlanezi and its member organizations, Mexico City.
- Mural for Samir, El Tejocote, Tequisquiapan, Milpa Constelación, Querétaro
Wednesday, February 19:
- Artistic day for Samir Flores. Islas de Ciudad Universitaria – UNAM
- Placement of banners and leafleting, Cuauhtémoc, CdMx, Frente del Pueblo Resistencia Organizada, 16:00 hrs.
- Flyer “From the Word of Samir to the Heart of Abisaí”, February 19 and 20, Pueblos de Tecámac, State of Mexico.
Thursday, February 20:
- Commemoration in Amilcingo: Memorial mass, civic act Escuela Samir Flores Soberanes, wreath at Samir’s grave, Amilcingo, Morelos, 8:00 – 14:00.
- Public event in memory of Samir, Psychology Area of the University Center of Health Sciences (CUCS) of the University of Guadalajara, Brigada Ignacio Martin Baro, 11:00 hrs.
- Rally in front of the Mexican Embassy in Rome, Nodo Solidale, 11:00 hrs (Rome time)
- Fogata Rebelde – Casa de los Pueblos Samir Flores Soberanes, CdMx, 17:00 – 2:00 hrs
- Hacktivist party against digital capitalism, talks and video, Okupa Che,CU, CdMx, Laboratorio de Medios Libres
- Political-Cultural Meeting: Justice for Samir Flores Soberanes! Six years of impunity, Zócalo de Cuernavaca, Morelos, Red Morelense de Apoyo al CNI-CIG/Colectivity Nuestra Alegre Rebeldía
- Tree planting day, El Salto and Juanacatlán, Agrupación Un Sato de Vida, Jalisco.
- Banner for Samir “Samir lives, the struggle continues!” Milpa Alta, Communal School Casa del Arte Tlaixco, Council of Communal Resources Nahua Indigenous Community Tlacotenco Nahua Indigenous Community CNI Milpa Alta ILANCUEITL dance of the Tlacualeras Communal Guard Santa Ana Tlacotenco, CdMx
- Collective Painting of the Mural “JUSTICE FOR SAMIR AND FOR OUR DISAPPEARED”. Community of Xochitlanezi (114 el molino street, colonia la Planta, Iztapalapa) (RAIS) Iztapala Sexta Support Network and its member collectives, community of Xochitlanezi and its member organizations, community of Xochitlanezi (RAIS) and its member organizations (RAIS).
- “Samir y el común”, La Ezkina located in Infonavit del Río, Tijuana, La Ezkina, Baja California.
- Exhibition of canvases demanding justice for Samir, Proceso de Articulación de la sierra de santa marta /CNI, Veracruz.
- Screening of Samir’s documentary without reversal, Cuba 34 corner with allende, La Resistencia Café Galería, CDMX
- Memory and Struggle: Samir Flores Soberanes, Conscience and Freedom, CDMX
- Flyer in the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara, National Indigenous Congress, Adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, Signers of the Declaration for Life, Communist Youth of Mexico, Party of Communists, Jalisco.
- Special radio program: “Samir lives” in “Lo conseguí soñando / otrxs mundxxs al aire”, FM quimunche, red de comunistas, Jalisco. FM quimunche, red enfoques and repeater radios.
- Demonstration in front of the Mexican Consulate, 2401 W 6th St, Los Angeles, California “Eagle and Condor Liberation Front, La Otra Califas: Ramona Vive”, Sexta Grietas del Norte.
- Premiere of the song “”Samir“”- Sergio Marcos ‘Ik”, Regeneración Radio.
Friday, February 21:
- Unveiling of Samir’s bust in Normal de Cuautla, Morelos, Normal de Cuautla, APPM, FPDTA-MPT, 13:00 hrs.
- March from the Secretaría de Gobernación to the Zócalo of Mexico City, 16:00 hrs.
- Monumental painting – Zócalo, Contrayendo el común, CdMx
- Documentary-charla-Casa de Arte, downtown Cuautla, Morelos;
- Community Conversation, San Francisco, USA, Grietas del Norte, 17:30 hrs.
