HPG: Turkish Attacks on Guerrilla Areas Continue Unabated

The press centre of the People’s Defence Forces (HPG) reported that the Turkish army continues its occupation attacks on the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

According to the daily statement of the HPG, Turkish occupation forces launched attacks on Girê FM Resistance Area on May 11, to which the guerrillas responded to defend themselves.

On the same day, guerrillas responded to the Turkish troops that attacked and tried to demolish the guerrilla positions in Sîda.

On the other hand, the areas of Kanîsarkê and Girê Cûdî were shelled six times by fighter jets.

On May 11 and 12, the areas of Girê Cûdî and Girê Amediyê, and the guerrilla positions in Sîda were targeted by 8 attacks with howitzers, tanks and heavy weapons.

Turkey’s attacks continue despite a ceasefire announced by the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK). The decision was taken after the devastating earthquake disaster in the Turkish-Syrian border area on 6 February. The Kurdish guerrillas, which include the HPG and the YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops), are implementing the call for a cessation of all hostilities and are in a defensive position.

In a statement on February 9, the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), an umbrella organization of the Kurdish freedom movement of which the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) is also a member, called for a halt of military actions in Turkey, in metropolises and cities. “It is necessary to prevent the people from experiencing even more suffering in this affliction”, said Cemil Bayık, co-chairman of the executive council of the KCK.

The Central Headquarters of the People’s Defence Forces (HSM) expressed support for the KCK’s call and said on February 11 that the guerrillas were ready to do their part to alleviate the suffering of people.

On March 27, the KCK Executive Council co-chair Besê Hozat announced that the unilateral ceasefire would remain in place until after the elections to be held in Turkey on May 14.

According to the annual balance sheet of war in the Medya Defence Zones, published by the Central Headquarters of the People’s Defence Forces on April 14, the Turkish army carried out 3,730 attacks with chemical and other unconventional bombs on guerrilla areas, 4,233 attacks by combat aircraft and 5,628 attacks by combat helicopters.

According to the balance sheet of war for the month of April, published by HPG on May 2, the Turkish army bombed Medya Defense Zones from the air and land 1081 times and attacked the guerrilla positions 8 times using chemical and banned weapons.

Two soldiers of the Turkish army were killed on Tuesday when the guerrillas exercised their right to self-defence and responded to attacks on their positions in Southern Kurdistan.