Mapuche Political Prisoners José and Luis Tralcal on Hunger Strike

From the political prison in Wall Mapu, we greet our people the Mapuche Nation, our traditional authorities, Pu Peñi, Pu Lamnien, the Chilean people and the different peoples in struggle against capitalism and the destruction of the Itroilmongen [biodiversity].

Today March 1, 2022, we start a liquid hunger strike, as the only political struggle tool we can develop from prison. We, José Tralcal Coche and Luis Tralcal Quidel, Political Prisoners of the Lof Lleupeko Sector Wenteche, state:

1- That, despite the political condemnation we face for the Luschinger Mackay attack of 18 years in prison, we have received this condemnation in retaliation for beginning the territorial recovery processes of our area, since we have been condemned by a “Statement obtained under torture of a false witness”.

2- That, despite compliance with the Internal Regulations of Gendarmerie to postulate the benefits of Sunday, sporadic and quarterly departures and conditional liberty, this institution has put a series of obstacles, to access those benefits; our request was submitted In August 2021, without having an answer to date. For more than 6 months, the Gendarmerie has not made an attempt to evaluate our request.

3- That, the warranty court has given 3 orders to Gendarmería to execute this Council.

4- We denounce the servile commitment towards the economic and political power of the Alcaide Yanacona, the arrogant Waldo Marilyo Aedo and the Social Worker Angela Bascur, who in repeated opportunities pressed us to declare ourselves guilty of the acts, to prevent our case from staying in the Inter-American Court, since it was admitted by all the irregularities that originated in our sentence.

This decision is taken together with our families and Lof; we vindicate the hunger strike as a legitimate tool of struggle from political imprisonment, to achieve the longed for freedom and at the same time we demand:

– Sunday, quarterly and sporadic departures.

– Conditional liberty, without the need for us to declare ourselves guilty of an act that we have not committed.

We greet all communities in struggle and resistance

Freedom to Mapuche political prisoners

Freedom to the political prisoners of the revolt

Freedom for Commander Ramiro

For the recovery of our territory

Fire to the capitalist power and the latifundio of Wall Mapu.

Pu Mapuche choi tañy neikuleal, Mapu ka Ko reke, chumechy rume neikuleain mutem…..

The Mapuche were born free, like land and water, freedom is priceless …….

José Tralcal Coche and Luis Tralcal Quidel

Victoria CET.

Via Publicacion Refractario