DKP/BÖG MK; “Comrades Orhan and Tekin are the Storm of Freedom!”

Comrades Orhan Cihat Bingöl (Ali Dinçer), a brave commander and revolutionary worker of the Kurdish Freedom Movement, a member of the HPG Command Council, and Tekîn Goyî (İsmet Ünver), who continued his health work in Northern and Eastern Syria, were immortalized while on their revolutionary duty against the invading and colonialist attacks of AKPMHP fascism.

The occupying and colonialist AKPMHP fascism continues its attacks in every inch of Kurdistans territory. The mountains of Kurdistan are being bombarded with all kinds of explosives 24 hours a day, and the AKPMHP fascism is attacking not only to destroy the Kurdistan freedom guerrilla, but also to destroy the mountains of Kurdistan. The Rojava revolution, on the other hand, is wanted as soon as its founding cadres and vanguard commanders are targeted, leaving them defenseless, demoralized and unable to move. When the attack is so intense, the revolutionary war organizes resist with the same intensity. In the face of each attack, an epic of revolutionary resistance unfolds. The historical revolutionaries who knitted, grew and organized this resistance with their revolutionary lives, on the other hand, shoulder the great tasks that the day imposes on the revolutionary struggle.

Comrade Orhan Cihat Bingöl was one of the steelwilled commanders of the revolutionary war, whose comradeship and friendship our party witnessed. Comrade Orhan, who left countless traces in history with his revolutionary life and practice, left an unforgettable revolutionary personality and culture in all the wars he participated in with his revolutionary energy, in all the fighters he trained, and in all the comrades he established.

For 33 years, Comrade Orhans revolutionary life deepened through struggle, war and education, and became the name of revolutionism, in which the enemy feared and his comrades gained confidence and courage. He became a revolutionary militant of the peoples of Kurdistan and Turkey, a relentless fighter, a comrade in the trenches and one of the commanders who took the lead in striking the enemy.

The Orhans of the revolutionary movement of Turkey and Kurdistan are the revolutionary traditions that protect the flag of freedom, revolution and socialism against fascism, protect it and lead every blow to the enemy until their last moments.

Comrade Tekin Goyî, on the other hand, is the name of a 32-year uninterrupted revolutionism that has made numerous contributions to the history of the revolution, takes its place wherever revolutionary needs develop, and assumes responsibility, just like Comrade Orhan. Comrade Tekin, whose comradeship and friendship we have witnessed in the fields of struggle where our party is located, is the revolutionary worker of the Kurdistan lands.

Comrade Tekin was one of those who worked without stopping or resting until his last moment in the revolution, which he continued by fighting numerous wars and missions, even sacrificing one leg to the revolution. Since the battle of Kobane, he has been one of the building blocks in the construction of the revolution by taking part in many fields and institutions in the organization, defense and development of the Rojava revolution. His hardworking and faithful stance towards the revolution set an example for the peoples and revolutionaries of Kurdistan, especially Rojava.

The revolutionary personality makes it necessary to overcome an indefinite war, difficulties and struggles like comrades Orhan and Tekin. While the comrades proved this many times with their lives, they immortalized it with their martyrdom. Today, the revolutionary task against every attack of AKPMHP fascism is to participate and wage war with Orhan and Tekin in our memory.

Our party, the DKP/BÖG, carries the weight of all martyrdoms in the person of comrades Orhan and Tekin in the great war waged by the Kurdistan Freedom Movement, with which it has strategically allyed, against the AKPMHP fascism, and will definitely be held accountable.

The revolutionary memories of comrades Orhan and Tekin will live on in the united revolutionary war strategy and determination of our party DKP/BÖG. The comrades will be avenged by the united revolutionary struggle of the revolutionaries of Kurdistan and Turkey, and the victory will be a gift to the peoples of Kurdistan and Turkey.

Comrades Orhan and Tekin are Immortal!

Long live our united revolutionary struggle!

Either victory, or victory!

An Serkeftin, An Serkeftin!

DKP/BÖG Central Committee – 2 September 2024