Major Violations by the Occupation of the Gaza Ceasefire Agreement: Hamas

Despite the ceasefire agreement signed on January 17, 2025, which went into effect on the morning of January 19, 2025, the zionist occupation and its Prime Minister Netanyahu have sought, after the conclusion of Phase One, to resume aggression and crimes against our people.

Today, Netanyahu seeks to hide behind the American position, despite the fact that his violations of the ceasefire agreement never ceased from the very first moment.

The occupation’s conduct and breaches during the first phase of the agreement prove beyond doubt that its government was intent on collapsing the agreement and actively worked toward this goal. In this context, Netanyahu’s recent decisions to adopt American proposals to extend Phase One, with arrangements contradicting the agreement, are an exposed attempt to evade the agreement and avoid entering Phase Two negotiations.

First – Violations Related to Humanitarian Relief, Shelter, and Protocols:
1- Not allowing the entry of 50 fuel trucks daily as stipulated in the agreement. Instead, only 978 trucks entered over 42 days, averaging 23 trucks per day.
2- Banning the commercial sector from importing fuel of all types, despite an explicit provision in the agreement permitting this.
3- Allowing only 15 mobile homes (caravans) to enter out of the 60,000 agreed upon, in addition to a limited number of tents.
4- Preventing the entry of heavy machinery necessary for clearing rubble and recovering bodies—only 9 machines were allowed in, while the sector needs at least 500.
5- Blocking the entry of construction materials needed for infrastructure rehabilitation and hospital restoration.
6- Preventing the entry of essential medical equipment to rehabilitate hospitals, and allowing only 5 ambulances.
7- Refusing to permit the entry of civil defense equipment.
8- Preventing the operation of the power plant and blocking the entry of necessary supplies for its rehabilitation.
9- Blocking the entry of cash liquidity into banks and refusing to exchange damaged currency notes.

Second – Field Violations:
10- Occupation forces continued advancing and encroaching beyond withdrawal lines almost daily, especially in the Philadelphi Corridor, exceeding agreed limits by 300 to 500 meters, accompanied by gunfire, killings of civilians, home demolitions, and land bulldozing.
11- Delaying the withdrawal from Al-Rashid and Salah Al-Din streets, preventing displaced persons from returning for two full days, in clear violation of the agreement.
12- Preventing fishermen from returning to the sea, shooting at them, and arresting some of them.
13- Daily flights of occupation aircraft during prohibited hours (10–12 hours daily), with 210 violations recorded, including various drones.

The total number of field violations reached 962, distributed as follows:
• Martyrs: 116
• Injured: 490
• Aircraft violations: 210
• Gunfire  77
• Vehicle incursions: 45
• Bombardment and targeting incidents: 37
• Arrests of drivers and fishermen: 5
• Total violations: 962

Third – Violations Related to Prisoners:
14- Deliberate delays in prisoner releases, despite the agreement stipulating release one hour after the exchange of occupation prisoners.
15- Preventing the release of the final batch of 600 prisoners in Phase One for five days, under false pretexts.
16- Forcing released prisoners on February 15 and February 26 to wear clothing with Nazi and racist connotations.
17- Failure to disclose the names of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners from Gaza, revealing only 2,400 names.
18- Subjecting released prisoners to beatings, humiliation, torture, and starvation until the moment of their release.
19- Refusing to release elderly prisoner Siham Musa Abu Salem (70 years old) from Gaza.

Fourth – Rafah Crossing:
20- Keeping Rafah Crossing closed for civilians in both directions.
21- Blocking the resumption of commercial trade through the crossing.
22- Turning back dozens of patients and wounded travelers, despite prior agreements permitting their travel.

Fifth – Philadelphi Corridor:
23- Failure to gradually reduce occupation forces, as mediators had guaranteed, with an expected reduction of 50 meters per week.
24- Continued daily incursions of hundreds of meters instead of reducing presence.
25- Failure to begin the withdrawal on Day 42, as planned, and not completing the withdrawal by Day 50.

Sixth – Political Violations:
26- Deliberate delay in starting Phase Two negotiations, despite the agreement specifying that talks begin on Day 16 under mediator guarantees, continuing under Phase One conditions until both parties reach an agreement. Now, the occupation is demanding entry into a new agreement that contradicts everything previously agreed upon.

In Confronting This Aggression and the Occupation’s Misinformation Campaign, We Affirm the Following:

1- Just as we have committed to implementing all provisions of the agreement related to us with precision and within the specified timelines, we remain committed to proceeding with the agreement and moving into its second phase. We hold the occupation and its supporters fully responsible for the consequences of this.
2- We condemn the cheap blackmail practiced by Netanyahu and his extremist government against our people by using humanitarian aid as a bargaining chip in negotiations, especially after the occupation government’s decision to close the crossings and halt the flow of humanitarian aid to the devastated sector.
We call on the international community to force the occupation to open the crossings and allow the entry of life-saving humanitarian aid, as it is a fundamental right guaranteed by international law, and no one has the right to manipulate it.
3- We call on the international community and the United Nations to work to compel the occupation to return to the agreement and enter its second phase, leading to a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of all zionist forces from the Gaza Strip, the relief and sheltering of our people in Gaza, the reconstruction of what the occupation has destroyed, and the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution (2735), working towards a just solution to our Palestinian cause that guarantees the right to self-determination through the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital, and the return of refugees to their cities and villages from which they were displaced.
4- War criminal Netanyahu and his extremist government bear full responsibility for obstructing the implementation of the agreement or for any reckless act they may commit by overturning it, including the humanitarian consequences related to the occupation’s captives in the Gaza Strip.
5- The occupation is pushing to return matters to square one and to overturn the agreement by proposing alternatives such as extending the first phase, creating an intermediary phase, and other proposals that do not align with what was agreed upon in the signed agreement.
6- We affirm that the only way to retrieve the occupation’s captives is to adhere to the agreement, immediately enter negotiations to begin the second phase, and ensure the occupation fulfills its commitments.
7- The mediators and guarantors bear full responsibility for preventing Netanyahu from sabotaging all the efforts made to reach the agreement and for protecting the agreement from collapse.
8- Finally, international security and stability are now at risk in light of absolute American support for the zionist entity and the international silence that remains unmoved by the lawlessness of the zionist entity, which threatens to resume the genocidal war against our people, escalates its aggression in the West Bank, continues its aggression on Lebanon, and wages a brutal attack on Syria as well. The consequences of this will not be limited to our people and our nation.

And Allah is dominant over His affairs, but most people do not know.

Indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.

Monday, 03 Ramadan 1446 AH
Corresponding to 03 March 2025 CE