PFLP and Hamas Hold Bilateral Meeting About the War

The Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Gaza held an important bilateral meeting today, Wednesday, July 31, 2024, amid Al-Aqsa Flood battle and the genocidal war targeting our Palestinian people in Gaza, the West Bank, Al-Quds, the occupied interior, and in the diaspora, as well as the mistreatment of prisoners, the Judaization of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa, and the theft of land by zionist settlements.

The attendees mourned the loss of Palestine and the nation’s great national leader, the martyr Ismail Abdul Salam Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas. They affirmed that his pure blood will not be in vain and that the zionist enemy will pay the price for its crimes and aggression. The blood of leader Haniyeh will illuminate the path to liberation, return, and independence.

The Popular Front and Hamas emphasized the following:

We extend greetings, gratitude, and appreciation to our Palestinian people in all their places of presence, especially to our steadfast and struggling people in Gaza, and to our valiant resistance wherever it exists and wherever it operates, which is crafting a legend in resistance and struggle with its blood. We also salute our righteous martyrs, our noble wounded, and our free prisoners.

We affirm that resistance is a legitimate right, a strategic choice, and an ongoing journey until liberation, independence, and the establishment of the Palestinian state on the entire national Palestinian soil with Al-Quds as its capital.

We salute the resistance of our people in the occupied West Bank and call on our people to provide all means of protection and support for our resistance heroes and to confront all forms of persecution.

Stopping the aggression, protecting our people, the withdrawal of the occupation from Gaza, breaking the siege, and opening the crossings are national priorities for our people and their valiant resistance. What is termed (the day after the war) is a day for the Palestinian people, their living forces, and their resistance. Any attempts to impose projects that detract from our people’s right to their independent national decision, regardless of their source, will be confronted just as we confront the zionist occupation. Any force, regardless of its nationality, will be considered an occupying force and will share the same fate.

We call on our people in the occupied interior, the West Bank, and Al-Quds to escalate confrontation and resistance against the occupation and to confront its criminal projects and its criminal gangs.

The genocidal war will not restore the occupation’s deteriorating status or its deterrent power, which is crumbling under the feet of the heroes of our valiant resistance.

We call on the government and its specialized agencies to strike with an iron fist at anyone who dares to become a tool of the occupation, whether intentionally or unintentionally. We call on the tribes and families of our people to continue supporting the government and security agencies in enforcing the law, maintaining public order, and deterring those who are unruly and lawbreakers.

The reform and development of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian political system is an urgent national interest that all national factions have agreed upon, most recently in China. This ensures the participation of all Palestinians and their living forces, making it capable of achieving the hopes and aspirations of our people for liberation, freedom, and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital.

We call on our people, our nation, and the free people of the world to consider August 3rd as a global day of mass support for our people and our brave prisoners.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Wednesday, July 31, 2024