June 15-16 Continues to Lead the Way — HBDH

The workersresistance of June 15-16, which marked a turning point in the history of the struggle of the proletariat of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, continues to guide the working class and toiling peoples in its 54th year with its enormous impact and results.

The worker-peasant-youth struggles of our geography, which started to rise with 68, reached an important stage of development by 1970, and despite all the pressures of the order, the rising movement became unstoppable like an avalanche. In terms of the existence of the ruling classes and their order, these resistances had to be prevented and thedangerhad to be eliminated as soon as possible. June 15-16 was brewing on just such a ground. The AP government of the time and the CHP, which represented the ruling classes, closed DİSK, which led the developing workersstrikes, ended the growing workersstrikes, and amended the collective bargaining agreement No. 274, strikes and lockouts, and the trade union law No. 275 in order to dissolve the organization of the working class. After the law was passed by the parliament, the amendment entered into force with the approval of the president on June 11. However, the enactment of the law could not stop the surging anger of the working class, on the contrary, this anger overflowed from the factories to the squares on June 15, creating the most magnificent resistance in its history. Hundreds of thousands of workers against the law lit the fire of great resistance in Istanbul, and the historical resistance reached its peak on June 16 and grew. Workers flocked over barricades and tanks, carried out factory occupations, and cities such as Izmit, Ankara and Izmir, as well as Istanbul, were the scene of the actions of the working class. The government declared martial law immediately after the start of the resistance and mobilized its police and army to suppress the resistance of the workers. Hundreds of workers and union leaders were arrested during and after the resistance, and the resistance was forcibly suppressed. However, in the face of this glorious resistance of the workers, the amendment was canceled, and the great uprising was brought to the rulers.

Although the governments have changed in the decades since June 15-16, life for the working class and laborers has been in a state of search for the previous one with each passing period, especially with the anti-worker policies implemented during the AKP period, which has been in power for 22 years, the acquired rights of the working class have been usurped one by one, work-related murders have grown exponentially, and the working class has been condemned to hunger and poverty. While the entire burden of the crisis is transferred to the workers and laborers, the capitalists add wealth to their wealth. While the working class is slaughtered en masse in factories, mines, shipyards and constructions, those responsible for the massacre are rewarded. Flexible and precarious working conditions, wages below the starvation line, unemployment, work-related murders and poverty have been made thefateof the working class and laborers. The fascist government confronts the workers who struggle and resist against all these with law enforcement officers, prohibits strikes, and intensifies its pressure and threats.

The absence of strong trade unions to fight for the interests of the working class further aggravates the living and working conditions of the class, and the yellow unions that are collaborating with capital betray the working class, let alone fight for the rights of the workers. However, despite all these adverse conditions, the developing actions and strikes of the working class today are the harbingers of the new June 15-16. It is clear that if the developing actions of the working class unite, just as they did on June 15-16, no force can stand in its way. The ground for todays June 15-16 and the power of the working class to create it is abundant.

Our united revolutionary struggle is an unshakable battle position against capitalism, fascism, male domination and imperialism. The liberation of the working class and laboring-oppressed peoples depends on enlarging this war position. Lets unite, organize and fight against capitalism and fascism!

A slave life is not destiny, it is the one that must be sent to the dustbin of history by the militant line of struggle of those who have nothing to lose but their chains.

Hail to those who created the Great WorkersResistance of June 15-16!

Long live our united revolutionary struggle!