HBDH: “We Invite You to Join the Barricade on the Street, the Militia in the City, and the Guerrilla on the Mountain”

HBDH YK made a written statement and called on the youth to organize.

Young women, young workers, students, young unemployed:

The fierce struggle going on in Turkey and Kurdistan is affecting every segment of society and gradually increasing its violence. The form, size and severity of the war are different from yesterday. While this process almost suffocates all segments of the society in a vice, on the other hand it creates the possibilities and possibilities of salvation. While our people are left breathless in an unprecedented darkness, they are trying to find a way to get rid of it. This is a great war and we have come to a new threshold in this war. We are in a process that is pregnant with great upheavals.

Youth is at the forefront of both this imposed darkness and the struggle that develops against it. Young women, young workers, unemployed, students: our youth, who have become the cause of rebellion, welcome everything that they have experienced.

There is no living space left for the youth in the capitalist system. We know this fact from schools turned into barracks, factories and workshops turned into dungeons, and streets turned into enemy positions. The State tried to impose the reactionary ideology of fascism on the youth with the policies of oppression and intimidation. With anti-scientific education methods, it has become impossible to talk about academic education. Despite a thousand and one obstacles, those who graduated joined the army of the unemployed, their efforts being ignored. Young people, who could not attend school due to the economic crisis, turned to working areas. In the working areas, the problems continued exponentially. Aside from meeting their vital needs, the youth has been made to think about the bread they will get for the evening. It was seen as cheap labor and condemned to the harshest working conditions. They were imprisoned in factories, workshops. young women were rendered incapable of roaming the streets with peace of mind. They are subjected to violence even just walking, let alone spending time outside. They are harassed and raped by familiar or unfamiliar people. They are murdered every day, and if they are “lucky” they “get away” with incurable wounds. All their hopes for the future have been taken from them by this outdated system and fascism.

The capital and its representatives have no more tolerance for any voices that oppose them. Revolutionary, socialist and patriotic youth are attacked because they oppose this life they condemn. They are beaten, threatened, detained, arrested, murdered by the police, military and civilian fascist forces of fascism. Young masses are being tested with all kinds of reactionism of fascism and they are tried to be trained with the means of violence.

The Solution Against Fascism is in the Revolution!

It is enough! The time to just talk about our problems is long over. There is no solution within the system. The solution to all these deep-rooted problems is only possible with a radical change. It has become a necessity to put an end to the capitalist system and the domination of fascism. What we need to do now is to start practicing to overthrow those who see this life for us.

We have vital duties to organize the war, recruit new fighters to our ranks, and realize the United Revolution. Gotta fight! We can’t achieve anything without fighting. Whatever we have won, we have won with weapons. Revolutionary, patriotic, socialist youth in prisons, mountains and cities defeated the counter-revolutionary force by force; In Kurdistan and Turkey, they cleared the squares and suburbs of the cities of the fascists. It has developed, and continues to evolve, through the stubborn struggle for the united revolution. The People’s United Revolutionary Movement marches to victory on the legacy of this unique war and immortal comrades.

Denizler, Sinanlar, Mahirs, Mazlumlar, İbrahims, who made the beginning of the revolutionary movement in our lands and led us in the past; in the war against this reactionary system, they were on the front lines as young communist and patriotic leaders and became the hope of our peoples. They and their descendants mobilized tens of thousands of people; they took part in the workers’ strikes and the peasants’ resistance. They did not hold back from the struggle against imperialism either. Here, the Seas showed us one of the pioneering examples of mass revolutionary violence as they dumped the soldiers of the 6th Fleet into the sea. While expelling the fascists from schools and working-class districts, they rushed into the fight without squinting. They took on the mass struggle on a revolutionary basis. They did not get carried away by reformism, parliamentaryism. They saw the future of struggle in the militant mode of action, they did not surrender to legal limits. Just as they set an example for us in guerrilla warfare, they did not hesitate to take every step that would carry the struggle forward in the mass struggle. As the leaders of the mass struggle, so to speak, they thought like a guerrilla and acted like a guerrilla.

Today, until we root out all the remnants of fascism in the lands of Turkey and Kurdistan, the examples of their determined and militant struggle should be our guide. Today, their path is the path of those who unite and fight under the banner of the People’s United Revolutionary Movement.

The ice has broken, the road has been opened. We are side by side. We are in cities, we are in the mountains, we are in factories, we are in schools, we are in the squares, we are in the streets. The lands of Turkey and Kurdistan are now witnessing the final phase of the history of the United Revolution. We will either destroy this state or this rottenness that grips our throat like a vice will take our breath away. We have no other way. Against fascism, the only way is united revolution.

The youth of the United Revolution must march forward with all their energy and determination to recruit all the youth who want to fight against fascism, and militantly carry the flag of struggle at the forefront. Now together we are stronger, braver, more assertive. And we know the situation is revolutionary! All we have to do is go “Forward… Further…”.

It is time for the youth on the revolutionary front of Kurdistan and Turkey to take up the arms of struggle. It is time to make the United Revolution a reality.

In all revolts, the youth are at the forefront. Our youth showed great determination in the June Uprising, 6-8 October Kobane Serhildan, self-government resistances. We have a youth that brings out Sinans, Bards, Aynurs, Ceren, Taylan, Ulaş, Euphrates, Sara and Ruken. We believe in our youth and trust that they will play a leading role in building the united revolution.

The Youth’s place is in the ranks of HBDH; We invite you to join the barricade on the street, the militia in the city, and the guerrilla in the mountains, to organize.”

Source: Nûçe Ciwan