Political Declaration of the Sixth Congress of the ELN

The National Liberation Army gathered at the Sixth Congress greets Colombia and the peoples of the world, and shares with them with satisfaction the culmination of its highest democratic event.

Today’s world is experiencing uncertainty as a result of the logic and dynamics of civilization that emerged from the hegemony of capital in crisis, in that it does not solve the fundamental needs of humanity, but destroys life and the planet, on the verge of leading everything to collapse.

In the face of the crisis and the decline of empires, new centers of power emerge that give a glimpse of a future for the history of humanity and are expressed in a change of era. This transition is underway, and shifts are taking place in the centers of hegemony, emerging blocs with a culture different from the Western one that is manifested in the creation of a multipolar world.

To sustain its hegemony in crisis, U.S. imperialism, with its instrument of world aggression, NATO, tries to impose itself through wars of aggression, but since its defeat in Syria, it has encountered a growing capacity for resistance of the peoples and nations that encourages them to maintain the struggle for a world without imperialist control and plunder.

The ELN sends a fraternal and solidarity greeting to all the revolutionary fighters of the world, to all the peoples who resist against all types of domination, oppression and exploitation, especially in solidarity with the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people and condemns the genocidal action of the State of Israel, as well as salutes the response of the Axis of Resistance in support of the just cause of Palestine.

On the other hand, it welcomes the successful struggle of the peoples of the African Sahel against the centuries-old French colonialism, who now project a future with sovereignty and independence.

On the continent, the United States encourages and supports the right wing to try to recover for its influence the countries that continue to try to achieve a sovereign and democratic path, but the peoples resist and fight against the governments useful to the empire that cannot get out of the crisis.

Colombia has not been the exception in the massive struggles of the people to conquer changes for society, as a product of that hope the Historic Pact reached by the Presidency with Gustavo Petro, but the proposed reforms have been blocked by the groups of economic and political power that are hegemonic in the regime and the State.

The almost two years that this government has been in office are the reaffirmation that only the struggle and growing mobilization of the masses, of their organizations, will be the one that will open the true path for the transformations that the majority of Colombia has been demanding for decades, and that are the causes for which the ELN has fought.

On the 60th anniversary of the armed uprising, the Sixth Congress, as the ELN’s highest democratic event, reaffirms its commitment to the search for these transformations together with the majority of the country. All the War Fronts and the Specialized National Structures of the ELN participated in this event, the debates took place in an atmosphere of fraternity and harmony, which concluded in important definitions with broad consensus.

The new National Directorate was elected, being ratified by its great majority, as well as its first three commanders of the Central Command.

The Congress reaffirms its will for peace and its commitment to comply with what was agreed at the Dialogue Table with the Government.

It values the agreement on the Design of Participation of Society in the peace process, reached on May 24 in Caracas, Venezuela, as it is the product of the contribution of thousands of voices and organizations of Colombian society, which aspire to have a sovereign country, with full democracy, with social and inclusive justice; an objective that will be achieved through a Great National Agreement that makes viable the transformations expected by the majority.

This peace process, built with the Participation of Society, by collecting the expectations of change of the majorities, can open or converge in a constituent process.

At the present time, the peace talks process is going through a serious crisis caused by non-compliance with agreements by the Government, but to the extent that it is rectified in a certain way, the activities of the Committee can be resumed.

The ELN values and gives ample recognition to the countries that are guarantors and permanent accompaniers of the peace talks, and all of Colombia will be grateful to them.

Colombia, for the workers!

Not one step back, deliverance or death!

VI Congress: “ELN 60 years, commitment and certainty in popular victory”

Mountains of Colombia

June of 2024

ELN Voces