Mapuche Political Prisoners of Temuco Begin Hunger Strike in Support of Héctor Llaitul



To the communities in resistance and public opinion in general, from our political imprisonment, in the Temuco prison, and through this communiqué we come to declare the following:

Kiñe: As political prisoners of the CAM, undersigned, we have taken the individual self-determination to initiate and accompany the current hunger strike that is being carried out by the werken Héctor LLaitul to demand his immediate transfer to this module of community members in the Temuco Prison, in his capacity as a historical leader of the Mapuche autonomist movement and who contributed from its beginnings in the struggle for Mapuche national liberation.

On Tuesday, August 6, he was transferred to a module for common prisoners.

Let us remember that the peñi was convicted through a spurious trial, through the Law of Internal Security of the State, a law of a political nature, censorship and persecution. As well as the use of witnesses without identity.

Epu: That we demand the immediate release of the peñi José Luis Marilao, whose comrades in the cause have already been acquitted, after two years of preventive detention. And that, even so, today, the Los Ángeles Court of Guarantee echoed, unilaterally, only the arguments of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Government. Leaving our peñi in preventive detention until a third trial is held for the same cause. This demonstrates the lack of independence of the Judiciary.
In the same way we demand the freedom of Daniel Canio Tralcal, who is in the legal deadlines to start putting forward his release.

Kila: We also denounce the maintenance of remote hearings and demand the presence of these in person, advocating for the right to be able to defend ourselves and to have contact and dialogue with our lawyer.

Meli. Along with the above, we send our condolences to the Jones Huala family for the departure of their son and brother Fausto Yem. At the same time, we sent our newen and accompaniment to the peñi Facundo Jones Huala on hunger strike.

Jorge Caniupil Coña

Juan Carlos Mardones

Pelentaro Llaitul Pezoa

Daniel Canio Tralcal

Luis Menares Chanilao

Temuco, August 8, 2024.

Health situation of Héctor Llaitul Carrillanca after 66 days on hunger strike.

Concepción, August 07, 2024.- Call for the immediate transfer of Héctor Llaitul to Temuco. Today, family members, communities, leaders, sympathizers and students from different territories met to demand the immediate transfer of werken Héctor Llaitul Carrillanca to the community module of the Temuco prison. They also denounce the violations in the process: adequate medical care, worse prison conditions than those already present in module 89 where he was serving preventive detention, where not only is his current health at risk – with more than 60 days on hunger strike – but also his spiritual health. Respect for international agreements is required, even more so for Convention 169, since a Mapuche can be deprived of liberty, but never of his condition of being Mapuche.

Radio Kurruf