Anarchist Comrade Marco Marino “Zac” Arrested and Accused of Incendiary Attack against Greek Consulate in Italy

On March 28, two houses, one in Napoli and one in Pozzuoli, were raided and four comrades were taken to the police station, in connection with a 270 bis investigation (anti-terrorist association), which was officialized in May 2022 following several house-searches.

Although the investigation is still ongoing, one comrade was placed under preventive arrest, accused of an arson attack against the Greek consulate in 2021. The prosecution contextualizes this attack within the campaign in solidarity with revolutionary Greek prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas, who at the time was on hunger strike.

The comrade has now been taken to the Secondigliano prison and is placed in the AS2 section (high security unit), while the three other comrades were released. According to the case’s files, the timing of the arrest was influenced by the relentless solidarity actions with Alfredo Cospito, an anarchist prisoner currently on hunger strike against the 41 bis regime and life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

This operation is part of a witch hunt that wants to frame anarchists as a public enemy to be eliminated. In the context of the countless actions in solidarity with Alfredo in Italy and abroad, we clearly see this repressive blow as part of the state’s attempt to stifle every and any spark of rebellion.

When faced with repression, our solidarity will never stop.

Assembly against prisons and repression

To write to Zac:

Marco Marino

c.c. di secondigliano

via Roma verso Scampia 350

80144 Napoli (Na)


For those who wish to support to Zac, anarchist prisoner locked up in Secondigliano following the repressive operation in Napoli and Pozzuoli on March 28, 2023, contributions can be sent here:

Luca D’Esposito

IBAN IT07V3608105138299544199741


Source: Dark Nights