Communique from the Clandestine Indigenous Revolutionary Committee – General Command of the Zapatista National Liberation Army


October 16, 2024.

To the National and International Sixth:

To those who signed the Declaration for Life:


For a few weeks now, inhabitants of Palestina have threatened women, elderly people, children, and men from the Zapatista community “6 de Octubre,” part of the Caracol of Jerusalem, with eviction from the lands they have peacefully occupied and worked for over 30 years.

Until this “change” of government, the community “6 de Octubre” had lived in peace and harmony with surrounding populations, without any clashes or problems.

From the beginning of this issue, the Local Autonomous Government (GAL) of “6 de Octubre” and the Assembly of Collectives of Zapatista Autonomous Governments (ACEGAZ) of the Caracol Jerusalem have insisted on dialogue and agreement with the communal authorities of Palestina, but to no avail. These authorities from Palestina claim to have the backing of the municipal authorities of Ocosingo and the government of the State of Chiapas (PVEM and Morena respectively), and that they have instructions from these bad governments to provide the aggressors with documents that validate their claim to the dispossessed lands.

Inhabitants of Palestina have also reported pressures from so-called organized crime to evict our comrades, and that there is an agreement between organized crime and different levels of government to give “legal” status to this dispossession.

The threats have escalated to include the presence of people from Palestina with high-powered long guns, threats of rape against women, burning of houses, and theft of belongings, crops, and animals.

The provocations continue. The Caracol of Jerusalem was one of the venues planned for the celebration of the 2024-2025 meetings of resistance and rebellion.

As we must remain alert to the deterioration of this grave situation, we will suspend all communication and information regarding these meetings and will consider cancelling them due to a lack of security for attendees in any part of Chiapas.

This is the reality of “continuity with change” under bad governments.

That is all.

For the Clandestine Indigenous Revolutionary Committee – General Command of the Zapatista National Liberation Army.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.
Mexico, October 2024.