Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Brigade: We Stand With the Palestinian and Lebanese People

Against the massacres and genocide of the Zionist state of Israel
We stand with the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples!

In the heavy attacks of the Zionist state of Israel against Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, and many members of the Hezbollah command have been killed. This loss is also a heavy loss for the resistance front against Israeli Zionism. Hassan Nasrallah has become an example of resistance against Israel’s brutality, attacks and occupations. In 2000 and 2006, he successfully led the resistance of the Lebanese people against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

The Zionist state of Israel, which assassinated Nasrallah, has killed 42,000 Palestinians in a year of atrocities. Israel has now set its sights on Lebanon. It aims to occupy the south of Lebanon by expelling its people. Hundreds of Lebanese have lost their lives so far. The people of South Lebanon are being displaced and uprooted.

All attacks of the Israeli state are clearly targeting the civilian population. Civilian residential areas are bombed. It carries out cyber-attacks, destroys the livelihoods of the people and deprives them of their right to life. All these are flagrant war crimes. Finally, the murderer Netanyahu, gave the order for the massacre of Hassan Nasrallah and civilians, during his speech at the United Nations. In full view of the whole world, the Netanyahu government continues to commit atrocities and take lives, and no significant objection is voiced except by a few states of the world. The imperialist states of the US, Britain and the EU openly approve and encourage these massacres and war crimes. This is because they want to expand their sphere of dominance in the Middle East against other imperialist powers. The great disasters experienced during the first and second imperialist wars of division are wanted to be repeated once again.

All these events are part of imperialism’s attacks on the peoples of the world. The state of Israel uses the suffering of the genocide (Holocaust) inflicted on the Jewish people by the Nazis for its Zionist interests. It imposes genocide on the peoples of the Middle East, especially the Palestinian people. Like all oppressed peoples, the Jewish people, in essence, do not approve of the genocides of the state of Israel.

The imperialist powers and the servant states of the Middle East are complicit in the genocide in Palestine and Lebanon. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Qatar, Jordan, Azerbaijan, etc. are states that provide direct or indirect aid to the state of Israel. Deep cooperation has been exposed between the fascist Turkish and Azerbaijani states and the Zionist state of Israel. However, the hearts of the oppressed peoples in all these countries are with the Palestinian people. The oppressed around the world are in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Anger is rising against imperialism and the murderous Israeli state. The assassination of Hassan Nasrallah has sharpened this anger even more.

These attacks are a result of the general policy of imperialism. In this situation, hoping for help from the imperialists, called “great powers”, is a pipe dream. The oppressed peoples of the Middle East; all identity, religion, sect, etc. will learn to fight together, leaving aside their differences. They will bring the struggle together. Because imperialism is a system that aims only at its own profit and exploits and destroys everything for this purpose. The only remedy for the oppressed against this system is to unite in a common line of resistance and to strenghten solidarity networks with the oppressed peoples of the world. There is no other way other than this.

We condemn the genocides of Zionism in the strongest terms. We call on all peoples to take a stand against genocide and to actively solidarize with the Palestinian and Lebanese people.

The Palestinian and Lebanese peoples will not be defeated.
Long live the common resistance of oppressed peoples.
Down with imperialism, Zionism and fascism!
Free Palestine from the river to the sea!

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Brigade
Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Cultural Center