Komotini, Greece: Reoccupation of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D., Book Presentation Event of ‘Which International?’ & Intervention by a Comrade from Vetriolo Newspaper

On Wednesday 29 May we reoccupied the Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D. where we held the planned event on the book presentation of the interview of the anarchist nihilist Alfredo Cospito in the anarchist Italian newspaper Vetriolo, a telephone intervention and an information from an Italian comrade about the 41BIS regime and the current situation in Italy, while a text was sent by a comrade of the newspaper Vetriolo which was translated into Greek and read at the event, followed by an update from a comrade on the new penal code and the event ended with a discussion, after some questions were asked to the Italian comrade.

In the area there were tables with texts, stickers, posters, pamphlets and books as well as a poster exhibition and a banner for the occupations. The event was attended by 20 people.

It should be noted that when we approached the site, there were about 10 people from the technical service in order to prevent the occupation and the event. Of course, they did not succeed. What we made clear to them is that not only the dean and the cops are our enemies but also any others who stand against us. The issue of the evacuation of the compound is clearly political and provocative since guards were placed in our area. The idiots in the technical department have no business getting involved in political issues.

There are no excuses that they are following orders and are afraid of being fired, nor do we care since none of the workers of the technical service bother to understand what they are asking us to understand. If they have labour problems with their bosses they can find ways of fighting their class, we will not spare any fearful minions of the enemy.

From now on anyone who comes across us will be treated as they chose to be…

Nothing is over Everything continues

Here is the introduction of the steki and the text of the comrade from Vetriolo and some photos.

Alfredo Cospito has been a prisoner of the Italian state since September 14, 2012. In May 2012, Roberto Adinolfi, the director of Ansaldo Nucleare and a subsidiary of Finmeccanica, was shot in the knee, an action for which he takes responsibility together with Nicola Gai and for which he has been convicted. The assumption of responsibility was signed by ‘Olga Cell- FAI/IRF.

In 2016, already in prison, he was accused of bomb attacks in connection with the Scripta Manent operation.In 2020 he was convicted of 2 bombs sent to the carabinieri training schools in Fossano by the FAI/Anonymous Chaotic Mutiny.In November 2021 he was accused of incitement in the context of the “Sibilla” operation, for which he was acquitted in December 2021.

On 5 May 2022, after months of strict censorship of his correspondence, Cospito was finally transferred from the Maximum Security Prison to the extreme isolation regime (41BIS), where on 20 October 20 of the same year he began a hunger strike lasting several days.

One of the reasons that the Italian state invoked to send Alfredo Cospito to the 41 BIS regime is the interview-discussion entitled “WHICH INTERNATIONAL?” that the comrade gave to the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo, accusing him of “forming or participating in a subversive association with the aim of terrorism and undermining the democratic order” and of inciting “the commission of a crime with the aggravating factor of the aim of terrorism”.

What A. Cospito said in the interview, disturbed the state so much that it sent the comrade to the most extreme regime of imprisonment, trying to silence him but also to exterminate him, since 41BIS is not a harsh solitary confinement but a prolonged torture of mental and physical extermination.

Based on the above, the importance of this translation into Greek and the publication of the book “WHICH INTERNATIONAL?” From the Anarchist Project Ragnarok and the Anarchist Steki Nadir.

The analysis that Alfredo Cospito makes in this interview about technoscience the global system and the role of the state and capital is apt and very important to understand, but what is more important is what he says about the situation of anarchy in the new conditions of repression, control and surveillance, but above all the “musts” of anarchist practice and theory.

It is no coincidence that practice comes before theory, the situation we are experiencing does not give us the luxury of long theoretical statements in long and sometimes boring events. It is time for action, action of direct action in the here and now, but also support for it from groups active in the public sphere. A channel of communication and dialogue must be reopened at international level through the assumption of responsibility and the positioning of individuals and collectives that do not operate in illegality. All this at an international level, thus creating a global web.

In recent years the dominance of reformism in radical movements combined with legalism has resulted in the regression of anarchy, for every one step backwards the states take two steps forward, this is how the otherwise temporary 41BIS regime in Italy passed, this is how the new criminal regime in Greece passed despite all the opposition from the bar associations and the legal society in general.

As long as steps are taken backwards and hope is placed in institutions, parties, etc., power will attack, whatever the temporary will be a test for the permanent and no matter how many institutional and harmless reactions there are, the result will be in favour of the existing system, and no matter how many constitutions there are, the result will be in favour of the existing system.

The best defense is offense, theory is more interesting when it is discussed conspiratorially and in the barricades.

Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D.

Which international? Some scattered thoughts starting from the Greek version of the interview.

The publication in Greek of the interview “Which International?” is an additional important opportunity to support anarchist propaganda initiatives for internationalist solidarity among comrades, as well as a moment of continuation of solidarity mobilizations in the period 2022-’23 to break the isolationist regime imposed for over two years against Alfredo Cospito. However, that is not all. Given the issues raised in the text, it could be an opportunity in which we are given the opportunity to take steps forward to continue an in-depth study of hypotheses and organizational concepts that distinguish anarchists, in order to deepen the debate that the international anarchist movement has been developing since the very first decades of the last century on the nature of this particular anarchist organization, its functions and perspectives.