- Mural painting for Samir, Tepic, Partido de los comunistas, Nayarit
- Leafleting around the city, Guadalajara, Party of Communists, Jalisco, Jalisco
- Film Debate: “Samir”, Documentary, Casa Obrera Tlaxcala and Hijxs del Maíz Pinto, Tlaxcala
- Discussion “Water Struggles: from Morelos to Southern California”, East Los Angeles, California, Eagle and Condor Liberation Front, La Otra Califas: Ramona Vive
Saturday, February 22nd:
- Rallies in each of the 12 Zapatista caracoles, Chiapas, EZLN.
- “Samir, junk capitalism and the resistance” (Conversation/Unveiling of Samir bust, rally and cultural events) – Sit-in against the Cholula garbage dump, Puebla, 11:00 – 18:00 hrs.
- Book presentation – La Vulcana, Santa María La Rivera, CdMx
- Cultural event – La Bigotona, Plaza Moctezuma, Cuernavaca, Morelos
- Text reading in memory of Samir (with bust present) at the anti-fascist march in memory of Valerio Verbano, Nodo Solidale.
- Screening/conversation, San Francisco, USA, Northern Cracks
- Ajmaq-Frayba Network Film Debate. Dialogues of Resistance and Rebellion. Six years after the murder of Samir Flores, for the defense of Territory and Life, Kinoki, Red Ajmaq and Frayba, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas.
- Exhibition of posters Justice for Samir Flores, 6 years of Impunity Projection of videos about Samir’s voice and struggle. Nodo de Derechos Humanos and Terraformar, Puebla
- Leafleting and broadcasting in Plaza Principal Tepic, Partido de los comunistas, Nayarit
- Poster-pasting around the city, Los Mochis, Partido de los comunistas, Sinaloa;
- Conversatorio en la Casa de fuego con Adherentes de la sexta, Partido de los comunistas, Sinaloa; Conversatorio en la Casa de fuego con Adherentes de la sexta, Partido de los comunistas
- Rally, Monterrey, Red de Resistencia y Rebeldía NL, Nuevo León
- Video and poster pasting in the city of Zacatecas, Party of the Communists, Zacatecas
- Poster pasting, Playas de Rosarito, Partido de los comunistas, Baja California
- Leafleting and poster pasting, Playas de Rosarito, Baja California
- Leafleting and pasting of posters, Culiacán, Party of Communists, Sinaloa
- Cultural event, Andador Benito Juárez, Party of Communists and Communist Youth of Mexico, Aguascalientes
- Distribution of information in connection with the Jornada Justicia Samir Flores Soberanes!” Liège, Collectif Chiapas de Liège, by Grupo CafeZ, Belgium.
- Poster pasting, Bahia de Banderas, Party of the Communists and Adherents to the Sixth, Nayarit
- Central Event at Casa de fuego, Donato Guerra 430, Congreso Nacional Indigena, Adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, Signers of the Declaration for Life, Communist Youth of Mexico, Party of Communists, Jalisco.
- Screening and discussion “Megaprojects and struggles for life,” Barrio La Misión, San Francisco, California, La Otra Califas: Ramona Vive, Sexta Grietas del Norte
Sunday, February 23rd:
- Flyering, clothesline/poetryline – Bellas Artes, CdMx, Redmyc Zapatista.
- Photo exhibit Samir Flores: Seed of resistance, El parque la llanta, Nos Queremos Vivas Neza, CdMx.
- Informative demonstration, Guaymas, Communist Party, Sinaloa.
- Informative table to demand justice for Samir Flores Soberanes, Zócalo de Puebla, Puebla.
- Public act in the esplanade of the expiatory, Guadalajara, Party of Communists, Jalisco
- Talk in the Xochicalli neighborhood, Mexicali, Party of Communists, Baja California, 10:00 – 12:00 hrs.
- Video and diffusion, Ensenada, Party of Communists, Baja California, 10:00 – 12:00 hrs
- Poster pasting in the city, Rosamorada, Party of Communists, Nayarit, 10:00 – 12:00 hrs
- Meeting and graphic exhibition, National Indigenous Congress, Adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, Signers of the Declaration for Life, Communist Youth of Mexico, Party of Communists, Jalisco.
