Serres, Greece: Arson Attack on a Bank by Conspiracy to Increase Entropy.

Taking responsibility for an arson attack on a bank by Conspiracy to Increase Entropy

In the early hours of Friday, August 23, we visited the Piraeus Bank branch on Gr. Rakintzi Street in the centre of Serres and doused its facade and the nearby ATM with gasoline. Although the bank alarm went off at the time of the ignition, by the time the clueless cops realized what had happened we had already left the area long ago. We might as well just have left the scene and stopped for a drink on the way instead of taking the time to come up with a good escape plan. The action had little success since we did not manage to completely destroy the ATM as we originally planned. We’ll make sure it’s not like that next time.

We are in a situation which leaves us with nothing to do nothing but attack head-on and destroy. We seek no moral justification from the masses to act violently. Political tactics which aim at the gradual building of a mass anarchist movement with social characteristics to finally reach the revolution, permanently postponing the attack to an indefinite future, leave us extremely disappointed. We believe that counter-proposals and theories about how a better society could be are extremely secondary in front of the total destruction of the existing one. Here we want to emphasize that we do not reject mass movements in general and vaguely. Besides, we believe that guerrilla (without characterizing this specific action as such) works ideally in conjunction with a mass militant anarchist movement. The struggle will always be diverse. Arson, bombings and executions are not enough. But peaceful marches, bicycle rides and occupations are not enough either, many of which, as others before us have rightly observed, have ended up as alternative entertainment centres for young people. . Rebellion is ALWAYS HERE AND NOW.

We live in a world where everyday people sleep on the streets, rush through alleyways and struggle to survive to exist without life, bound by wage slavery. In a world where people are tortured in sections and imprisoned for decades simply because they dared to live with dignity fighting against the brutality of the patriarchal state capitalist system, or because they committed something that the authorities arbitrarily deem immoral. In a world where countless living beings are locked in suffocating small cells for their entire lives, awaiting slaughter. In a world in which every possible part of nature is mercilessly exploited in the name of profit and “development”. All this while at the same time power is constantly developing new methods of suppressing the body and mind, new machines of death, new techniques of manipulating the population, new methods of exploitation and destruction of everything beautiful in this world, sometimes painting them pink, sometimes green, promoting a pseudo-progressive image, each time in an increasingly provocatively insidious and hypocritical manner.

Faced with this immense injustice and exploitation that some people call development, all we have to do is to develop in turn new action plans and new methods of attack, in a continuous process of evolution politically, strategically and logistically. After all, self-criticism and therefore evolution is an integral part of rebellion. Obviously, the fact that, unlike most, we choose to act does not make us infallible. Beyond any possible delusion and illusion that we may harbour and beyond any possible political error that each action might entail, we continue to reproduce this rotten system in our daily lives, in whatever form it may take. Thus, we must look for and analyse our mistakes in order to evolve for the better.

We must also try to overcome our fears. We are very afraid of torture, captivity and the consequences for our close people that our capture entails. After all, that’s why the specific action didn’t go so well, since in the stress of the action we didn’t distribute the gasoline correctly in order to maximize the destruction. But we are even more afraid of compromise, of ending up tolerating all that we see every day that angers us, and of becoming inactive. We are also afraid of assimilation, of ending up looking for reassuring theories in order to live an alternative lifestyle, maintaining the illusion of resistance. To live an empty existence without life, without action. We recognize that many people cannot stand the stress of action and we understand that. But we know that everyone can contribute to the rebellion in their own way, regardless of their particularities. Behind every direct action is the monitoring, the preparation of the munitions and the incendiary texts. We believe that everyone can participate in various aspects of the struggle, regardless of their psychological and physical condition. The rest are just looking for excuses. We call on the entire conscious world, anarchist socialists and non-anarchists, anarcho-nihilists, anarcho-communists, communists or even people who choose not to be identified by any particular ideology, to stop tolerating this hell, to rise up and attack the modern dystopia with rage and conscience. We don’t like financial support gigs, interventions, peaceful marches or even the most typical poorly organized bars, as much as we appreciate all of that. All that we mention in this text needs much more analysis, which will probably come with future actions.

Solidarity with those who are prisoners in the hellholes of democracy in Greece and internationally. We wish we had the operational capability to get you out of your cells instead of sending empty words. Our sincere appreciation and love to those who continue to take action.




Translated by Act for freedom now!