PCCO Will Soon Celebrate the Victory of the Cubans in Cuito Cuanavale for the Liberation of Angola

After their victory against the imperialist states in the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola, the Cuban fighters did not return to Cuba with Angolan minerals or oil; they simply returned home with the remains of their comrades who fell in Angola for the liberation of that African country.

For the first time, Americans and Cubans are sitting around the same table for a ceasefire on the Angolan issue, following the Cuban victory for the liberation of Angola. Cuito Cuanavale is a great symbol of the struggle against American imperialism. Cuba showed the world that it is possible to fight imperialism and defeat it. The Cuban victory at Cuito Cuanavale for the liberation of Angola, Namibia and South Africa must be celebrated with pomp to teach lessons to the new generation of anti-imperialist and anti-fascist fighters, to show that it is possible to fight Western imperialism and defeat it.

During the negotiations between the Cubans and the imperialist powers for the ceasefire in Angola, three conditions were set by the Cuban government for leaving Angola:
– the total independence of Angola,
– the total independence of Namibia,
– the end of apartheid and the release of Nelson Mandela.

No reward will be demanded for Cuba, because the Cuban children fell in Angola to fulfill their internationalist mission.

In memory of this victory of the Cubans in the battle of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola, the Congolese Communist Party will organize the second edition of the African Forum of Solidarity between Cuba and Africa against international imperialism. Fidel Castro will always be celebrated as an immortal hero of the anti-imperialist struggle.

The first edition, organized by the Secretary General of the PCCo in Kinshasa, had the active participation of the ambassador of Cuba, Angola and Namibia. We will raise the flag of proletarian internationalism in Kinshasa, the country of Patrice Emery Lumumba. The second edition will be even more lavish, but will take the form of an international conference against imperialism, with Cuba in the spotlight as a Latin American nation that has contributed so much to the liberation of Africa.

Fidel Castro, an immortal and international hero in the struggle against imperialism, is a light for the new generation of anti-imperialist fighters for a new world free from the influence of American imperialism.

It will be a conference to celebrate the new world order without the dictates of imperialist nations.

The world must mobilize to support Cuba, this will be a great plea for the new form of cooperation between Cuba and Africa. Fidel Castro is Africa marching for its freedom, this is the victory of the Cubans in the battle of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola. Cuito Cuanavale will show the whole world that imperialism is a paper tiger.

Cuito Cuanavale will celebrate the famous Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, hero of the anti-imperialist struggle. We will remind humanity of the tragedies of US imperialism in the world, that there is an urgent need for the unification of anti-imperialist forces to defeat the imperialists as was the case in Cuito Cuanavale in Angola.

The fight of the immortal Fidel Castro still embodies the hopes of justice of the entire Third World and symbolizes the redemption of the African man still humiliated for centuries by American imperialism. Fidel Castro remains a legendary figure of the anti-imperialist, anti-fascist struggle, he is our compass to fight Western imperialism until victory.

Fidel Castro is a political prophet of the unity of Africa and Cuba. His mystique still crosses the borders of continents and oceans. Death has no force to overthrow Fidel Castro’s mystique of glory.

Cuito Cuanavale shows that Cuban internationalism is a religion for the liberation of the countries of the world from the yoke of the imperialists.

Fidel Castro is a school, a doctrine, an ideology, a university of the struggle of the oppressed against international imperialism. Fidel Castro is a great project of hope, it must still vibrate throughout the world, such is the great meaning of the celebration of the victory of the Cubans in the battle of Cuito Cuanavale, a military victory that triggered the process of the total independence of Angola, the total independence of Namibia and the end of apartheid, and then the liberation of Nelson Mandela.

Mandela, after his release, went to thank Fidel Castro for his contribution to the end of apartheid and his release. Long live solidarity between Africa and Cuba.

Long live the struggle against Western imperialism.

Long live the unity of peoples against imperialism.

Homeland or death, we will win!

Boswa Isekombe Sylvere,
Secretary General of the Congolese Communist Party, the lion with the red heart.