- Informative exhibition and screening of the documentary SAMIR, San Gregorio Atlapulco, Casa del Pueblo Tlamachtiloyan de Atlapulco and Asamblea General Permanente del Pueblo de San Gregorio Atlapulco, CdMx.
- Collective letter to the community of Samir Flores Soberanes, Mazatecas for Freedom.
- Conversatorio Samir Florece. Justicia x Samir y la lucha contra el PIM, Sendas, Colectivos autoconvocados del mundo en San Cristóbal. San Cristobal de Las Casas.
Monday, February 24th
- Documentary screening about the life and murder of compa Samir. Je’ Xo’o (el Ombligo),Coyoacán Mexico Cdmx
Saturday, March 1st
- Conversation and murals for justice by Samir Flores Soberanes, Santiago Mexquititlán, Amealco, Querétaro.
FIRST: To carry out widespread actions at a global level demanding justice for Samir. To meet again and talk about the struggle for life and autonomy, about the construction of common justice, about enough is enough, about dreams and nightmares in our places and in other parts of the world.
SECOND: To strengthen and disseminate the activities listed here.
THIRD: To continue registering their activities at, sending posters of the events, photos, videos, poems, songs and/or stories of their actions.
For the Complete Reconstitution of Our Peoples
Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra y el Agua – Morelos, Puebla, Tlaxcala
Agrupación Un Salto de Vida/Jalisco
Antsetik ts’unun/Chiapas
Área de Estudios Urbanos UAM Azcapotzalco/CDMX
Asamblea General Permanente del Pueblo de San Gregorio Atlapulco/CDMX
Asamblea Nacional por el Agua y la Vida/México
Asociación de Exploración Científica y Recreativa/CDMX
«Bicis Tierra y Libertad» (colectiva ciclista)/CDMX
Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer, E.M. A.C./CDMX
Brigada Dr. Ignacio Martín-Baró/Jalisco
Brújula Roja/CDMX
Café “Zapata Vive”/CDMX
Casa Obrera de Tlaxcala COT/Tlaxcala
Casa Ojalá/CDMX
Casa Samir Flores/CDMX
Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas/Chiapas
Centro de Investigación en Comunicación Comunitaria/México
Cholultecas Unidxs en Resistencia-CHUR/Puebla
Colectiva Nuestra Alegre Rebeldía/Morelos
Colectivo 16 de Octubre-Calpulalpan/Tlaxcala
Colectivo Aequus.- Promoción y Defensa de Derechos Humanos/CDMX
Colectivo Criptopozol + DDHH/México
Colectivo Cuaderno Común/CDMX
Colectivo de apoyo al EZLN y al CNI – CIG Llegó la Hora de los Pueblos/México
Colectivo de profesorxs en la sexta/CDMX
Colectivo de trabajo Cafetos/CDMX
Colectivo Gavilanas/CDMX
Colectivo La Otra Justicia/CDMX
Colectivo Luz de Esperanza Desaparecidos Jalisco/Jalisco
Colectivo Luz de Esperanza sin fines de lucro de Guadalajara/Jalisco
Colectivo panadero La Grieta/CDMX
Colectivos autoconvocados en San Cristóbal/Chiapas
Comida no bombas, Qro./Querétaro
Comité de Padres y Madres de los 43 de Ayotzinapa/México
Comité pueblo originario de Tlaxcalancingo/Puebla
Comunidad de Tlanezi Calli en resistencia/CDMX
Comunidad de Xochitlanezi/CDMX
Comunidad Indígena Nahua CNI Milpa Alta/CDMX
Comunidad Indígena Otomí residente en la Ciudad de México
