KBDH Rosîda Mêrdîn Militia; “We Carried Out Actions in Bursa Against Isolation and Occupation Operations!”

Details of the actions carried out by the KBDH Rosîda Mêrdîn (Emine Demir) Militia in Bursa;

  1. On August 8, at around 06:00 in the morning, the warehouse section of Koç Holdings Yacht Production Factory in Orhangazi, Bursa, was set on fire by sabotage. As KBDH Rosîda Mêrdîn (Emine Demir) Militia, we undertake this action.
  2. On August 13, around 23.30, a luxury vehicle in the parking lot of the Podyum Park shopping center in the Nilüfer district of Bursa was set on fire by the KBDH Rosîda Mêrdîn (Emine Demir) militia.

While the successful actions against isolation and the ongoing occupation operations send an effective message to the enemy and his collaborators, we reiterate that we, as soldiers of the United Revolution, will continue to hold the enemies of the people accountable in the metropolises.

The ongoing aggravated isolation of Kurdish Peoples Leader Abdullah Öcalan, torture and arbitrary practices against revolutionary prisoners in prisons, bombardments and occupation operations in Bashur Kurdistan, including civilian settlements, continue uninterruptedly. Our people living in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan are under the oppression and exploitation practices of the fascist regime and capital bosses. Fascism imposes the costs of the dirty war it is waging on the workers and toilers, and finances this war with the taxes of the people who are condemned to poverty.

The murderous Erdoğan and the fascist bloc, who could not win a victory against the freedom guerrilla, do not want to see an organized people, workers, young people and women to stand against them. As the KBDH Militia; By girding ourselves with the anger and dreams of every comrade who falls to the ground, we will bring to its knees the enemy who extends a hand to our womens gains. We will continue to strike in the mountains and metropolises until the occupying army is uprooted from Kurdistan and the fascist order that has descended on the workers and laborers is destroyed!

It is our call to all women; Organize in the ranks of the KBDH to overthrow the maledominated system! Hold fascism accountable!

Long live KBDH!

Jin Jiyan Azadi!

Martyr Namirin!