Zionist Regime Attacks Yemeni Civilian Facilities, Regional Resistance Vows Revenge

Zionist war jets launched a series of airstrikes on Saturday targeting Yemen’s province of Hodeidah on the Red Sea coast.

The aggression targeted an oil refinery, leading to a massive fire that can be seen kilometers away.

Reports state that the strikes targeted the Ras Kathib power station in Hodeidah, igniting the oil storage facilities.

The Yemeni Ministry of Health reported martyrs and wounded as a result of the aggression, confirming that civilians suffered severe burns due to the fires.

Zionist Kan 11 channel citing a US official reported that the occupying regime conducted the attack in Yemen.

Civil defense teams were  battling to extinguish the fires and flames engulfing the targeted zone, our correspondent added, noting that the size of the blaze is making the task extremely difficult.

Yemeni source stated that the airstrikes were coordinated between US and Zionist forces, indicating that the nature of the targets hit by the aggression shows the blindness of the enemy.

They emphasized that there will be a response to the aggression.

Zionist media quoted official American sources stating that 25 F-35 fighters attacked multiple targets in Yemen in several attack waves.

Furthermore, a Zionist media platform mentioned that Italians assisted the regime with refueling aircraft in Yemeni airspace.

Following the aggression, the head of Yemen’s negotiating delegation, Mohammad Abdul-Salam, affirmed that pressuring Yemen to cease supporting Gaza is “a dream that will not come true for the Zionist enemy.”

“The brutal Zionist aggression will only increase the determination and the steadfastness of the Yemeni people and its brave armed forces in an escalating manner.”

The Yemeni Armed Forces reiterated that occupied Yafa (Tel Aviv) is an unsafe zone and that a response to the aggression on civilian facilities in the Yemeni coastal province of Hodeidah is undoubtedly coming, spokesperson General Yahya Saree stated.

His televised statement came in light of the air aggression that targeted the civilian Hodeidah port and a power station in the city, resulting in dozens of Yemeni casualties and massive fires.

Saree emphasized that the armed forces “will not hesitate” to strike vital targets in the Zionist entity and that operations in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza will not stop regardless of the consequences.

The Yemeni people “are preparing for a long war with this enemy until the aggression on Gaza stops and the siege is lifted and the crimes committed by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people in Gaza are over.”

The general concluded by expressing confidence that the Yemeni nation will overcome this challenge just like they did many others over the past years, referring to the US-Saudi-UAE decade-long ongoing war and blockade on the country.

Hezbollah affirmed on Saturday that the aggression against Yemen is a continuation of the American-British aggression against the Arab country.

In a statement, Hezbollah said that the attack was backed and supported by the United States, emphasizing that “the foolish step taken by the Zionist enemy signals a new and dangerous phase of a highly significant confrontation in the region.”

Hezbollah extended condolences to the “free and honorable Yemeni people and its brave and wise leadership” over the martyrs who ascended in the bombing, adding that “the aggression underscores the utmost importance of [the] support fronts across the region and their great role in defending the Palestinian people.”

“The aggression will not pass without a harsh and deterrent response,” Hezbollah concluded.

Below we publish several statements from factions battling the Zionist regime.

Kataeb Hezbollah in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“And indeed We destroyed generations before you when they wronged, and their messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they would not believe. Thus do We recompense the criminal people.”

The zionist entity continues to perpetrate its criminal acts in the region with the support and backing of America and the normalizing countries, reaching today the proud and dignified Yemen by bombing a civilian facility in Al-Hodeidah Governorate, in a desperate attempt to dissuade the men of Yemen from performing their role in supporting the steadfast Palestinian people.

The Yemeni people and their courageous leadership possess the will and effective power to deter the forces of arrogance, qualifying them to rub the the zionists’ noses in the mud and defeat them, just as they did before with the Americans in the Red Sea. The criminal aggression of the zionist entity against civilian areas in Yemen is a sign of its confusion, and it is an attempt to restore its arrogance, which has been torn apart by the forces of the Axis of Resistance, in support of the Palestinian people.

As we extend our condolences to the families of the martyrs who ascended in this sinful aggression, we affirm our support and readiness to stand united in all arenas of confrontation against the enemy, especially the front of resistance in the steadfast Yemen. “And victory is only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.”

Islamic Resistance
Kataeb Hezbollah

Palestinian Islamic Jihad:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

We condemn the criminal zionist aggression against the Yemeni people, targeting civilian facilities and leaving a number of martyrs and wounded among the dear sons of Yemen.

