Bombing Tel Aviv is a Qualitative Action to Protect Lebanon and Palestine: PFLP

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the continuous qualitative operations carried out by Hezbollah have dispelled the illusions of the leaders of the Zionist occupation army and its security apparatus, which they tried to promote as part of the psychological war directed against the resistance.

The Front considered that the bombing of the military and security sites of the occupation army, including the recent qualitative operation that targeted a base belonging to the criminal terrorist Mossad in Tel Aviv this morning, is a well-thought-out strategic step that aims to protect our people in Lebanon and Palestine, deter the ongoing crimes of the occupation, and stop the war of extermination that it is waging.

The Front pointed out that the courageous support provided by the resistance forces in Iraq and Yemen to Hezbollah and the Palestinian resistance reflects the true unity of our nation in the field of struggle and combat against the Zionist colonial project.

She added that the qualitative operation carried out by the Iraqi resistance, which targeted an enemy base in the occupied Syrian Golan, clearly expresses the unity of the arenas, blood and common destiny, and comes as a qualitative supply to the resistance forces in Palestine and Lebanon.

The Front stressed that these heroic operations demonstrate the resistance’s determination to confront the Zionist aggression by all possible means, affirming that military deterrence is the way to stop the occupation’s criminal policies and thwart its attempts to separate the resistance fronts from each other.

The Front called on the masses of the Arab nation, its active national forces, and the free people of the world to escalate the struggle and protest, and ignite revolutions of anger against the governments and regimes that support aggression and war against the peoples of the region.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department