Palestinian Resistance Factions Condemn Zionist Aggression on Beirut

Several Palestinian Resistance factions condemned Friday the recent Zionist attack on a residential building in the Jammous area of Beirut’s Southern Suburb. The factions praised Hezbollah’s steadfastness in continuing its support for Palestine, emphasizing that the enemy would not succeed in separating the various fronts of Resistance.

Hamas values Hezbollah’s sacrifices

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, strongly denounced the occupation’s aggression on the southern suburbs of Beirut, labeling it as a continuation of the occupation’s ongoing crimes and a violation of Lebanese sovereignty. In a statement, the movement declared, “This new crime is part of the continuous aggression and serves as an escalation.”

Hamas stressed that the Zionist regime’s actions are war crimes requiring urgent international intervention. It reiterated that “the fascist aggression will not achieve its goals, and the resistance will continue its path until the Zionist project in the region is eliminated.” The movement further added, “We stand with our brothers in Hezbollah and the Islamic Resistance, and we express our full solidarity with them.”

Additionally, Hamas commended Hezbollah’s “brave stance” and their commitment to supporting the Palestinian cause, particularly in Gaza.

The regime seeks to drag Lebanon to open war: PIJ

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad also condemned the “treacherous aggression” on Beirut’s southern suburbs, which targeted residential areas. The movement praised Hezbollah and the Lebanese people’s sacrifices in confronting the occupation.

The PIJ accused the Zionist government of trying to drag Lebanon into an open war or impose humiliating conditions, the first of which would be stopping Hezbollah’s support for the Palestinian people. “The enemy persists in its crimes, aiming to draw Lebanon into a wider conflict,” the movement said.

Aggression not to weaken resistance: PFLP

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) also condemned the zionist aggression on Lebanon, stating that the airstrike on Beirut’s southern suburbs represents a new crime that will not weaken the resolve of the resistance.

The PFLP emphasized that the enemy’s crimes and “the widening of its war of extermination leaves no option for the region’s people but to resist and fight.”

Enemy not to divide Resistance fronts: Mujahideen movement

The Palestinian Mujahideen Movement harshly criticized the latest attack on Beirut, which coincided with new massacres in Gaza targeting civilians and children. The movement denounced the “international silence and official Arab complicity” in the face of Zionist crimes.

“The brutal aggression against civilians in Lebanon and Gaza could not have occurred without the unlimited US support for the Nazi-like government of the enemy,” the faction underlined. Furthermore, it stressed that the enemy “will not be able to restore its deterrence through massacres and will fail in separating the resistance fronts or stopping them.”

DFLP stands with Arab Resistance movements

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) condemned the attack, stating, “The targeting of the Southern Suburb following the agers and radio devices massacre confirms the enemy’s terrorism and its determination to ignite war.”

“The Palestinian resistance stands alongside Arab resistance movements, with Hezbollah at the forefront,” the DFLP affirmed, noting that “resistance forces know well how to defend their people and take revenge against the Zionist enemy and its fascist army on the battlefield.”

Zionist regime to pay the price for aggression: Fatah al-Intifada

Fatah al-Intifada harshly condemned the Zionist aggression on Lebanon and the Lebanese people, particularly the attack on Beirut’s Southern Suburb. In a statement, the movement declared, “The occupation entity will reap nothing from this barbaric attack but humiliation and defeat, and it will backfire on them and their settlers.”

“The aggression on Beirut’s southern suburbs is a dangerous escalation for which the enemy bears full responsibility,” the movement said. It also declared its support for Hezbollah, stating, “We stand by Hezbollah in this battle, and our people will emerge victorious regardless of the sacrifices.”

Earlier in the day, the regime launched an aggression on a residential building in the Lebanese capital’s southern suburb.