PKK: We Will Comply With Leader Öcalan’s Call, We Declare a Ceasefire

The Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) released a statement in response to the historic call made by Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan on 27 February. Öcalan highlighted the urgent need for democratization in Turkey and called for the PKK to lay down arms and dissolve itself. This coming period will be incredibly important for the revolutionary movement, particularly as the political siutation in West Asia and the world at large is transforming so quickly.

The PKK Executive Committee’s written statement titled ‘To Our Patriotic People and Democratic Public Opinion’ reads as follows: 

“Leader Abdullah Öcalan’s February 27 statement titled “Call for Peace and Democratic Society” is a Manifesto of the Age that illuminates the path of all forces of freedom and democracy. We respectfully salute Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] for presenting such a manifesto for democratic society to our people and humanity.

A new historic process is beginning in Kurdistan and the Middle East

It is clear that a new historic process is beginning in Kurdistan and the Middle East with the Call in question. This will also have a great impact on the development of free life and democratic governance worldwide. The responsibility on this basis belongs to all of us; everyone must embrace their duties and responsibilities and fulfill the requirements.

We agree with the content of the call as it is

Undoubtedly, being able to make such a call was of historical importance; now, the successful implementation of its content is of similar importance. We in the PKK agree with the content of the call as it is and state that we will fully comply with and implement the requirements of the call on our part. However, we would like to underline that democratic politics and legal grounds must also be secured for its success.

We are carrying historic achievements into a new phase of resistance

It is very clear that the PKK has been the great heroic and true movement of the last half century in Kurdistan. Everything was won through a very brave and self-sacrificing struggle, with a price and labor. We remember all the heroic martyrs of this great freedom struggle with deep respect, love and gratitude. Now, in the same spirit and conviction, we are carrying these historic achievements into a new phase of resistance. The awareness developed by Leader Apo and the great legacy of experience created by the PKK give our people the strength to continue the struggle for the good, the true, the beautiful and freedom on the basis of democratic politics.

We are declaring a ceasefire effective as of today

In this context, in order to pave the way for the implementation of Leader Apo’s Call for Peace and Democratic Society, we are declaring a ceasefire to be effective from today on. None of our forces will take armed action unless attacked. Beyond this, only the practical leadership of Leader Apo can make matters such as laying down arms practical.

Leader Apo must personally direct and lead the Congress

On the other hand, we are ready to convene the party congress as Leader Apo wants. However, in order for this to happen, a suitable security environment must be created, and Leader Apo must personally direct and lead it to make it successful. Up until now, we have led the war to this day – with all its mistakes and shortcomings. However, only Leader Apo can take over the leadership of the era of peace and democratic society.

Leader Öcalan must be granted conditions to live and work in physical freedom

The concrete facts clearly show that in order for the Call for Peace and Democratic Society to be successfully implemented, for the democratization of Turkey and the Middle East based on a democratic solution to the Kurdish question, and for the development of the global democracy movement, Leader Abdullah Öcalan must be granted with conditions to live and work in physical freedom and establish unhindered relationships with anyone he wants, including his friends. We hope that the requirements of this will be fulfilled by the relevant institutions of the state.

The Call by Leader Apo is definitely not an end, but rather a new beginning

Our Esteemed People and Friends!

The Call made by Leader Apo is definitely not an end, but rather a new beginning. The statement puts it very strikingly that what we have not been able to do in a timely and sufficient manner over the last 35 years in general and over the last 20 years in particular needs to be done very clearly and sharply now. In this respect, it is necessary to correctly and sufficiently understand the Leader’s call, its reasons, the characteristics of the new process and the tasks involved, and to successfully implement the requirements. It is of historic importance to approach the content of the Call with great responsibility and seriousness and to successfully implement it in every area.

Let us all consider ourselves responsible for the success of this Call

Let us not forget that Leader Apo has always shouldered the biggest burden himself and has illuminated our path and led us. Now, he is taking a new step with the ‘Call for Peace and Democratic Society’ and is starting a new process of struggle for all the oppressed, especially women and young people. So, let us correctly understand the characteristics of this new process and successfully fulfill its duties on the basis of always being prepared against all kinds of dirty tricks and attacks. Let us develop our democratic organization and our struggle for freedom in every area with great courage and dedication in Kurdistan, the Middle East and all around the world. Let us all consider ourselves responsible for the success of this Call.

We call on everyone to support the Leader’s Call

We have entered the month of March. We are feeling a new excitement leading us to 8 March and Newroz. We are developing the Women’s Freedom Revolution on the basis of Jineoloji, organizing moral and political social life in the Line of Democratic Civilization. We are trying to understand the Apoist reality more accurately and adequately, and to develop the revolution of truth, which is a revolution of mentality and lifestyle. Leader Apo’s last Call is a call to embrace 8 March and Newroz more strongly and to celebrate with more enthusiasm. More than anyone else, women and young people need to understand this Call correctly, embrace it strongly and fulfill its requirements.

On this basis, we congratulate all women and young people, our people and our friends on 8 March Working Women’s Day and Newroz, and we call on everyone to support the Leader’s Call in the spirit of 8 March and Newroz and to develop the freedom struggle in every field!

Long live the Heroic Pioneer of Our People, the PKK!

Bijî Rêber APO!”