(Chile) Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building by Action Group July 6 – New Subversion

Succeeding in an attack is the most expected situation because we like things to turn out as planned and for our claims to be preceded by the sound of an explosion. But succeeding always carries the situation of failing closeby, sometimes being overly explicit or in others passing almost imperceptibly: “the right timetable wasn’t chosen”, “the appearance was not changed in a place without cameras”, “the correct route wasn’t taken”, “the functioning of the clockwork has not been confirmed”, etc.m are approaches motivated by looking for some error, each one being elemental with its own level of influence for the operation in its integrity and that don’t reduce it to whether the device functioned or not. It could be that the target exploded, what satisfaction!; but all the successes and errors that are behind this, how are these counted? How are these seen? What do these say about the action?

When it goes wrong, the worst that could happen, beyond prison and death, is being clouded over by success, which at teh end of the day translates into frustration of “not knowing how to do things”. This has been said in all possible ways in the voice of many comrades, that there is no secret formula for insurrectional action.

Overthinking the techniques and conditions with the goal of finding perfection ends up overwhelming any intion of action. Some intellectual forces become useless because they’re devoid of direct experience, of the tension lived in the moment. The camp of ideal study for operative theory is the camp of action, woven in the past and present by subversive guerrilla experiences. Taking up, studying and positively discussing the reality of our errors can help us catalyze that for the next adventure there’s a better grasp of the variables.

We share appreciations of the Brigadas Anárquicas Luis Ramírez Olaechea that “failing at an attack is part of so many probabilities that arise in the bravery of the streets. When we believe that everything goes well something that escapes the expected and the planned surprises us”. Also from Conspiración por la Iconoclastía Salvaje – Célula Kevin Garrido that “reducing antisystemic actions to their result (successful or not), belongs to a success-oriented paradigm that will only bring us, inevitably, to a militaristic understanding of antisystemic praxis.”

On the target

We forrayed into the principle financial district in the country. We attacked in Sanhattan, where the triumph of capital and ostentation open the appetite for gold with total confidence.

The huge skyscrapers of Sanhattan group together important economic conglomerates, like the Angelini group, Bethia (Solari family), Cencosud (Paulmann family), Quiñenco (Luksic family), the corporate buildings of SOFOFA (Tower of Industry), Santiago World Trade Center, Titanium La Portada, Costanera Center, CCU, meters from the US embassy, among others. In addition, Sanhattan is characterized by the majority of its buildings being meeting spaces for owners of banks, mines, construction companies, dams, oil companies, lawyers buffet, private security agencies, etc. This is the place where they administer the forms of living and dying, where the tanatopolitics has a reason to exist, where capitalist and authoritarian expectations strengthen an important part of the forces of transnational intervention.

Within this grand centrality there have been a series of entities attacked, demonstrating that up to now no system of security technologies nor investigative technical advances of the police has been able to impede that they become vulnerable to the anarchist offensive, the Scotiabank building being object of an attack this time.

What can we say to justify attacking a bank that has not already been said? Maybe, that it is the place where the powerful continue growing their vaults; maybe, that it is the trap to put the poorest into debt and propagate their misery; maybe, that it is where we are given the opportunity to expropriate and finance our struggle. Maybe, none of the above. There are enough justifications and not enough actions.

This gesture is in memory of Sebastian Oversluij, assassinated 10 years ago in an attempted expropriation at the State Bank in Pudehuel. His experiences of life have contributed to a multiform conception of antagonistic practices; drawing, writing, singing, marching, doing graffiti, attacking, expropriating… knowing freedom with a heart full of ire, to reduce anyone who takes it away from us to dust. Angry, nothing is settled!

In solidarity with Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García, Aldo Hernández, Lucas Hernández, Ru, Tortu, Ita and Panda. In solidarity with Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, who were sentenced to 12 and 86 years respectively, sentences with which the authority aimes to intimidate the ideas and wills of those who position themselves against a bulldozer system through violent revolutionary action. The news of their sentences fills us with motives to continue the attacks and, through these, crack the walls that imprison them.

Determined to combat the pretensions of innaction and passivity, arming ourselves with our best tools in the realization of an antiauthoritarian project of liberation, we continue on the paths propagated in the Nueva Subversión, that without being an organization nor with an end in itself, is an informal and diffuse network made up of affinity groups in the historical framework of urban guerrilla struggles.

To the fugitives on the paths of the world,

To those who don’t and will never fold the indomitable heart and the iron will,

To Mauricio Morales, Sebastian Oversluij and Alexandros Grigoropoulos. For Alfredo Maria Bonanno, the insurrectional method does not stop and, we cannot stop!

Here we continue, making anarcy live!

Action Group July 6 – New Subversion

Translated by Act for freedom now!

(Chile) Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building by Action Group July 6 – New Subversion