ELN Statement on the Peace Process: For All Us to Comply

Political Declaration of the Central Command (COCE)

We consider it important to contribute in an objective, calm and healthy manner, so that all Colombians have the elements of information and each one of us can make the best reflections and conclusions, with the purpose of building a Colombia for all.

1. For those who say that there is no unity in the ELN and that there are differences within us and that they advise us to hold consultations, we can inform you that at the end of 2022 and the beginning of this year we held a meeting of all the national and regional commands and with representatives of the Dialogue Delegation. There, the agreements of the First Cycle of Dialogues were analyzed and all the decisions for the continuity of the process were taken.

These conclusions are of a totally unified character in the ELN and therefore we all share them or consciously abide by them, there is no imposition here, but rather deliberation and construction of political consensus. In the ELN we move away from imposed political discipline: we comply out of conscience and identity.

All of us, from Commander Antonio García and Commander Pablo Beltrán, as well as the Central Command as a whole and the entire Command, will comply with what the Dialogue Delegation was instructed to do.

2. At the beginning of the year they wanted to impose a “multilateral ceasefire” on us through the media without having been agreed upon at the Dialogue Table, now they intend to impose it in the same way.

3. To the Dialogue Table we sent our considerations on the offensive operations that the Military and Police Forces were developing in the middle of the Unilateral Ceasefire at the end of the year, as well as those carried out in the rural areas of Buenaventura, Antioquia and Arauca, we did not make any media claims, we respected the channels; but unfortunately there were no effective responses, there was no constructive dialogue that would modify the operational situation on the ground, they continued the military offensive in our areas. By logic and by inertia of the conflict, our military actions must be analyzed in the same way that the operations of the government forces are analyzed, it is common sense.

4. Several analysts and establishment media companies such as Caracol RCN, Semana and Blu Radio have pointed out that the government Armed Forces are legitimate and can attack us and we cannot. This could be so if the ELN were not an Organization Armed in Arms against the State, and we have been doing so for 60 years. That is the reality and we cannot act otherwise, that is the reality we are trying to overcome through dialogue. That is why we go to the Table and we do not use the media strategy as the Government is using it.

5. There is an ongoing Dialogue Process, where there is an agreed Agenda, there are issues that have not yet been negotiated, it is foreseen in the next cycle in Cuba to work on the point referred to the Participation of Society and a Bilateral Ceasefire. It will be at the Table where we will discuss them, we will not play the game so that issues at the Table are conditioned by media pressure, there are protocols and agreed rules that must be respected.

6. It is not negative that the Government holds regional dialogues to listen to the demands of the communities in the regions, but that it complies with them, it is the responsibility of the rulers, and the first thing that the society that accompanied it to the polls expects is compliance with the Pliegos that were delivered to Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez one day before their inauguration.

The design of the participation of society will be carried out at the Table between the ELN Delegation and the Government Delegation, with the participation of society; these cannot be express dialogues without preparation. So that there will be no surprises at the Table, this is what has been agreed. Neither the Delegation nor the ELN have departed from what was agreed.

7. To conclude, Colombia can be sure that our interest is to work for a Colombia in peace, with transformations, to make it more democratic, more equitable and just. We are in function of working for the design of the Participation of Society and to advance to a Bilateral Ceasefire.

Central Command

National Liberation Army

Mountains of Colombia April 4, 2023