The Popular Front Calls for Widespread Participation in the Funeral of the Martyr of Arab Dignity

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has called on the Jordanian people to participate broadly in the funeral procession of the Arab revolutionary martyr Maher Al-Jazi, which will take place today in the Al-Husseiniya area of Ma’an Governorate, Jordan.

The Front emphasized the importance of rallying around the martyr’s family and loved ones, urging the organization of activities that honor the martyr’s heroism and reaffirm the national path he followed, along with the supreme values he embodied of sacrifice, loyalty, bravery, and courage.

The Front stressed that martyr Maher Al-Jazi presented an advanced revolutionary and humanitarian example, reflecting the will of the Arab masses and their readiness to contribute to the struggle for Palestinian and Arab existence and destiny.

The Front indicated that the martyr’s heroic act represented a steadfast will in confronting the zionist project, renewing hope for Arab solidarity against occupation.

The Popular Front renewed its condemnation of the normalization policies between the Jordanian government and the zionist entity, considering such policies as a betrayal of the Palestinian cause and the blood of the martyrs who sacrificed for freedom and Arab dignity.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Office
September 17, 2024