Turkey: HBDH Sakine Cansız Militia Attack on the District Police HQ in Yüreğir, Adana

HBDH Sakine Cansız Militia: “We Attacked the District Police Headquarters in Adana!”

The enemy is cruel, treacherous and cunning! It attacks our peoples and their courageous sons and daughters with all kinds of tricks, without any moral compass.

It attacks in the cities and the countryside, using banned weapons. It organizes reckless assassinations abroad.

Just like the January 9 Paris Massacre, when it assassinated women revolutionaries using their most vile and despicable murderers. Their misogyny, oppression and massacres against women never slow down. The fascist state and their bourgeois reactionaryism especially emboldens the misogynists. Because misogyny is the most basic feature of all kinds of reactionaryism!

Our militia shot the fascist enemy in Adana in order to respond to misogyny and massacres of women, in particular the January 9 Paris Massacre. It struck with the anger and consciousness of Sakine!

On the evening of January 11, at around 21:00 hours, we confronted the fascist enemy in Yüreğir. We attacked the district police headquarters in the Koza neighborhood with our guns and grenades. The fascist police, who suddenly saw our militia in front of them, threw themselves left and right in fear and panic, not knowing what to do. After a while, first from the garden of the police headquarters and then from the left and right, the police shot indiscriminately in panic.

After the action, our militia successfully left the area and reached their respective bases.

We Will Continue to Hold the Killers to Account!

Long Live HBDH!