Agitation Against the Drug Trade, the State and the Police: Chile

Some Anarchists coordinated in the periferies of Santiago; Cerro Navia, La victoria, Villa Francia…

On this date of pain and rage, of memory and also action we took up the path of confrontation with power and those who sustain it.


Since the 80s, as local youth over the generations, we’ve witnissed how the marginalized fall into the networks of drug consumptions and by extension into the logics and dynamics that this world carries. We don’t hesitate for one second in pointing out those responsible for this: power and its many tenticles that aim to suffocate any type of flame that opposes its logics at any cost, no longer with the rifle, but now with coca paste, cocaine, and countless other alienating substances.

We position ourselves as enemies of any form of control, of any type of authority. We understand and affirm that the drug trade is one more form of this. The drug dealers as sustainers and promoters of a capitalist economic model, sheltered and in complicity with the forces of order, they advance in these times through quantum leaps, winning spaces and corners in the peripheral neighborhoods across the territory dominated by the state of chile.

Just like in past decades, in the present it’s the drug dealers who often dictate the rythym and stride of the streets and allies of the neighborhoods. Where the residents must take shelter and accept said forms of domination. Establishing logics of violences such as “every man for himself”, and “survival of the fittest”. Creating conflicts within the spaces inhabitted by the exploited and marginalized of this capitalist society. It’s clear to us that as much as in the past, many comrades have fallen into the clutches of drugs or the drug trade. We watch with concern how these dynamics of relations are being promoted and accepted in spaces of combat.

As Anarchists we consider it necessary and imperative to question and take action directly and without hesitation against those who sustain any type of power and authority. We declair the drug trade our enemy, just like the police.

We call on others to retake the spaces, the streets, the plazas. So that our peers may develop their social relations in tranquility, without the constant fear of being subject to a stray bullet, or a robbery. We don’t believe that the solution is more police in the neighborhoods. The deepening and perfection of the police state is the perfect solution for the powerful, making way and opening new markets for the drug trade.

In this time where these conducts and forms emminating from logics associated with the drug trade, from “fittest”, to “coolest”, it’s urgent to be able to create spaces of confrontation and tension with these logics. It’s time for us, the marginalized and exploited, to come back to ourselves in order to confront the problems that arise with new forms of social control.

With: Pablo, Eduardo, Rafael, Claudia, Mauri, jhony, Araceli, Matías, Norma and all the youth combatents who gave their lives in the war against the state and power.

By and with their example, for those who are here, and for those yet to come…
Narcos and dealers out of the neighborhoods…
No narcos, no thugs, no police. Streets for revolt.
Direct action against what oppresses you. Fire and lead to any type of authority.
