The Occupation’s Call For Ethnically Cleansing Jenin Reveals True Fascist Plans for the West Bank: DFLP

In a statement issued today, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) said that the recent remarks made by the occupation’s Foreign Minister, “Yisrael Katz,” during his meeting with a group of settlers regarding the Jenin camp, and his call to evacuate it and treat it like Gaza—which means exterminating and displacing its residents—exposes the true, ugly face of the occupation state. This state blatantly ignores even the mild criticisms from the international community towards its ministers’ statements, including those of Smotrich, who openly declared a few days ago that “starving and exterminating two million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is just and moral.”

The DFLP added in its statement that such remarks not only target the camps, which symbolize significant political dimensions, particularly the right of refugees to return as per UN Resolution 194, but they also target the entire West Bank. These remarks cannot be separated from the occupation state’s targeting of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) under false pretenses that have been proven false by the majority of countries worldwide. Such statements by the occupation’s government ministers indicate that the recently announced annexation plan aims to displace the West Bank residents, especially those in the camps, in favor of a settler state. The deliberate and systematic campaign of killing and destruction of infrastructure—such as water and electricity lines, roads, and health and educational institutions in all the West Bank camps, particularly in the north—serves this purpose.

The DFLP called on the international community and its human rights and legal institutions to hold the occupation accountable for its crimes in Gaza and the West Bank, including Al-Quds, and not to settle for condemnations and timid statements of criticism, which have only emboldened the occupation to escalate its unprecedented criminality and arrogance. The DFLP also urged the Palestinian political leadership to sever all ties with the occupation state and withdraw recognition of it until it acknowledges our national rights, including our right to establish our independent state. The DFLP called for an urgent meeting of the unified leadership framework and the implementation of the outcomes of the Beijing Declaration aimed at restoring national unity.

The DFLP concluded its statement by calling on the Palestinian security forces to take their role and fulfill their national duty in protecting our people in the camps, villages, and towns that are daily subjected to the crimes of the occupation and settlers. This blatant hostility and the call for the killing and displacement of our camps by the pillars of the occupation government, and previously for the towns and villages of the West Bank, necessitate a national awakening within these forces and a reconstruction based on national doctrine.

Central Media – Ramallah
August 11, 2024