We Respectfully Commemorate the Daring Names of the Great Comrades, Şahin, Mercan and Doctor! – MKP

Comrades Şahin (Yılmaz KES), a member of the Party Secretariat, and Mercan (Sevda SERİNYEL) and Doctor (Mahir ÖZGÜL), members of the Dersim Headquarters Command of the Peoples Liberation Army, were massacred in the countryside of Dersim Ovacık during the strategic destruction attack carried out by the fascistTCarmy on August 1, 2017. . .

While we bow respectfully before the struggle memories of Comrades Şahin, Mercan and Doctor, who became immortal by fighting heroically in the trenches of the Socialist Peoples War, we commemorate with respect and devotion the army of immortals who fell to the ground in the trenches of the revolutionary war from the Peoples War to the Socialist Peoples War. . .

With respect to the memory of the comrades of Şahin, Mercan and Doctors, who responded to the reactionary war with a just war;

We will win the war we have learned by paying the price, becoming immortal and suffering defeats! This is indisputable strategic correctness, despite its tactical defeats, temporary processes and obstacles. The inspiration for our revolutionary war, which has risen with naked will, against the barbarism of the imperialist world, its local extensions and all kinds of reactionary ruling derivatives, and their outdated works deepened by their unjust wars and brutal exploitation, is the certainty of our strategic victory based on historical justification! The heroic struggles of our comrades with unbending will and stance are the inexhaustible power of our victory!

Sovereign reaction feeds on war and is a justification for war! The revolutionary classes have no other responsibility in the face of the devastating consequences of the war than to act in accordance with the law of the class struggle. . .

All the reactionary classes and the bourgeoisie, the ruling class of today, do not bestow power on the proletariat of their own accord; there is no adultery in offering it on a platter to the revolutionary classes. . . In order to maintain its sovereignty and power, it applies institutional coercion-violence with the repressive machine it organizes, resorting to massacre, war and bloody aggression when it deems necessary. He does not hesitate for a moment to embrace fascism. . . In this case, the seizure of power byforceand resorting to armed war for this purpose is inevitable for the proletariat and becomes completely legitimate.

The question is a question of power that appears as class domination, and in this struggleforceand the armed form offorceare now an irrevocable necessity. There is only one way left for the proletariat; To resort to revolutionary force to organize revolutionary force and seize power against the reactionary force applied by the ruling classes, which are organized as an organization of oppression/force. . . This is how the proletariat has been conditioned by the bourgeoisie to have recourse toforcedorganization and action. . . The seizure of power is possible only through revolution based on armed war, and this act of change cannot be carried out without resorting to revolutionary force. From then on, the class struggle took on an act of mutual violence, which meant a brutal war between the two classes from beginning to end.
Our Party is a political war Party organized according to this war in open defiance. The main character of our Party, which is assertive in the revolution, is the Party of political war, its dynamic motivation is revolutionary war. In parallel with this character, our Party, which was born in armed struggle, took up positions in the trenches of revolutionary war without hesitation.

The history of our Party, which advanced the strategy of revolution from the Peoples War to the Socialist Peoples War, is none other than the history of armed struggle and revolutionary war. This history is loaded with much greater meaning with the heavy price paid in the trenches of the revolutionary war, which was shouldered by the perspective of the Communist revolution. Comrades Şahin, Mercan and Doctor are undoubtedly an important unit of these heavy costs, the meaningful losses and values of the revolutionary war with the perspective of the Communist revolution.

Dear Peoples, Comrades from the Political War Party and the Peoples Liberation Army;

The historical march of those who make revolution their duty cannot be stopped, and their consciousness, sharpened by the vision of great freedom, cannot be shackled. . . Their names are Ibrahim, Süleyman, Kazım, Cüneyt, Jafar, Yılmaz! Their names are Ismail, Baba and Aydin. . . Meral, Berna, Sevda, Barbara. . . Their name is an oath of passion for communism and an oath to revolution. . .

