We sent off comrade Baran Serhat, one of the pioneers of our United Revolution, to immortality in a treacherous attack 6 years ago. Despite those who murdered him, comrade Baran Serhat continues to lead our United Revolution struggle. His successors are now proudly waving the glorious flag that he never let go of until his last breath, in the mountains, cities, prisons, squares, factories and schools of Turkey and Kurdistan, in the toughest trenches of the struggle. The dreams of those who think that they can end the struggle for revolution by massacring the revolutionaries are once again shattered. It is again the red road of the revolution that advances to victory despite all the difficult conditions and the all-out attacks of the fascist power. The sacrifice and effort of comrade Baran Serhat on this red road continues to guide us today, as it did yesterday. Comrade Baran Serhat devoted his life to the revolutionary struggle to carry our world, where exploitation and oppression prevail, to salvation and freedom. He became a creative leader by adapting the huge struggle experience he received from his predecessors to the conditions he was in. Wherever there was oppression and pain, he took his place at the forefront of the struggle of the peoples. The cities and prisons of Türkiye-Northern Kurdistan witnessed his many brave actions. He made the enemy kneel down with his upright stance, turning every place he was in into a fortress where the revolution was defended.
Comrade Baran Serhat was a master revolutionary who lived as he thought and brought theory to life with practice. He became both a brave warrior and a creative commander and leader of the struggle, positioned himself in accordance with whatever the need of the struggle was, and embraced his duties accordingly. He made intense efforts to develop the common struggle of the people by not recognizing the artificial borders created. He played important roles in protecting and advancing the Rojava Revolution and in expanding the internationalist struggle. He pioneered the establishment and development of our United Revolution movement and undertook historical duties. And in March, which witnessed many heroisms, resistances and also massacres, he fell to the ground in the attack of the fascist Turkish state and its gangs.
We are going through times when the flow of history has entered a sharp turn. We are in a process in which the contradictions and struggles between the rulers who drag the world towards a great destruction and the world’s peoples on the other side have become much sharper. Learning from the lives of the martyrs of the revolution and commemorating them is the most meaningful way to commemorate them, in conditions where revolutionary militancy, revolutionary values and strong comradeship are as necessary as bread and water. Because they walked towards the enemy, never taking a step back from their struggle under the most difficult conditions, always moving forward, never hesitating for a moment, they became indomitable warriors of truth by embracing the consciousness of sacrifice. They instilled hope in the world and humanity, defying pessimism and indecision.
Those we send off to eternity in the struggle for revolution and socialism are the sources of resistance of our revolutionary war. They are monuments of resistance that show us what to do in the face of the unjust wars, occupations, oppression and torture, exploitation and massacres that continue today. We will increase the fight with the awareness that commemorating them is to develop the revolutionary struggle.
While we respectfully commemorate comrade Baran Serhat and all the monuments of resistance, we promise that we will walk more determinedly on the path they walked, that we will expand the united struggle, and that we will carry the struggle for revolution and socialism to victory. Let us raise the struggle for the United Revolution against imperialism, capitalism, fascism and male domination.
Comrade Baran Serhat Lives in Our Struggle in the Year of Immortality!
Martyr Namirin!
HBDH Executive Committee – 23 March 2025