Palestinian Resistance Fighters Confront Zionist Forces Amid Arrest Campaign

On Saturday Palestinian Resistance fighters confronted Zionist occupation forces during raids on several areas and towns in the occupied West Bank.

The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of the Fatah movement, announced that its fighters engaged in armed confrontations using machine guns and improvised explosive devices with occupation forces during their incursion into the al-Ain refugee camp in Nablus, located in the northern West Bank.

Occupation forces arrested Mohammad Khaled Abu Ranjo after raiding his home in the camp.

In a related development, the Nablus Brigade of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s al-Quds Brigades stated that its fighters also confronted the Israeli forces in the al-Ain camp, successfully attacking infantry forces with an improvised explosive device, resulting in confirmed casualties.

In a previously disclosed operation, the Nablus Brigades claimed responsibility for a sniper attack on June 2, 2024, which targeted a settler on Mount Gerizim. Following this, a Zionist infantry unit entered Nablus from Mount Dahia, where they were met with heavy gunfire from the al-Quds Brigades fighters, causing severe injuries.

Jenin confrontations

In Jenin, Zionist forces stormed the town of Ya’bad. According to local Palestinian sources, Zionist military vehicles raided the town from the eastern entrance, patrolled its streets and neighborhoods, and stationed themselves in the city center.

Palestinian youths resisted the incursion, resulting in confrontations. Zionist forces responded with live fire and tear gas, though no injuries or arrests were reported.

In a separate raid, the Zionist forces stormed the home of the Palestinian who carried out the Kedumim operation in the village of Baqat al-Hatab in Qalqilya in the northern West Bank.

Local sources confirmed that soldiers raided several homes in Baqat al-Hatab, while snipers were positioned on rooftops throughout the village.

Zionist occupation forces stormed the village of Deir Abu Mash’al, west of Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank.

Additionally, Zionist settlers opened fire on Palestinian homes in Jabal al-Abed, south of the city of Dura in the West Bank.

According to the latest data from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, a total of 702 Palestinians have been killed by occupation forces and settlers in the West Bank since October 7.

The Ministry’s statement highlighted that over 5,700 Palestinians have been wounded by the ongoing aggression in the occupied land, with at least 10,700 others detained over the last 11 months.

The death toll included at least eight Palestinians killed during airstrikes carried out on Wednesday in the city of Tabus, the nearby town of Tamun, and the West Bank’s northern city of Tulkarm.