Self-Defense Education in Şehba Made by the Tevgera Ciwanan Şoreşger

With the motto “Protect your neighbourhood, your home, your country” in the district of Şerawa, the Revolutionary Youth Movement opened a training course on protection. The education focused in the “Parestina Cewherî” – the ‘natural defense’, base of the self-defense approach of the revolution in the region.

The invading-killing Turkish state, which cannot resist the guerrilla resistance, is experiencing bigger failures every day. In order to hide these failures from the public opinion of the world, he increased his attacks against the Kurdish people and Kurdistan. Especially on Rojava Kurdistan and the North-Eastern regions of Syria, where the free and democratic ideas of People’s Leader Abdullah Ocalan prevail.

In recent times, the occupying Turkish state, through agents and traitors, has carried out many brutal attacks against the patriotic people, commanders and freedom fighters, against women and children. A large number of women and children were victims of these attacks. Despite all the attacks, he still can’t get the result he wants. Because the people of the region have trained themselves in the line of protecting rawa. The resistance that the people of Rojava Kurdistan and all the people of North-East Syria are raising against the occupation is the biggest sign of success. However, the state and the authorities do not accept that the will of the people prevails over their authority. In order to destroy this free will, they mobilize all their power.

On this basis, the people of Rojava Kurdistan and all the North-Eastern regions of Syria, especially the young men and women of the region, continue to organize themselves in the framework of the Revolutionary People’s War in order to thwart these attacks.