Concejo Autónomo de Santiago Mexquititlán/Querétaro
Consejo de Bienes Comunales Indígena Nahua Tlacotenco/Milpa Alta, CDMX
Consejo Nacional Urbano y Campesino C.N.U.C./Tlaxcala
Cooperativa Café Tepeyolo/Puebla
Cooperativa Tlapaltik b’e/México
Coordinación Metropolitana Anticapitalista y Antipatriarcal con el CIG/CDMX
Coordinadora Común Contra el Porrismo y la Represión/CDMX
Ddeser Jalisco/Jalisco
Dejar de Chingar/Jalisco
«Del Barrio News» (comunicadores populares)/CDMX
12 Pueblos Originarios de Tecámac/EDOMEX
El grupo de la puerta/Puebla
El Tekpatl – Periódico crítico, independiente y de combate/Puebla
Escuela Comunal Casa del Arte Tlaixco/Milpa Alta, CDMX
Espacio de Lucha contra el Olvido y la Represión/Chiapas
Fanzinoteca guerra idealista/Puebla
Frente por la Defensa de los Derechos de Pueblos y Barrios Originarios del Anáhuac (Frente Anáhuac)/CDMX
Frontera con Justicia – Casa del migrante de Saltillo/Coahuila
Geo-grafías Comunitarias/Puebla
Grupo de Trabajo No Estamos Todxs/Chiapas
Grupo Tlali Nantli/Puebla
Guardia Comunal Santa Ana Tlacotenco/Milpa Alta, CDMX
ILANCUEITL danza de las Tlacualeras /Milpa Alta, CDMX
Instituto Cultural Autónomo «Rubén Jaramillo Ménez»/Morelos
Instituto de Investigaciones Pedagógicas/CDMX
«Je’ Xo’o (espacio común)/CDMX
Komunidad Autogestiva Organizada Subversiva/CDMX
Korima Educación/México
Laboratorio Popular de Medios Libres/CDMX
La Ezkina/Baja California
La Otra en el Sur de Morelos/Morelos
«Lxs Trollingstones»/CDMX
Los Zurdos Teatro/México
Lxs Hijxs del Maíz Pinto/Tlaxcala
Mazatecas por La Libertad/Oaxaca
Mexicanos Unidos/CDMX
Movimiento Agrario Indígena Zapatista/Puebla
Movimiento por la Libertad de los Defensores del Agua y la Vida de Tlanixco/EDOMEX
Mujeres y la Sexta – Abya Yala
Nodo de Derechos Humanos (NODHO)/Puebla
Observatorio Memoria y Libertad/México
Organización campesina de la Sierra del Sur Tepetixtla/Guerrero
Organización Político Cultural CLETA/México
Partido de los Comunistas/México
Periódico La Flor/Puebla
Periodistas Unidos/CDMX
Proceso de Articulación de la sierra de santa marta /CNI /México
Radio Altepetl Zoquitlan/Puebla
Radio Ecos de la Sal, Zapotitlan salinas/Puebla
Radio Zacatepec/Puebla
Raíces en resistencia/CDMX
Rebeldías en Común/México
Red de apoyo Iztapalapa Sexta (RAIS)/CDMX
Red de radios indígenas y comunitarias del sureste mexicano
Red de resistencias y rebeldías Ajmaq/Chiapas
Red de resistencias y rebeldías en Tijuana/Baja California
Red Mexicana de Trabajo Sexual/CDMX
Red Morelense de apoyo al CIN y CIG/Morelos
Red Universitaria Anticapitalista/México
Regeneración Radio/CDMX
Pueblos Unidos de la Región Cholulteca y de los Volcanes/Puebla
Periódico La Flor/Puebla
Tejiendo Organización Revolucionaria/CDMX
Unión de Pueblos y Fraccionamientos contra el Basurero y en Defensa del Agua/Puebla
Unión Popular Apizaquense Democrática e Independiente UPADI/Tlaxcala
UPREZ Benito Juárez/CDMX
Vendaval, cooperativa panadera y algo más/México
Voces de la educación/Veracruz
Voces desde los territorios/CDMX
