Financial Support Campaign for Self-Managed Social Center “Perasma”

In 2016, after the self-dissolution of the “Self-managed social center” collectivity, which had the political responsibility for 18 years of the space that had the same name with the collectivity, people and groups who had developed political and social relations within the “Self-managed social center” during its years of operation decided to establish a new public space of the leftish movement with the name “Self-managed Social Center Perasma“. In this social center, political/social collectivities with references to social anarchy and libertarian communism, collectivities around gender, patriarchy and anti-sexism, self-education groups, groups for art from below and structures meet together (radio, lending library, bookstore, space for the distribution of cooperative products and basic goods without mediators, in direct contact and communication with producers who do not work in the opposite direction to our basic principles).

The project is constituted in an assembly with the aim of managing the activities of “Perasma” and therefore has its own political responsibility, but it is not a political group with a unified political say and action. Politically oriented against state, capital, patriarchy and their derivatives, sexism, racial and social racism, it is inspired by class and internationalist solidarity, feminism and anti-racism. It primarily and practically defends the autonomy from the state, the parties, the NGOs and the bureaucracy of syndicalism.

It operates on the principles of self-organization, horizontality, anti- hierarchy, rotation of persons and financial independence. The General Assembly has a decisive character through unanimity/consensus – with consequent political responsibility. It consists of representatives of the political/social collectivities and structures that coexist in the social center (and are responsible for their political speech, procedures, interventions, events) and of the persons who each time constitutes the work groups of the project. The General Assembly, respecting the autonomy of their personality and action, obviously does not interfere in this field – just as it does not interfere in the events hosted at the “Self-Managed Social Center Perasma”.

In its internal processes, companionship, solidarity, mutual respect, self-commitment, expression of the political will for collective action and the productive management of the issues that arise are aimed. The collectivities/structures that want to be co-located in the Self-Managed Social Center Perasma make their request to the monthly assembly, presenting what they are and what they do, as well as the needs they have from the space; in addition to accepting the political framework and the operating framework, a prerequisite is not to consider cohabitation/coexistence with the other collectivities as a “forced solution to their housing problem”, but as an essential contribution to the creation of a public common space. All persons who want to participate in the Self-Managed Social Center Perasma make their request to the monthly meeting, however, in addition to the acceptance of the political and the operating framework, an important factor is the willingness for collectivization within the “Self-Managed Social Center Perasma”; therefore, at a reasonable interval the individual persons (must) participate in some of the working groups, activity groups and/or propose and promote the creation of new ones. Since the physiognomy of the space can only evolve through equal companionship, behaviors that reproduce sexism, racism, depreciation of partners and companions or the collective enterprise itself, are not tolerated– however, if they occur, they are raised as issues to the assembly with the aim of solving the problems they caused.

The center is open and supportive of any attempt to strengthen social and class struggles. It welcomes and hosts schemes during the process of their political formation, hosts solidarity actions in different fields (class, gender, social rights, anti-racism, refugees-immigrants). Its inner life is articulated around the inner processes of the groups, the self-education discussions on texts and books, the open events that are organized, the films that are shown, the plays that are staged, the musical evenings, the coffees served, the celebrations of our common life and the joy of fighting; and above all, through the bonds that all these builds.

In this context, the “Self-Managed Social Center Perasma”, recognizing itself as an integral part of the movement, seeks to remain a point of meeting, enrichment and promotion of social, political and class struggles. Economic independence, political attitude and choice are a necessary condition that ensures the possibility of the shelter to exist, and to actually support and empower the people from below.

So, to keep the passages open,

our strength is the collective will and the practical solidarity of all those

who recognize that social emancipation

needs (many) passages.

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