(Chile) Incendiary Actions for Day of the Young Combatant

Catholic University of Temuco

On Wednesday, March 27, pamphlets were unfurled, barricades were set up and clashes were set up against the presence of the Carabineros (COP) on the north campus of the Catholic University of Temuco (Rudecindo Ortega Avenue), on the eve of March 29, the day of the young combatant. No arrests were made.

Juan Gómez Milla, University of Chile

On Wednesday, March 27, hooded ones erected barricades, unfurled canvases, threw pamphlets and clashed with Carabineros (COP) on Av. Grecia on the eve of a new commemoration of the day of the Young Combatant. No injuries or arrests were reported during the action.

Liceo Manuel Barros Burgoño

On Wednesday, March 27, the comrades of the Manuel Barros Borgoño High School went out to block San Diego, on the eve of the day of the young combatant, opening the 3 padlocks with welded boxes on one of the gates that give access to the street. Barricades and clashes with Molotov cocktails were carried out against the presence of the Carabineros (COP).


Several initiatives took place this Friday in some parts of Santiago for the commemoration of the Day of the Young Combatant, and several led to clashes with the security forces. It was usually incendiary barricades that provoked the intervention of the carabinieri, as in Avenida Recoleta or in Villa Francia, where the police forces threw large tear gas canisters and grenades to disperse demonstrators. Other clashes took place in Pedro Aguirre Cerda, where protesters burned a vehicle and clashed with police forces. Barricades and clashes were also noted in Huelen and Mapocho streets in the Cerro Navia district, where protesters clashed with police forces with Molotov cocktails.

Sources: Informativo Anarquista & Secours Rouge