For Nikos Vavatsikos…

For Nikos Vavatsikos, who died one afternoon at 61 Stadiou Street in a work accident, but who was much more than that…


Who was Nikos

Nikos has been inextricably linked to Exarchia Square. Due to unfavorable family circumstances he had to wander around a lot until he found his way. Fortunately, he quickly came full circle and created deep relationships, most of which lasted until April 9th, the day he violently passed away.

Nikos formed a political identity very early on, and participated in various key and non-key events over a very long period of perhaps 30 years. Amidst contradictions, a motley selection of parades and with a spectrum from punk and chaos to anarchy, Nikos was always there, on the street, sometimes a regular at Villa, but always present in the square, at Sakis’ café, ever since, and of course at everyone’s favorite Polytechnic. Arrests, beatings, a multiform struggle, confronting Nazis in a trolley in Patision, because of his appearance, as brazen attacks were common in those days, and much more. Students, Forum 2006, the 2008 revolt, memoranda 10 and 11, mid-term, February 12, 2012, and everything that followed.

In an arrest in 2006 at the Forum, it was typically reported by comrades that Nikos at the time of his release was not happy, but had terrible anxiety and stress because other people remained detained and were being taken to prison.

In May 2009, the group was hit by the murder of Billy, its first contact then with the near and cruel death, second for some in March 2010 was Lambros. I still remember, in 2010 in Petroupolis, at a benefit concert for an amputee member, the fault of the cops, the comrade, shouting while the beloved Deus were playing, “Freedom to Nikos Maziotis and Paula Rupa” and stage diving.

Admittedly, however, in recent years he had been somewhat absent from things due to developments and splits in the a/a space, in which he decided to keep a neutral position, but nevertheless he has very often taken to the streets to march with his comrades whenever he felt like it and has stood in solidarity with fires, floods, and whatever else has befallen us in recent years, without ever stopping to proclaim what’s “right.” The state, however, did not forget him and summoned him to an interrogation procedure as an accused in 2018, along with another comrade, 12 years later, for a case of occupation of the GSEE in Benaki, which had taken place in support of two imprisoned comrades, in relation to the attack on the then president of the GSEE, X. Polyzogopoulos. During the investigative process no incriminating evidence was found and the case was put on file. In the short text, response to the prosecution, we wrote at the time states: “For me, showing solidarity with the fighters is our weapon and is non-negotiable. The targeting of me by the persecution mechanisms during this period of time is therefore clearly part of the creation of a climate of terror towards all the struggling parts of society. But fear will not win. I will continue with all my strength to fight for my class interests and for a more just future” ( We should also not forget that many times he may have ended up in GADA detention because he defended the café and opposed cop invasions either there or in general in the Square and Exarchia, some of these times there is a funny photographic document, since that was Nikos.

Living for years outside the system, squatting for years, working independently, with a tremendous love for the mountains and the seas and much more. I will certainly say that what characterized Niko was not a worker’s identity, as he was never a worker, although he was always there for those from below, as one of them, providing what anyone might need. Nevertheless, since he often had a hard time getting by, like most people around us, he was forced to take an extra job, in my opinion foreign to his temperament, that of an elevator maintenance assistant. Whether he had to keep operating the elevator while not having a maintenance certification and many other details will be decided by the stairs and the experts. For us the truth is one. Nikos was killed in an elevator that he and his boss were maintaining and is another industrial accident that adds to the pile of industrial accidents that occur every year in Greece, mainly due to failure to observe the necessary safety rules and not using the necessary protective equipment.

It’s just that for me and for many others, Nikos is not a number on a list. He is a friend and companion with a specific and unforgettable entity, I would say. His death sadly represents an end of an era. We said goodbye to him starting from a desolate square, without his beloved statue (I remember once sitting across the street from the café and joking “Hey guys, why did you put a booth? We can’t see the statue). A square suffocatingly closed, and since 13/5 even more suffocatingly closed, by sheet metal. A skull place, vindictively shaped by the state “for our own good”.