Comrades Şahin, Mercan and Doctor were written in history as the brave fighters of the great march and the leading cadres of the Socialist Peoples War that developed under the leadership of our Party. Their war was not without a reason, their death was not meaningless! They are the ones who write history themselves as the determined dynamics of the historical struggle, the fighters of the historical march, with their lives dedicated to the proletariat and our peoples. Their wars are as meaningful and universal as the liberation of all humanity as the liberation of the social class.

The enemy began a massive and comprehensive strategic offensive against armed struggle, and guerrilla warfare in particular, based on technological warfare aimed at destroying and liquidating military forces, and a heavy period in which it engaged in fascist massacres. The enemy, who started a new era in the form and tactics of armed warfare with the intensive use of technology-based war inventory such as UAV/UCAV, guided weapon, and artificial intelligence, inflicted heavy losses on the revolutionary military forces who did not know this technology well enough with the first advantage of using this war inventory on the battlefield. In parallel with local intelligence, it was aimed to destroy the guerrilla forces and points identified with this technological inventory with major attacks.

Comrades Şahin, Mercan and Doctor fought heroically against the tactical superiority of the enemy with technological war tools and the quality of technological warfare without any hesitation in the Socialist Peoples War. Our comrades, armed with devotion to the revolution and Party consciousness, fought and became flags without backing down in the face of technological war superiority. Their practices, which are the flag of war and the call to war, guide us and will continue to show us.

They not only played a decisive role in the institutional foundation and development of the Socialist Peoples War. Comrade Şahin, a member of the Party Secretariat, as well as comrades Mercan and Doctor, played an important role in the development of our Party. They made important contributions to the organizational/military line, tactics and strategic policy that the party should follow. In particular, the theoretical-practical studies carried out by Comrade Şahin for the institutionalization and development of the revolutionary war on the basis of serious planning and strategy and for the preparation of the Party for the revolutionary war breakthrough are quite meaningful.

The conscious insistence of Comrade Şahin, a member of the Party Secretariat, in the Socialist Peoples War and his immortalization in the trenches of the war by personally engaging in war practice is proof of Comrade Şahins determination to fight the revolutionary war, as well as the insistence and determination of our Party on revolutionary war. Just like the Party General Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries General who were immortalized in the practice of armed struggle and guerrilla warfare, Comrade Şahin was immortalized by fighting in the hot war positions of the Socialist Peoples War practice, of which he was a determined defender. Because, for him, the revolution could not be carried out without fighting, and the revolutionary victory could not be won without arms. . .

Their practice of immortal struggle is a call to carry the revolution to victory.

The call made to us by comrades Şahin, Mercan and Doctor with their immortal practice of struggle is to carry the revolution to victory by concentrating on the Socialist Peoples War under the leadership of the Party. It is possible to keep their memory alive by embracing it, not with revolutionary words, but with the revolutionary war they shouldered at the cost of their lives. Comrade Falcon; While the call to unite with the Party, to come forward with conscious audacity, to fight and win is being put into practice by the 11 themselves, the same call is the basic attitude that every comrade and the Party as a whole must follow, especially today. Our Party is determined to carry the revolution to victory with the Socialist Peoples War. . .

They inherit the legacy of revolutionary warfare they left us with their immortal struggle practices, and they are the 7th anniversary of their immortality. We once again commemorate the comrades Şahin, Mercan and Doctor with respect and bow to their memories. . .

* Our Party Secretariat Member Comrade Yılmaz KES is Immortal!
* Comrades Yılmaz KES, Sevda SERİNYEL and Mahir ÖZGÜL are Immortal!
* Salute to the daring warriors of the Great March!
* Their Line of Resistance Sheds Light on Our Struggle!
* Socialist Peoples Fighters Are Immortal!

Maoist Communist Party
Central Committee / Political Bureau
July 2024