The tangle of aspirations associated with this debate continues to reflect an urgent need and a hope: develop new energies for a renewed impetus to action.

The development and publication of the interview-dialogue “Which International?”, conducted with Alfredo between 2018 and 2020 in the pages of the anarchist newspaper “Vetriolo” (followed by volume editions published in 2021 and 2022, accompanied by an important supplement, including the most recent ones published during Cospito’s hunger strike).

A century ago, the terms of confrontation between anarchists were the same, namely between the “organisationalists” and the “anti-organisationalists”. Beginning in the 1980s – with the decisive contribution of the comrades who animated “anarchism” and “provocation” – they were positioned between a compositional organization (crystallized in permanent structures and periodic conferences, with quantitative growth among the main purposes) and informal organization (based on affinity groups and comrades who recognize each other in a cause or planning area, having action as a promotional aspect). With the termination of any revolutionary yearning or radical transformation of social reality on the part of more or less historical compositional organizations, the current discussion can be defined as terms of a necessary in-depth study of the divergences that have been taken informally at least in recent years, therefore in the different theoretical-practical paths that comrades have seen fit to undertake in this field. On the one hand, reflection on this question has certainly determined the germination of countless revolutionary impulses. On the other hand, as far as the Italian-speaking anarchist movement is concerned, reluctance, misunderstandings and conflicts have arisen which have led to the consolidation of a chronic difficulty in dealing with the question. To these has been added the need for the State to put an end to any in-depth analysis in terms of perspective, isolating and trying to give a warning about it, as well as to demonise support for the attack against the State and capital (see Operation Scripta Manent, Sibilla and Scripta Scelera on the charges of inciting and committing a crime with the circumstance of aggravating the purpose of terrorism).

With the anarchist newspaper “Vetriolo”, in which Alfredo participated, they were determined to suppress it, trying to contribute to the debate on the organisational means in the anarchist movement, as well as on certain aspects of anarchist theory, aware that – as stated in the introduction to the first edition of “What International?” – “Emphasizing the importance of action, the catastrophic event generally understood, is not enough to get us out of it from the shallows of lack of perspective.” In particular, the pages of the paper addressed the anarchists’ understanding of class struggle, beyond the misunderstandings that often lead to the belief that the concept of “class” is a kind of Marxist manipulation or an anachronistic theoretical bloat and should therefore be set aside. The “Vitriolo”, despite all its limitations, therefore represented a space where it delved into the implications of the changes that occurred in the social reality of those years and in the process technological progress have determined in the struggle.

Alfredo Cospito’s transfer to 41 bis (5 May 2022) was particularly motivated by the results of the Scripta Manent trial at the Court of Appeal of Turin and by the research activities merged in the Sibilla proceedings, the latter concerning in particular the publication of “Vitriolo”.

“Which international?”. Regarding the Scripta Manent, the decision in the Court of Cassation in against the twenty accused comrades was made a few months after Alfredo’s transfer to the 41 billion (and this sentence was followed by a series of hearings on the definition of the scope of the sentences against his companion Anna Beniamino and against Alfredo himself), This story was shamelessly used to justify the detention of the comrade at 41 bis and with it, and through the other procedures already mentioned, the new inquisitors intended, among other things, to keep it the anarchists are “instigators”.

I would like to focus on this point, not so much because of a non-existent need to “confront”, but rather because it seems to me that the subject is still worth mentioning; revolutionaries and anarchists have no confidence in the justice of the State and we give substance to our own ideas, to our particular vision of the world, so that it may be a stimulus for autonomy of thought and action. We therefore support the reasons for the attack and do not “incite” or “direct” anything. As well as was confirmed in multiple initiatives during the mobilization in solidarity with Alfredo and other revolutionary prisoners, under the regime of 41 bis and life imprisonment, those who act against the State and capital have developed such determination that there is no need to incite. It is therefore this autonomy of thought and action that must be expressed, not collectivism and submission to orders.

The imprisoned anarchists are revolutionaries who, like many other comrades, are imprisoned because the state believes that in this way it can give a warning against our struggle, a warning above all to revolutionary paths and experiences. Any repressive attack – big or small – by the state must be understood within the ongoing conflict, modulated according to its progress, and applied by the repressive apparatus in order to prevent the need for action, trying to discourage any maturation in this direction. We are at a moment that makes it increasingly clear how war is the constitutive essence of the state, where the state and capitalist massacres – is the daily reality, where the exploited are slaughtered at work, where governments proceed unabated in their own spiral. Hence Alfredo Cospito’s transfer to 41bis was also an expression of war politics and should be understood as an act of internal war, with all that goes with it. In this context, the current evolution of the conditions of exploitation, producing a humanity ever more subordinated to the techniques of capital and deprived of any vestige of dignity, is called upon to define new needs for conflict. The hope outlined at the beginning of this contribution – the development of new actions for a renewed impetus for action – seems essential, both immediately and in the future. Beyond the rapid changes that have occurred in recent years, a text like “Which International?” remains relevant and can become a valuable opportunity for reflection in this sense.

Greetings to all the comrades present and special thanks to the comrades who promoted the initiatives.

Francesco Rota

Source: athens.indymedia

source: darknights.noblogs.org