Voces y Memoria por Nimai/CDMX
Alba Olea
Alberto Colin
Alberto Xicotencatl Carrasco/Coahuila
Alejandro Meléndez/CDMX
Alondra Fierro
Alonso Gutiérrez
Ángela Camacho
Armando Soto Baeza/CDMX
Atahualpa Sofía Enciso/Jalisco
Atzelbi Libertad Hernández
Carla Isabel Suárez
Carlos Alejandro Hurtado
Carlos Enrique González Álvarez/Jalisco
Carlos Francisco Betancourt
Carlos Ricardo López
Cora Jiménez Narcia/CDMX
Daniel Pérez Martínez
Dara Asalia Vilchis Avilés/Morelos
Diana Itzu Gutiérrez Luna/Chiapas
Diego Hernández
Diego Osorno/Sonora
Efraín Rojas Bruschetta/Morelos
Eliana Acosta/CDMX
Elvira Madrid Romero/CDMX
Emma Insu/CDMX
Emilio Mora
Felipe I Echenique March
Fernanda Galindo
Filiberto Margarito Juan
Gabriel Santiago/Puebla
Gabriela Villarreal/Puebla
Georgina García
Gerardo Vázquez
Gilberto López y Rivas
Humberto Laguna
Itzael Magaña
Ignacio Salazar
Jesús Batta Fonseca/Morelos
Jimena Sánchez
Jorge Alejandro Méndez
Jorge Meléndez Preciado/CDMX
Juan Pi/Chiapas
Julia Moreno
Karla Edna García Rocha/CDMX
Katia Cisneros
Lena García Feijoo/CDMX
Luis Alberto González Arenas
Luis Hernández Navarro
Luz María Moreno Medrano
Ma del Refugio Montoya Herrera/Torreón
Marco Antonio Degollado
María Guadalupe Rocha Aguado/Querétaro
María Trinidad Cevallos Rodríguez/Morelos
Martha Lechuga Luna
Mercedes Tecuapetla/Puebla
Miguel Angel Rangel Chavez/CDMX
Olar Zapata/CDMX
Oralba Castillo Najera/Morelos
Orlando Balderas/Tlaxcala
Ramón Vera-Herrera
Rodrigo Alexander Uribe Cevallos/Morelos
Rosalva Margarito/CDMX
Rubén Colmenares
Rubén Matias
Santos Alejandro Alvarez Zetina/EDOMEX
Selene Laguna
Sofía Beatriz Acosta
Tania Lara
Teodulo Alejandro Cuaya Teutli/Puebla
Tomás Antonio Baroja
Valentina Leduc
Valeria Saraí Velázquez
Vicente Parra Sosa/Morelos
Víctor Gutiérrez Torres/Veracruz
Xóchitl Guzmán Delgado/Morelos
Yolanda José/Puebla
Extinction Rebellion Medellín/ Antioquia
Pueblos en Camino
Vilma Almendra
Periódico Lucha Indígena/Cusco
Asamblea de Solidaridad con México/Valencia
Batec Zapatista Barcelona/Barcelona
Confederación General del Trabajo
Lumaltik Zaragoza/Aragón (Estado Español)
Pallasos en Rebeldía/Galicia
Estados Unidos
Eagle Condor Liberation Front/ California
La Otra Califas:Ramona Vive/California
Sexta Grietas del Norte
Collectif Paris-Ayotzinapa/París
Comité de solidarité avec les peuples de Chiapas en lutte/París
Asamblea Libertaria Autoorganizada Paliacate Zapatista
Colectiva Corazón del tiempo / Abya Yala rompe el cerco/Puelmapu, nor patagonia
Colectivo Armadillo Suomi (Finlandia)
Euskal Herria
Ermuko komite internacionalista
Lumaltik Herriak
Braulio Montequin
Foro Internacional, Grupo México
Colectivo ¿Y tú qué?/México-Suiza
Soli Chiapas Zurigo/Zürich
Sonia Brechbühl/Zürich
Grupo CafeZ/Liège
Movimiento por el Agua y los Territorios MAT
Pancha Fernández Droguett
Yonny Torres Valenzuela
Gaia Capogna
Raúl Zibechi
Congreso Nacional Indígena
Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional
Original text published in Enlace Zapatista on February 13th, 2025.
Translation by Schools for Chiapas.