This new zionist crime confirms that this criminal entity is not a danger to the Palestinian people alone, but to all the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation. This aggression would not have been possible without the blatant Western support for the criminal entity, primarily the support of the American administration and the British government.

We also condemn in the strongest terms the governments that allowed zionist aggression aircraft to pass through their airspace to carry out their crime.

We are confident that zionist barbarism will not discourage the brotherly Yemeni people, who are paying the price for their honorable positions in support of our Palestinian people, from continuing their support and backing of our people and our cause, but rather will increase their determination to adhere to their courageous and honorable positions.

As we in the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine praise the resistance of the Yemeni people, their honorable positions, and the sacrifices they make by supporting our Palestinian people and supporting them in light of the zionist aggression they are exposed to, we pray for mercy for the martyrs of Yemen and for their wounded to recover quickly.

Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Saturday 14 Muharram 1446 AH, 20 July 2024 AD

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Popular Front strongly condemns the brutal zionist aggression against Yemen and asserts that it will not go unanswered without a severe and deterring response.

– The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemns in the strongest terms the cowardly zionist aggression that targeted the port of Hodeidah in Yemen, affirming that this aggression will not go unpunished without a severe and deterring response.

– We with all pride and honor, we mourn the martyrs of this aggression, wishing a speedy recovery for the injured, and expressing our full solidarity with the resilient Yemeni people facing this brutal aggression, which is carried out in coordination with the United States of America and the complicity of some Arab countries that have betrayed the Palestinian cause by opening their airspace to zionist aircraft to carry out its cowardly strikes.

– The heroic Yemeni people and their brave armed forces have proven that they will not retreat in the face of this brutal aggression, which will only strengthen their determination to continue depleting the Zionist enemy and its allies, standing alongside Palestine and its resistance.

– The zionist entity, by its aggression against Yemen, has miscalculated by thinking this aggression will go unpunished. This cowardly and treacherous enemy will certainly pay a high price, and in the coming hours, it will receive painful blows that will teach it a lesson it will not forget, not only from the Yemeni army but also from the factions of the Axis of Resistance and support fronts.

– Yemen will remain free, noble, and unbreakable, a constant thorn in the throat of the zionists, Americans, and Arab reactionary regimes. The Yemeni people, who have endured years of aggression and siege, cannot be defeated and will continue their struggle and resistance without retreat.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
July 20, 2024

Hamas Political Bureau member, Izzat Al-Rishq:

Yemen and its people, especially the brothers in Ansarallah, are paying the price for their stance of honor, dignity, and defense of Palestine and the Palestinian people who are being subjected to a Nazi genocide in the Gaza Strip.

The occupation state will undoubtedly suffer from the fire that ignited in Hodeidah today, and the accumulation of zionist crimes means changing the dynamics of the entire equation.

May Allah accept the martyrs of the people in Hodeidah, who are martyrs of both Palestine and Yemen, and heal their wounded. May He reward them for their heroism and bravery with the best reward.

Yemen is from us, and we are from Yemen.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

We strongly condemn the brutal zionist aggression against the sovereignty of the brotherly Republic of Yemen, and the targeting of oil facilities and civilian infrastructure including the port and electricity company in the port of Hodeidah, resulting in martyrs and injuries among civilians. We consider this zionist recklessness and a dangerous escalation, a desperate attempt to dissuade the free resistance forces in our nation from fulfilling their sacred duty towards Al-Quds and the oppressed Palestinian people who are facing a genocidal Nazi war.

We, in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), affirm our full solidarity with the brotherly Yemeni people and the Ansarallah group, mourning their martyrs and appreciating their brave stances and decisive decision to provide all means of support and backing to our oppressed Palestinian people.

We hold the Nazi zionist occupation and the American administration fully responsible for the ongoing escalation in the region due to their continued provision of political cover and open military support to the occupation, enabling it to commit the most heinous crimes and violations of all international laws.

We call upon all countries, and the forces of our Arab and Islamic nation, to condemn this fascist aggression, unite, mobilize capabilities, and engage in confronting this usurping zionist entity until it is expelled from the land of Palestine, our occupied Arab lands, and to protect our Islamic and Christian sanctities, foremost among them the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Saturday: 14th Muharram 1446 AH
Corresponding to: July 20, 2024