Text of Anarchist Prisoner Lucas Hernandez from Prison/Company Santiago 1, Chile

In the early morning of December 22, 2022, after a series of raids conducted by the South Metropolitan High Complexity Prosecutor’s Office, as part of an investigation into an explosive attack on the National Directorate of the Chilean Gendarmerie…

Two comrades were arrested, my brother/comrade and I.

On that 22nd day, the official press published our faces as a trophy, making a spectacle of us. And as usual, condemning in advance all those who decide to rebel against this world of control and punishment.

Those who dictate and control our confinement do not take into account the anarchist solidarity, solidarity that passes through walls and confinement, bullets and shackles. Solidarity that we could feel from the first moment we arrived at the module where I am. We were received with full and fraternal hands by the comrades charged in the Susaron case.

In these lines, I want to thank all those who have been concerned about us: The family, my compañeros, friends, anonymous supporters and those who share the ideas that overflow my heart and individual thinking. A hug for all of them.

To my comrades of the San Miguel prison, to the comrades of the La Gonzalina prison: Juan Aliste, Francisco Solar, Marcelo Villaroel, Juan Flores, and Joaquin Garcia who from the first moment have been outstanding and attentive to my brother. They lent him a hand of solidarity, thus mocking the isolation and the distance between those cold walls.

A hug for all the Rebels, Anarchists, Nihilists, Subversives and conspirators. Individuals or collectives that sharpen the conflict inside and outside the prisons of the world.

From the dungeons I can only say: I will continue standing, firm and strong. Neither imprisonment nor any punishment will bend me. My ideas remain clear as an individual anarchist, I remain in conflict with the society that perpetuates and sustains misery.

Prison is a place where no one wants to go, but this will be part of my personal and political growth process. We have the example of struggle, resistance and coherence of all our comrades, who throughout history have had to assume long sentences, coherence that for me is more exemplary than any punishment they try to give me.

From this concrete tomb, I send a hug full of love and pride to all those who face prison on a daily basis: To the comrades of Stgo 1, San Miguel prison, La Gonzalina and all those who are scattered around the world.

Especially to my brother who is imprisoned in Rancagua, I send you strength and love, here I will continue with my head held high.

Never be indifferent to the enemy.
Nothing is over, everything continues.
My captivity will not be in vain.

prison/company stgo1
Module 1
Lucas Hernandez
Anarchist prisoner

Source: Informativo Anarquista

Translation: Dark Nights