France: Call for a Month of Action for Georges Abdallah

On October 7, the court for the execution of sentences will hold a hearing in Lannemezan to rule on the request for conditional release (with deportation) filed more than a year ago by Georges Abdallah’s lawyer. This decisive hearing will record, within a few days, the 40 years of detention. 40 years of detention after a conviction handed down following a politico-police set-up and a first lawyer betraying his client by working for the secret services, 40 years of detention despite the end of his security sentence 25 years ago, 40 years of detention while twice his requests for release were accepted in the first instance… then rejected on appeal by the prosecutor’s office on the orders of the government. Georges Abdallah has already submitted nine requests for release. The last one, dating from 2012, having been accepted… on the condition that the Minister of the Interior sign an expulsion order, which E. Valls (like his successors) refused to do.

The United Campaign for the Release of Georges Abdallah has launched a call for an international month of action, from September 7 to October 7, an appeal co-signed by Red Aid International.

Source: Secours Rouge