The Storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque by Zionists Led by War Criminal Ben Gvir is an Escalation of the Confrontation: PFLP

– The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine holds the Zionist occupation, led by war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu and his fascist and racist partner Ben Gvir, fully responsible for the criminal storming carried out by settler gangs of Al-Aqsa Mosque today, incited and led by Ben Gvir.
– This provocative storming, which coincides with the continuation of the Zionist war of extermination in the Gaza Strip and the aggression on the West Bank, comes within a clear and systematic plan to Judaize the mosque and divide it temporally and spatially, in light of American partnership, international collusion, and suspicious Arab silence.
– The Front affirms that these provocations will be met with a strong and firm response from our Palestinian people and their valiant resistance, and that all attempts by the occupation to impose a new reality on the ground, especially in the holy places, will be met with an escalation of resistance and the ignition of the entire situation.
*Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine*
*Central Media Department*

*August 13, 2024*