From the Frente de Guerra Urbano Nacional Comandante en Jefe Camilo Torres Restrepo (FGUN), we extend a fraternal revolutionary greeting, wishing you a victorious and prosperous year 2025. 60 years after the capture of Simacota, we reaffirm our militant and revolutionary commitment to popular victory.
Once again, history shows us that as 60 years ago the democratic and electoral channels were exhausted, the current government has negotiated with the traditional oligarchy to guarantee governability, thus ending its mandate and acquiring personal glory, but on the other hand, the exploited people who trusted in their promises see their hopes diluted, for which they maintained an admirable national strike in 2021, a historical fact that we continue to remember and vindicate.
In Simacota we raised the need to confront an oligarchy that is a lackey of imperialism and the transnationals, which negotiate to the detriment of the interests of the nation and the impoverished people.
The manifesto is still valid today, although the conditions of the country have changed, the same problems that affected the people on January 7, 1965 still continue. The corrupt regime is sustained through reactionary violence, education still continues in the hands of private businessmen who profit from it, the land is exploited for the benefit of the oligarchies, subjecting small rural landowners to exile for the benefit of the agricultural industry, formal workers see how little by little their rights are dismantled and those who live by scavenging struggle daily to survive. Young people, professionals and intellectuals still do not find a different alternative to the neoliberal system, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs continue to see how their economic projects perish under the rules of global capitalism.
The multiple social problems today are more evident in the urban centers of the country, therefore, 10 years ago the ELN began the creation of the Frente de Guerra Urbano Nacional, in that construction we have advanced fighting against all adversity, without ceasing to accompany the urban struggles throughout the national territory.
Our actions are inspired by the example of Comandante en Jefe Camilo Torres Restrepo, in his honor we bear his name, convinced that it is the union of the people for the base, overcoming party divisions, bringing together revolutionaries and democrats, Marxists and Christians, all sons and daughters of the Colombian people, to give a radical struggle that overcomes the oligarchic dichotomy. that transcends the purely electoral vision and leads the popular bloc to unify its struggles and transform the nation for the benefit of the oppressed and exploited.
On our tenth anniversary we report victory, despite the harsh political and police repression, the Frente de Guerra Urbano Nacional continues to strengthen and expand, every day more young people from the popular sectors join, women, sexual diversities, students, workers, ethnic communities and others excluded by this fascist system, disguised as democracy. The invitation is to continue strengthening the great popular torrent and advancing in the construction of an agenda of national transformation, towards a great popular constituent.
¡Colombia… For the workers!
Not one step back… Liberation or Death!
January 2025