Comrade Exaucé, Fallen on the Field of Honor: DR Congo

The youth of the Congolese Communist Party is fighting in the battle against imperialism and its local accomplices at the cost of their blood. A comrade, a son, Exaucé,  who was always behind the general secretary of the PCCO during our political meetings has fallen.

He liked the red color behind his organization. The color symbolizing the proletarian internationalism of our struggle against imperialism.

He has just fallen, weapon in hand, in a field of honor for the defense of the homeland. The political and biological family of the Secretary General of the PCCO is shaken by this news.

Defending the homeland at the cost of blood is the most beautiful sacrifice. He will be an example of patriotism for the PCCO. His clothes still remain at the house of the Secretary General of the PCCO.

You cannot mobilize other people’s children without mobilizing your own, we must go and defend the homeland. After military training in Kotakoli, in Kisangani, we will all go directly to the battlefield.

Despite your military attire, Exaucé,  the red party uniform was always with you.

You have successfully completed your journey on earth: you have led the fight of Lumumba, Pierre Mulele and Laurent Désiré Kabila, paying with your life.

To die with a weapon in hand to defend the homeland is a road to glory. Go in peace my son, my comrade, you are great.

Boswa Isekombe Sylvestre Secretary General of PCCO, the lion with the red heart

True fighter fulfilled, during our meetings at the base, you were always present.
Glory to your fight.