Resistance Statements About ICC Warrants

West Asian authors and the Resistance organziations have released statements about the International Criminal Court warrants that target the Zionist regime but also, absurdly, targeted the decolonial resistance movement in Palestine. Below we compile a few statements that have been released addressing the situation.
Writer Musa al-Sada
On the Decision of the International Criminal Court

It is important to conduct a comparative study between the Palestinian revolution post-October 7 and both the Algerian and Vietnamese revolutions. The history of the Algerian revolution is typically divided chronologically into the seven years following the glorious first of November. Today, it is essential to discuss the notion of a “Algerian moment” in Palestinian history. Although a detailed comparison is extensive, in summary, the years of the liberation war forced the French to break colonial taboos: there was no historical concept of an Algerian people, and that Algerian land was an integral part of French soil. Ultimately, the French were forced to acknowledge the equality of Algerians, recognizing that both the colonizer and the colonized were “equals.”

Similarly, in Vietnam, the American defeat meant acknowledging the equality of the occupier and invader with the Vietnamese people. Consequently, the Nobel Prize was shared between a criminal colonizer like Henry Kissinger and a fighter and hero like Lê Đức Thọ, who refused the prize on the principle that the colonizer and the colonized cannot be considered equal.

Historically, the hallmark of the downfall and defeat of the white colonizer is the imposition of the hardest thing on the white man: equality, even if such equality is inherently unjust and inequitable.

Today, in May 2024, the Western world and its institutions have done the hardest thing for them. Three Palestinian leaders are considered equals (albeit unfairly) with three European zionist colonizers. Objectively, from our perspective as colonized peoples, our history, and our experiences, this is a significant step and a historical defeat for the enemy, as well as a loss for the core of what we oppose on this planet, which is colonial white supremacy.

And, of course, to emphasize, the specks of dust under the soles of the shoes of Abu Khaled [Mohammed Deif], Abu Ibrahim [Yahya Sinwar], and Abu Al-Abed [Ismail Haniyeh] are worth more than the entire West.


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most MercifulPress statement regarding:
The Public Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court issued arrest and detention
warrants against a number of leaders of the zionist occupation.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) followed up on the arrest and detention warrants issued today by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court against only two war criminals of the zionist entity. They are “Benjamin Netanyahu” and “Yoav Gallant,” who were proven to be involved in committing the crime of genocide, aggression and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people.

The arrest and detention warrants against the aforementioned occupation leaders came seven months late, during which the “israeli” occupation committed thousands of crimes against Palestinian civilians, including children, women, doctors, and journalists, and destroyed private and public property, mosques, churches, and hospitals.

The Public Prosecutor should have arrest and detention orders against all officials from the occupation leaders who gave orders, and soldiers who participated in committing crimes, in accordance with Articles 25, 27 and 28 of the Rome Statute, which emphasized the individual criminal responsibility of every official, commander, or any person who ordered, or instigated, committed, assisted or aided in the commission of crimes, or failed to take measures to prevent the commission of crimes.

The Hamas movement strongly denounces the attempts of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to equate the victim with the executioner by issuing arrest warrants against a number of Palestinian resistance leaders, without a legal basis, in violation of the international conventions and resolutions that gave the Palestinian people and all the peoples of the world under occupation the right to resist the occupation in all forms, including armed resistance, especially as stipulated in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

Hamas demands the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to issue arrest and detention orders against all war criminals, including occupation leaders, officers and soldiers who participated in crimes against the Palestinian people. It also demands the cancellation of all arrest warrants issued against Palestinian resistance leaders, as these warrants violate international conventions and resolutions.

Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas

Monday: 12 Dhul-Qi’dah 1445 AH
Corresponding to: May 20, 2024 AD

Mujahideen Movement:

In response to the issuance of arrest warrants by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, we affirm the following:We are astonished by the issuance of arrest warrants for only two leaders of the criminal enemy after more than 7 months of zionist killing and terrorism in Gaza, ignoring the participation and role of the entire leadership of the enemy’s government, army officers, and soldiers in the ongoing genocide against our people in Gaza.

We strongly condemn the issuance of an arrest warrant against some leaders of the resistance, which equates the oppressor with the oppressed. This is a clear deviation from international laws that guarantee the right of peoples to resist occupation.

We affirm that the issuance of these decisions, which are delayed in some aspects and unfair in others, indicates the inability and failure of international institutions to stop the ongoing genocide against our people. These institutions still succumb to the politicization and dominance of zionist-American and global forces of evil.

Palestinian Mujahideen Movement.
Media Office
12 Dhul-Qa’dah 1445 AH
20 May 2024.

 Popular Resistance Committees:

Resistance against occupation and aggression is a fundamental right and duty guaranteed by all international laws and charters, foremost among them the laws of the United Nations, to which the International Court of Justice belongs to. This court has been a symbol of deliberate procrastination and failure in addressing the genocide and in taking firm and decisive actions to stop this holocaust that our people and land are subjected to in all our occupied Palestinian territories, not just in Gaza.The International Court of Justice’s intention to issue an unjust decision to arrest resistance leaders in Gaza, specifically leaders Abu Ibrahim Al-Sinwar and Mohammed Al-Deif, may Allah protect them, is a clear equation of the victim and the executioner, and between the usurping occupiers and the rightful owners of the land. It represents encouragement for the zionist Nazis to proceed with the genocide and ethnic cleansing carried out by the Nazis of this era, the zionists, with American and Western support.

The International Court of Justice’s intention to issue an arrest warrant against leaders Al-Sinwar and Al-Deif, may Allah protect them, strips the court of its impartiality and justice. This institution, whose primary duty is to deliver justice and uphold the rights of the oppressed, is clearly abandoning the United Nations Charter, which guarantees peoples the right to resist their occupiers.

What is required from the International Court is to make a clear and explicit decision to stop the aggression and genocide in Gaza and to issue arrest warrants for all zionist criminals, foremost among them Netanyahu, Gallant, Smotrich, Ben Gvir, and the heads of the Nazi war council. Any delay in doing so will put the court’s integrity, impartiality, and justice to the test.

Media Office of the Popular Resistance Committees in Palestine.
Monday, May 20, 2024, corresponding to 12 Dhul-Qa’dah 1445 AH.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most MercifulThe statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court equates the victim with the executioner.

After 76 years of crimes against humanity and war crimes against our people, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has contented himself by requesting the court’s judges to issue arrest warrants against two zionist war criminals, Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, ignoring the hundreds of war criminals among the enemy’s leaders, both politicians and military, whose crimes have been broadcasted in sound and image since October 7 until today.

At the same time, he issued a recommendation to issue arrest warrants against three leaders of our Palestinian people and its resistance, thereby placing the names of resistance leaders alongside those of the enemy leaders as accused individuals, equating the victim with the executioner, in violation of international decisions that grant the right to occupied peoples to resist occupation.

While we consider the indictment of the enemy’s leaders a small and delayed step in the right direction, we denounce the indictment of the Palestinian resistance leaders, viewing it as an attempt to confiscate our people’s right to resist occupation and aggression, and an attempt to mislead international public opinion, which has shown unprecedented solidarity with the Palestinian people and its resistance since the Nakba of 1948.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement
Monday, 12 Dhul-Qa’dah 1445 AH, May 20, 2024