Hezbollah Vows to Respond to Zionist Regime for Pager Cyber Attack

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah – held the Zionist occupation fully responsible for the treacherous aggression caused by the cyber attack after obtaining results of its probe, as well as examining available data, regarding the pager detonations earlier today.

In a new statement, Hezbollah confirmed that the occupation entity was behind the cyber attack on Lebanon, which left hundreds injured, and caused several fatalities across the country.

The Lebanese Resistance affirmed that the martyrs and injuries inspire the struggle on the path of al-Quds and champion the people of Gaza and the West Bank, as well as extend the continued field support [on the northern front] as a means to back the Palestinian Resistance.

Hezbollah vowed to respond to the aggression in ways and at times the occupation cannot estimate or anticipate.

“The treacherous and criminal enemy will undoubtedly face its just punishment for this heinous attack, in ways both expected and unforeseen,” the statement read.

Earlier, the Resistance confirmed that a 10-year-old girl and two of its members were killed in the explosions. Lebanon’s Health Minister also announced that eight individuals were killed and 2750 were injured, 200 of whom are in critical condition, across 100 hospitals.

The Palestinian Resistance organizations responded and we will publish their statements below:

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

Zionist bombings in Lebanon will not deter the resistance from continuing its resistance and expanding its strikes.

The widespread and treacherous explosions that simultaneously and sequentially targeted communication devices held by Lebanese citizens in various regions of Lebanon represent a serious zionist escalation. This comes as part of a new occupation attempt aimed at disrupting the security situation in Lebanon and destabilizing its stability.

This extensive zionist escalation, which is being carried out in confirmed coordination with the United States and Western powers, aims to strike at the heart of Lebanon and attempt to weaken the resistance that has repeatedly proven its ability to confront these dangerous events.

The Front affirms its full support and solidarity with Lebanon and its resistance, wishing a speedy recovery to the injured.

These recent events confirm the occupying force’s ongoing intention to exert pressure on Lebanon and carry out extensive operations aimed at creating a new reality that serves its security and military interests, culminating in the decision of the zionist cabinet.

We are confident that the resistance is capable of absorbing this treacherous attack and responding strongly to reflect its cohesion and resilience. Additionally, these operations will not deter the resistance from continuing to support the resistance in Gaza in its ongoing struggle against the occupation.

The repeated zionist threats of launching a wide-scale aggression against Lebanon will be met only with increased steadfastness and resistance. The Lebanese people and their resistance forces have repeatedly proven their ability to thwart any plans targeting them and to respond to escalation with even greater escalation.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Office
September 17, 2024

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

DFLP condemns the “israeli” terrorist crime against the Lebanese people and their valiant national resistance.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemned in a statement the fascist crime committed by the zionist enemy, targeting over 3,000 Lebanese citizens and members and leaders of the national resistance represented by Hezbollah. This attack resulted in the martyrdom of 9 individuals and involved the use of brutal methods, as is customary, without distinguishing between civilians and military personnel, or between women, children, or the elderly.

The Front said: The fascist occupation government’s resort to escalation in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon, and its threats against the Yemeni people with further acts of aggression, reflect the extent of the enemy’s determination to ignite the flames of war in the region, relying strongly on the unlimited support provided by the American administration and its NATO allies.

The Democratic Front affirmed that it is no coincidence that the “israeli” enemy resorts to such criminal acts against Lebanon and its resistance, represented by Hezbollah, at the same time that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken begins his visit to the region under the pretext of presenting American ideas to stop the war. While every fact confirms that with each visit by Blinken, the occupying state resorts to further criminal escalation, emboldened by declared American support and disregarding global public opinion and international law, which condemns it daily as a state of occupation, aggression, genocide, and ethnic cleansing.

The Democratic Front emphasized its support for Hezbollah and the Lebanese people in facing “israeli” aggression. At the same time, it praised the significant sacrifices made by the party, led by its Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in supporting our people and bolstering them in the occupied Palestinian territories in defense of their land and national dignity.

Central Media 17/9/2024


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

We, in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), strongly condemn the zionist terrorist aggression that targeted Lebanese citizens by detonating communication devices in various areas of Lebanese territory, as well as civilian and service facilities. This attack injured thousands of citizens, without distinguishing between fighters and civilians, and resulted in the martyrdom of several individuals. This crime defies all laws and norms, and we hold the occupation government fully responsible for the consequences of this dangerous crime.

This terrorist operation comes as part of the systematic zionist aggression on the region and the policy of arrogance and tyranny adopted by the occupation government, backed by U.S. support that provides cover for its fascist crimes. We affirm that this criminal escalation will only lead the terrorist occupation entity to further failure and defeat.

We highly appreciate the jihad and sacrifices of our brothers in Hezbollah and their persistence in continuing to support and back our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. We express our full solidarity with the Lebanese people and our brothers in Hezbollah, offering our deepest condolences to the families of the victims. We ask Allah for mercy upon the martyrs and a swift recovery for the wounded, reaffirming that the fascist occupation’s crimes will not weaken the resolve of our free people or break the will of their resistance.

The Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas

Tuesday: 14 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1446 AH
Corresponding to: September 17, 2024

Palestinian Islamic Jihad: 

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

The treacherous operation carried out by the zionist entity’s devices through the explosion of dual-use communication equipment is a documented war crime. It inflicted severe damage on a large number of innocent civilians inside their homes with premeditated malice.

Although the enemy’s resort to this option is intended within the framework of psychological and intellectual warfare, it indicates the level of frustration and the narrow options they now have after the blows they have received from multiple fronts supporting the Palestinian people.

We are fully confident that the Islamic resistance in Lebanon and Syria is capable of absorbing this treacherous blow and quickly containing its repercussions. They will respond to the enemy in a manner commensurate with the gravity of the crime and the targeting of civilians in their homes, particularly the families of the resistance fighters.

We mourn the souls of the martyrs who fell in this crime, and we ask Allah to grant them a place in His vast paradise. We also pray for the swift recovery of the wounded.

It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.

Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Sunday, 14th Rabi’ al-Awwal 1446 AH, September 17, 2024 AD.