The Fascist State is Responsible for the Ankara Station Massacre! We Will Hold You Accountable! — HBDH

Nine years have passed since the Ankara Train Station Massacre. Those responsible for this massacre have not been punished, as in previous massacres. ISIS members named in the massacre took part in other attacks. The fascist state, which is the main party responsible and organizer of the massacre, wants to make people forget it by ignoring it over time.

The history of the occupying fascist state is written in blood. From the first day of its founding, it pursued a policy of extermination against other peoples. They expelled the Armenians and Greeks from their lands. They have been pursuing a policy of massacre and assimilation against our Kurdish people for decades. They have always practiced denial, ignoring and murder as a state policy against different faiths. They attacked our people of Alevi faith and massacred them in Maraş, Sivas and Çorum. They tried to intimidate the struggles for democratic rights with state terror.

The bourgeoisfascist state has carried out many attacks against our peoples and revolutionaries. The AKPMHP fascist government has been attacking our people since the day it was founded. In addition to the attacks on guerrillas and revolutionaries, the Amed massacre, the Gezi massacre, the Suruç Massacre and the Ankara Train Station massacre of October 10, 2015 are just some of them. The Islamist fascist government feeds on the blood of our rights. They maintain their power through massacres and arrests.

The most massive and brutal of the massacres in Turkey is the Ankara Train Station massacre carried out by statesponsored ISIS members on October 10, 2015. Upon the call of the trade unions and the NGO, two ISIS members blew themselves up among the thousands of people who gathered to hold a rally in Ankara. The explosion killed 103 people. Hundreds of people were also injured.

According to the information that emerged later, the gangs came to Ankara to carry out a protest. The state had removed all obstacles for them to carry out the attack. They went through the search points without any problems. They arrived at the scene of the action without any problems. The rest is clear. A bloody page was opened on May 1, Gazi, Sivas, etc. It was intended to instill fear in the masses who seek their rights, demand accountability and act in an organized manner.

In the runup to the June 2015 elections, the fascist AKP, which was exposed in the eyes of our people and their lies were exhausted in the face of the Kobanê resistance, and then suffered a great loss of votes. In the June elections, they were unable to form a government of their own. In order to overcome the process they had fallen into, they launched an allout attack on our peoples and our pioneers, and the liquidation button has been pressed. The allout offensive began in 2015 with the Suruç massacre. Massacres, arrests, and closures of positions followed.

Ahmet Davutoglu, the AKP prime minister at the time, said, “We conducted a survey before and after the Ankara attack. There is an increase in our votes after the attack,” he said, explaining that they feed on the massacres. The Minister of Interior at the time, Selami Altınok, defended the massacrers by saying, “There is no security weaknesswhen asked by journalists if there is a shortage of policemen. Again, the governor of Ankara did not give permission for an investigation against the police officers who were negligent in their duties. The killers walked around waving their hands and arms.

The AKPMHP fascist government wanted to take people into submission with fear. The reason they were so aggressive in 2015 is that a new liquidation process was put in place. To scare people with the policy of state terror, to take them into submission. It is not to allow the slightest action and reaction towards the state and the government. They wanted to silence people with violence and massacre. It was enough to seek rights, to protest and to criticize the government, to be murdered and imprisoned.

The massacres committed against our peoples in Dersim, Zîlan, Maraş, Amed and on May 1 have not been forgotten. Today, the massacres carried out by the AKPMHP fascist government, the massacres in Amed, Gezi, Suruç and Ankara train stations are unforgettable. Every massacre that takes place ferments the anger of our peoples. This accumulated anger will explode at the head of the fascist state. No massacre will be left in the dark.

Nine years have passed since the Ankara Train Station massacre. Our pain is fresher and our anger is growing every day. The task before us is to properly organize this growing righteous anger. We can overthrow the AKPMHP fascist government, which has been carrying out a policy of oppression and massacre against our peoples since the day it was founded, by ensuring a united struggle and the unity of rights. It is the most important task of the united forces of struggle to bring together all those who are oppressed and persecuted by this fascist order in their demands for revolutionary struggle. With this awareness, our duty is to organize, struggle and resist in order to hold the massacres accountable. As resistance to tyranny grows, the killers will look for a place to escape. However, they will have nowhere to run. They will be held accountable for what they have done against our rights.


HBDH Executive Committee