To the People of Mexico and the World
To the Organizations in Resistance
To the National and International Civil Society
Brothers and Sisters,
From the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) we condemn the ambush carried out in the area between the towns of Santo Domingo Petapa and San Juan Mazatlán, Oaxaca, where three compañeros from the Union of Indigenous Communities of the Northern Zone of the Isthmus (UCIZONI) were assassinated.
We denounce this violence not as an isolated act, but as part of the war of extermination being carried out by the bad government, caciques, and capitalist interests against our communities. They seek to dispossess us of our lands with terror, persecution, and death at the service of sinister interests.
We demand justice for our fallen brothers, respect for the autonomy of the Indigenous communities, and security guarantees for the town of El Platanillo. We hold the state and federal governments responsible for their omission and complicity in this escalation of violence.
Whoever refuses to bow their head and convert themselves into servants of the government of the so-called fourth transformation is persecuted, displaced, imprisoned, and assassinated. They are the same as before. In the face of these attacks, we call for resistance and rebellion in defense of mother earth and its defenders.
We express our solidarity with UCIZONI and with all the Indigenous communities who in spite of the repression, continue to fight, defending their life and dignity.
End the war against Indigenous peoples!
No to the dispossession, no to the repression!
Justice for the victims of Santo Domingo Petapa!
National Indigenous Congress—Indigenous Governing Council
Zapatista Army of National Liberation
Mexico February 13, 2025