Milan, Italy: Incendiary Attack Against Some Vehicles of the A2A and Unareti Companies

On the night of Wednesday, February 26 to Thursday, February 27, a number of A2A and Unareti vehicles were set on fire in Milan.
The A2A group, which also includes Unareti (a company that, specifically, is responsible for ensuring high, medium and low voltage gas and electricity supply to Italian consumers) is a company whose shares are more than 50 percent owned by the Italian state and is involved in the production, sale and distribution of electricity.
In October 2022, A2A signed a memorandum with SIBF (Southern Israel Bridging Found, an Israeli investment fund focused on increasing hi-tech companies and start-ups in Israel and abroad) with the aim of building a joint hub dedicated to innovation based in Tel Aviv.
The memorandum also aims to strengthen the already existing relationship between A2A, the Israeli Innovation Authority and the Israeli Economic Mission in Italy.
The agreement aims to foster research to evaluate mutual investment opportunities in start-ups, both Italian and Israeli, with a strong focus on the topic of ecological transition.
The “ecological transition” at the heart of this agreement is touted as the transition to a more equitable, sustainable and healthy system. Behind this rhetoric lies the need for the capitalist system to restructure itself on the one hand to cope with the increasingly acute and frequent environmental, energy and war crises, and on the other hand to accommodate the growing energy needs demanded by the continuous technological advancement and digitization of society.
One of the main partners with whom many Western states, and with them many investee companies such as A2A, decide to enter into agreements for this purpose is Israel, and this choice is by no means accidental.
The continuing state of emergency and war that Israel claims to be in since its inception has meant that the bureaucracy necessary for foreign investment in many areas, including clearly the military, has been streamlined.
Within system-state Israel every sector of society is bent to war needs, and the intermingling of research in the civilian and military spheres is very evident. This interchange involves not only projects but also people: it so happens that among the management cadres of SIBF and partners are former Israeli national security chiefs and former executives of Elbit (an Israeli military technology company).
A2A’s choice to partner with an Israeli investment fund openly aligned with the Zionist project, so much so that it publicly declared “We are at war, but this ongoing war-since Israel’s founding-has been one of the catalysts for our innovative hi-tech industry, and we will prevail,” represents direct support for the Zionist project.
By supporting a major Israeli fund and building hubs in the Israeli capital A2A feeds the huge flows of capital that make possible the existence of system-state Israel and the Zionist occupation of Palestinian territory.
As the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank continues, we consider it urgent not to stand by and multiply the attacks against those who enrich themselves thanks to the Zionist project.

Against a development that brings only devastation and death
Let’s break the home front
The war starts from here
Freedom for all*

Source: La Nemesi

Note: photo not associated with action

Milan, Italy: Incendiary attack against some vehicles of the A2A and Unareti companies