The dogs and Nikos

Fortunately for him, quite early in his life he came into contact by chance with his first dog Loco, who he found left on the doorstep of his house. After a period of time and while they had become fellow travellers, he decided to approach a well-known dog trainer and said with conviction, “I want to be a trainer, and I will make it no matter what it takes, no matter what”. And so he did, he studied with her for years, was supported by her and at some point they parted ways so that he could now work on his own, newer methods and with a turn after years to rescue. Sometimes challenging, sometimes modernist and multifaceted, but always with a focus on the welfare and evolution of dogs and training forms.

The route, not strewn with rose petals, but with various stations. Along came Kenzie, the second dog in 2010, a puppy promising in brains, but from what the evolution showed in soul, he grew into yet another fellow traveler and a close dear friend. Then came the deep wound of losing Loco, soothed only by the presence of Kenzie. Knowing Kenzie as a puppy, and loving dogs and all non-human animals deeply, I realize the predicament he is currently in, along with the younger and blind dog Robin, whose guide dog he is, and the even younger Tesla, who came from Italy to become a rescuer with all his skills, but at the moment cannot complete his “studies”, which I hope for the near and distant future, as this was Nick’s vision. Kenzie, always a dog of a high standard has participated in various shoots, has played in September, I remember him “play dead” with infinite dirt on him motionless, has trained hundreds of dogs and has had a difficult adventure recently that almost cost him his life. Fortunately and thanks to the support of Nikos and people in solidarity, Kenzie looked him in the eye and lived and moved on. Little did he know, of course, that a few months later he would be without his human companion.

In addition, Nikos had trained dogs to accompany blind people, guide dogs. A few years ago he chose to develop his work, to go to Slovenia for the first time and meet the rescue team that he felt suited his temperament, to take dog assisted rescue to the next level. I believe he succeeded, as more people have since been involved in this area of training in Greece and various seminars have been organized on the subject. Dog walks in the mountains, innovative practices, and lots of love, I could write for hours.

Instead of an epilogue

Many people have described Nikos as shy. He wasn’t, he was always bold and with an insightful sense of humor sometimes provocative, and always looking forward, what characterized him was his solitude, extreme sensitivity, and unique communication with dogs, not to say that he didn’t choose companionship, but he did so in a peculiar way. And well he did. Nikos and I experienced a lot, not all of it easy… Wins, losses, joys, sorrows and difficult situations.

Nikos’ last post was about Loukanikos and dog freedom, shortly after he left us forever…

Nikos, you will always be present and alive in our hearts, our struggles against authority, and our practices towards dogs.

Then, now, always…

For Anarchy.

Rest in Punk…

Freedom in Palestine

P.S. Once, several years ago, I dedicated to Nikos the Symphony No. 1 by Tasos Livaditis

I quote it

“Then we saw that it was not faces but the silent gestures of the sunset…

like a god who had been forgotten and from the depths of time was calling for help.

The sky was silent and ashen, as indifferent to the victors as to the vanquished.

Did you ever see in the eyes of the vanquished soldiers the bitter will to live!

Misery always makes you put off – life is gone; friends were lost and enemies were petty so that you could feed on your hatred

…and your eyes are dimmed, dazzled suddenly by the old forgotten gods and the mighty childish credulity

On the damp crumpled sheets the laughter of unborn children wilted…

And men mingle and separate and take nothing from each other.

For love is the hardest way to get to know each other.

Because people, comrade,

live from the moment they find a place in each other’s lives.

And then you understand why the desperate make the best rebels.

And we are left defenseless suddenly, like a victor before death or a vanquished man facing eternity…

Great words were no longer spoken and thrown into the gutters.

Ah, thou hast never seen thy own hand pointing ruthlessly from the depths of the past. …

Oh, how beautiful it was as a lighted tree on an old Christmas night…

Forgive me, my love, that I lived before I knew thee.

I hate my eyes that no longer reflect your smile…

The square will remain deserted like a life that gave up everything, and when she too asked for a little leniency it was denied her.

No dreams to deceive us and no friends to betray us

For people exist once they find a place in other people’s lives.

Or a death for the life of others…”

This text was read on 5/19/24 at the café on the day of the political memorial for Nikos.

Today 3 months after his death I decided to publish it.


source: Athens Indymedia